Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

Considering how in D&D Porphatys the 5th Layer of Tartarus is a place with Black Snow and Water that is Acidic(to the point of blistering skin and killing all who bathe in it) and Salty what are the chances that it is infact Acetic Acid diluted enough to have Liquid Form and thus be Vinegar?

Vinegar has caused Burns to the Skin so a less Diluted form of Black Vinegar that kills all who bathe in it and Snows down upon the Layer should not be hard to imagine!

Porphatys is quite an exotic locale as is the rest of Tartarus. Speaking of which:

  1. Othrys has Bogs and is dull. The Titans have a Mountain joining together 2 of Othrys’s Planets as their base of operations which serves as the entrance to Hades and the Abyss. The Mountain’s name is Mount Othrys and considering how MLP’s Tartarus has Cerberus I would assume Equestria is on one of the Planets containing Mount Othrys.
  2. Cathrys is a string of Planets bearing Red Jungles(filled with Plants that spew Metal-eating Acid and bearing one Cottage where the Apothecary creates Poisons for Customers he cares little about) and Grasslands(that can cut through Skin and Boots slaying Mortals traversing the place)
  3. Minethys is a string of Desert Planets requiring heavy clothing to traverse due to the vicious sand. There are cities on some of these Planets
  4. Colothys is a string of Mountainous Planets one of which is the beautiful Garden of Malice containing the Fey Court of Blood and another being Ellaniath the Forest Planet of the Drow God of Thievery(which during the Spellplague got entangled within the Demonweb Pits before eventually returning to Tartarus)
  5. Porphatys as stated is a String of Planets bearing Black Vinegar Seas and Black Vinegar Snow. There are Cities of Barges that constantly need repairs since the Cities are constantly being snowed & splashed on by Vinegar with a high Acetic Acid content.
  6. Agathys is a set of Planets made of Black Ice with Red Streaks where everywhere but the Black Ice Citadel Necromanteion is freezing everyone who doesn’t keep moving into Ice!

One would think the descriptions would be enough to inspire the Writers to write a whole Season of MLP A New Generation involving these 6 Layers of Tartarus!

John Cleese thinks otherwise

I love that thumbnail.

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Warhammer Trivia: Apparently the Eye of Skarbrand that Glows Blue is where the Wrath he embodies flows out of.

Considering that Eye’s Socket is Skull-like one can assume that the Skulls for the Skull Throne is tied to Skarbrand’s Wrath not to Khorne’s Blood.

If someone could simply focus on the Eye of Wrath one might be able to purge the Blood God’s influence turning Skarbrand into the truest embodiment of Wrath dedicated to the Skull Throne possibly usurping it from Khorne.

Khorne cares not from where the Blood flows just that it does and rewards those who create a Disease that sheds Blood en mass with Daemon Prince-hood!

Just don’t deliver unworthy Skulls to the Skull Throne as Skarbrand is linked to the thing and thus anything that would offend his sensibilities would direct Skarbrand’s fury!

Of course it may be that informing Skarbrand of the Daemon Prince that ascended by using a Disease might shatter Skarbrand’s link to Khorne turning Skarbrand into the Chaos God of Wrath drawing the Skulls of the Skull Throne into him while turning Khorne into a mass of Blood reminiscent of Vectis in Uldir obsessed with Slaughter.

Edit: Just discovered that Abaddon is working with Mephet’ran the Deceiver.

Abaddon also has a Silvery chunk of Metal with a Metal Skull in it as a Ponytail… He’s possessed by a C’tan and the thing is smart enough to not touch the Body directly as otherwise the Warp would be harmed and melt just like the Daemon who touched a Shard of the Deceiver!

Ghazghkull Thraka has a Metal Dome on his head, is the new incarnation of the Beast and seems suspiciously full aware of what Angron is doing and is setting up countermeasures by having Yarrick(his best enemy) spared so that he can fight(and probably kill) him… Who is sometimes equated with the Beast of the Apocalypse & Armageddon? Abaddon.

The dreaded C’tan whose name the others dare not speak Abaddon the Destroyer is controlling both Thraka and Horus’s Clone through his Shards!

The question is: what hosts does this guy choose for his Shards? Perhaps beings of Destruction? Would he have an interest in Mortarion, the Great Horned Rat and a freed fully Wrath-embodied Skarbrand? Surely the Destroyer seeks 7 Heads in total!

Just posting here to say this.

Hope you get out if forum jail soon Ren!! Miss you bestie!!


I wish there were a Warcraft themed night club I could go to. Somewhere I could drink themed drinks while dancing to EDM remixes of songs we hear ingame. I haven’t got to experience good nightlife in awhile. Covid put a damper on that, but I have to get my driver’s license renewed too. Anxiety has been holding me back from doing that.

Now for something off topic and weird.

Sometimes I like to make certain character interactions or scenes from the Warcraft universe be replaced with musical numbers from movies etc. I will always picture Loken confronting Yogg-saron about the curse of flesh play out like the finale of Frank Oz’s take on Little Shop of Horrors. Just seeing Yogg bust out ‘Big Green Mother from Outer Space’ is something I just want to see happen.

Or Xavius singing ‘you’re only second rate’ from Return of Jafar to Malfurion in Val’sharah.

I am curious if any of you fine guys and girls can think of any other moments that can be replaced with songs from musicals that can fit with the story.

Shadowlands has given us the perfect way for this to happen with the Theater in Ardenweald. Obviously certain lines and verses would need to be rewritten so it can fit.

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I love this video. Abba made some catchy songs.

(Its the Sharm “Banshee Queen” parody)

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I can’t even take credit for this because it was Makani’s original idea but Sylvanas all through BFA and Before the Storm, aka Christie Golden’s Sylvanas is just like Veruca Salt in Charlie and the Chocolate factory and now I can’t think about BFA/Shadowlands Sylvanas without thinking of this song. The whole “I want Stormwind” plot from Before the Storm that was supposed to lead to the 4th war but went absolutely nowhere felt like this.

The “she was a bad egg” is so relatable.

I can be critical of Sylvanas too and still have a sense of humour.

When she jumps into the Maw in 9.2 and everyone asks, Where is she going? I dare you not to think, “where all the other bad eggs go, down the garbage shoot!”


I’m back!!!


Finally back, as well. These forums cater to the worst, I swear.


Forum vacations just make me stronger, I have a week to formulate replies instead of just saying things spur of the moment.


Can you hear me? Can you read this? If so, please send help. This is Alynsa, currently buried under all the snow. There is a big monster outside howling (or maybe that’s the wind, I’m too scared to go see) and I could not find my car this morning. No car means no coffee. I repeat, I am a decaffinated Alynsa!! This is defcon 500 territory!! And when I tried to find my car outside, I forgot I was wearing sandals so now my toes are very cold.

Ren, Sledge, I am very sorry for making fun of the inhospitable regions where you live, please take your snow and cold and howling wind back now please. I do not want it, I do not need it, and I could not get my morning coffee and must sate my thirst on the blood of my enemies house coffee!!

Take your snow back and I appreciate you Canadians and Alaskans for the horrors you endure so I do not have to!!


Druid#1951 is my Battletag. Yes, I named myself after the Druid class. It used to be my favorite. I added Renautus and Alynsa while I was banned. Would love to add some more of ya’ll!

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I shovelled a 3 feet thick layer of snow off my car last week with a squeegee mop. I did the math and just shoveling my 10x20 driveway I shovelled 3,000 pounds of snow. It was so cold here, we are in an extreme cold warning, that the battery of my car died. At this point you really have to learn to get comfy at home. I have a fancy latte machine and a milk frother, I can make London Fog latte’s at home and it feels so good to just never go outside ever until spring. Hermit crab it.

it’s not my problem if my driveway’s not plowed, that’s the problem the Uber eats delivery person has to solve not me.


Back when I was young, we got snow like this fairly regularly, at least once a year. And back then, Young Alynsa loved it! Shoveling snow at my siblings was always a good time, my big stompy snow boots were comfy and cute, and hot chocolate weather is always a delight.

But now we get snow over a foot maybe once every few years, and the last time I recall true white out conditions was more than a decade ago. I looked outside my window to see how my neighbors are doing and could barely see their house!

What even is this?! Why’d this have to come here?!? Why did the Starbucks just down the road have to be closed and the only open one was a ten minute drive or a forever walk away?!?

Who does this to me?!?!?!?

Now I gotta go unbury my car. If I never return, know that the high winds and snow drifts took me away. Remember me, friends and besties!!

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When I was a kid I don’t remember winter ever being this cold. I used to go snowmobiling with my family every year, we lived on a river so we would skate all the time, we have a boat launch so we would use it as a snow sledding hill. It’s so cold now that I can’t even enjoy winters anymore. I would love to go snowboarding again. It’s -37C with the windchill here today I wish I cold take your cold but I don’t even want the cold we have here rn.

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When I get home I’ll definitely add ya :wolf:


can i add you?

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The 2005 version still haunts my dreams.


This version is my son’s favorite movie lol >.<

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