Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

What I want to know is, how come you still got trust level 3.

I never get to keep trust level 3 when I get a forum vacation.

One time I lost trust level 3 from being flagged. And the flag got overturned.

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I’m surprised about that myself.

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Time to get my tin foil hat and become a conspiracy nut.

The Mandrakes of Aelindrach Realm of Shadow seem to be not tied to Psychic Power and have a suspicious resemblance to Necrons including the Silent King(whom the Deceiver tricked into turning his people into the Necrons).

Furthermore despite my assumptions of the Deceiver(heavily hinted to be the Laughing God of the Eldar) being of the Warp it seems his Shards melt Daemons!

I’m starting to suspect the Mandrakes are Eldar corrupted by the C’tan and draw directly from their Realm of Shadow which opposes the Realm of Chaos known as the Warp.

The denizens of Aelindrach are called Shade-Daemons by Imperium society indicating that the Imperium doesn’t distinguish between the Neverborn of the Warp and the Shades of Aelindrach as any opposing force from another world is a Daemon to them!

Now picture Aelindrach somehow opening a rift into the Materium granting the true Dark Gods(Chaos Gods are Chaos not Darkness) a means to send their Non-Mandrake Shades directly into Reality!

Of course if Aelindrach is Shadow there must be Light… The Warp is divided into Order and Chaos so Aelindrach should be divided into Darkness and Light…

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Anyone can link Youtube videos. I don’t think it requires any trust level.

So they can. I always thought it required trust level 3. Cause I have tried to do youtube videos in the past with trust level 2 and got told “no”.

Typical of blizzard to change something and not tell anyone.

This is knowledge I never should have been given. Everyone is now 83% less safe.


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Farming Comp Stomp for Defiler’s rep. 87% to exalted. So tired. Hate this place. Life is pain.


Defiler’s exalted get!

Now if you’ll excuse me I’m going to play not this game for a while.


Imagine having to run that many games in regular AB.

Tangentially, I ran so much WSG to get the Justicar title that in the process I got all of the WSG achievements over time, too.

Funny how the Crystal Labyrinth is to the side of the Impossible Fortress rather than directly below it like in the old map…

The Prophet makes a note that only the insane can find their way around the Impossible Fortress. Don’t Insane people do the same thing again and again expecting a different result? Isn’t that the very definition of Order? Remaining Static while the World changes continually?

Seems like only those whose minds are the utmost Orderly and Static may find their way through the Impossible Fortress of the Changer of Ways…

I think I was revered on my old main, but since I switched mains in Legion for my demon hunter I’ve been stubborn and grinding out reps on him (even old reps I already had)

I can’t handle pvp much anymore, so I’m glad they added this (and the AV anniversary event) so I can get the pvp reps without the stress.

I don’t know if I want to say congratulations or my condolences.


I hate PvP. It drove me insane to have to do Arenas during two seasons in BfA to get Warsaber mounts.

It’s interesting to me that both support and Forums FAQs are still convinced you are unable to post on the Forums outside of the region you are subscribed to.

I wonder if it is genuinely a bug and all the EU people posting here are exploiters.

EU people have to get NA accounts to post here and vice versa

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Yes, but you don’t need to pay for a second subscription

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While I was sleeping someone reported the guild I am in for its name. And blizzard forced our GM to change it.

Honestly I’m stunned that it took this long for it to happen.

Clearly, Hozen were mad.


Anyone who use bananas as a weapon is a madman.

Perfectly edible fruit being wasted :laughing: