Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

When I ordered my new computer I removed any RGB options, but when the invoice came in somehow the basic default RGB got added back on, so I had to e-mail them to ask them to remove it and send a new invoice. No extra lights for me.

But then how do you see your computer from space?


Alynsa going to start a alien invasion. Some poor alien is going to mistake her computer for a landing strip :laughing:


I want the ISS to fly over my house and report an unknown supernatural event, only to realize it’s my bedroom. I want the FBI, CIA and NSA to come busting down my door, only this time it’s because I turned all the RGB on and it only looks like I’m contacting another world.


I have finally gathered enough context clues to figure out what RGB means.

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Ribs, Grits and Biscuits Yehaw

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I misread it as RBG and thought, “What does Ruth Bader Ginsburg have to do with Alynsa’s computer?”


Really Glowy Bright.

But you, an irl dwarf, thought it was “Really Good Beer”, didn’t you?

It is where I keep my picture of her, right on the side!!


Even I know beer is not best placed in computers, though.

There are better places for beer.


But… Liquid cooling?

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In Warhammer 40K Ghazghkull Thraka spook to his Archenemy Commissioner Yarrick in High Gothic with an ominous statement that he was “My best enemy.” “Go to Armageddon. Make ready for the greatest fight.”

Beforehand he was shown contemplating on how to kill him while also noting: "Humies is all weak scum that deserve ta get stomped. 'Cept for One-Eye Yarrick. He knows how ter fight."

Sure enough Thraka turns his focus on fighting Tyranids while Angron begins descending upon Armageddon. Yarrick is now Thraka’s tool against Angron it seems while he focuses on the Tyranid and Daemonhost threats(so that he can scoop up as many Ork Forces as possible)!

Yarrick was already a pawn of Tzeentch so Thraka figuring that out and throwing him at the guy who has no head for Tactics and thus wont stop until his opponent is dead does sound like a reasonable method of being the Spanner in Tzeentch’s Grand Scheme for an Ork like Thraka AKA the Beast.

If Yarrick is a Warp-Bomb intended to kill Thraka then better Angron die fighting him than risk doing it himself right? Of course a slight such as this depriving Khorne of his Daemon Primarch would make Tzeentch’s Daemon Primarch Magnus the Red become Khorne’s target and get him killed.

Ghazghkull Thraka knows how to play the game! By leaving Armageddon until Angron is killed he gets rid of both Khorne and Tzeentch’s Daemon Primarchs though in Tzeentch’s view said Daemon Primarch is not his most valued tool(whom he turned into a Screaming Void of pure Oblivion freeing him from his schemes) so he can afford to discard him in order to kill Khorne’s favored tool.

Tzeentch’s goal is Change so his greatest Tool is one not under his control. Eliminating his most powerful pawn under his control while eliminating Khorne’s greatest tool enacts Change so that is victory.

Tzeentch’s greatest victory is enacting Change while Thraka’s greatest victory is absolute dominion over all! Tzeentch doesn’t care who conquers as he only wants Change!


Having trouble posting on the US Forums from PC, says I have no lvl 10 characters :confused:

Still works on mobile, though


I’m back from a three day. I guess Blizz doesn’t support Malynsa shipping.


Welcome back :wolf:


That’s unfortunate. I was looking forward to chapter 2.


I might do another Story Forum Universe entry as a replacement. I have an idea for De Other Side but I don’t know who to use as Millificent.


Tyrande moonfired your posting privileged I think. Either that or Malynsa is too hot for these forums.

Or both probably!

Sorry I’m indirectly responsible for your ban. :frowning_face:


The post that actually got me my three day was the one about Tifa’s visit to Italy, but the Malynsa post and everyone’s reaction to it was deleted along with it. I don’t know why those were deleted, they weren’t explicit. But the suspension itself happened because people reported my post. So it seems there are people out there who have been going after me. They’re the ones at fault.


Seems to be a vindictive person reporting posts. Happened to me, you,ren and doness


Whoever is doing it should sit down, relax, and… drink a cold refreshing Coca Cola. We are the gamers of the world and can achieve world peace through consuming soda together. We should join alongside each other and throw battlegrounds to show our dedication to cooperation and conflict resolution. We can change the world through corporate obedience. The forums are an ecosystem of experiences anchored through consumption occasions and we should encourage that. :slightly_smiling_face: