Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

Too bad :cry: I like you quite a bit.
I hope I can be besties with Sledge then :slight_smile: Sheā€™s da best.


Sounds like last yearā€™s model is a bit jealous.

ā€¦itā€™s okay. I actually have very few short elves (either grape or cherry flavor), because frankly, Iā€™d rather play a troll or a night elf.

Or roll another dwarf.


I agree. I really like Sledge. Sheā€™s a dwarf irl and seems like a very reasonable perso-

I need new besties all around today it seems.


When Iā€™m not very short, I yearn to be very tall.

Blood and void elves are in the awkward middle with humans, who I also only have two of.

and for someone with as many alts as me, thatā€™s not very many

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Itā€™s too late. You have said things that cannot be unsaid. Some lines, once crossed, cannot be uncrossed.

I am crying and in tears and super sad and trying to figure out how Iā€™m going to throw even more RGB into my computer case so that my coworkers who made fun of me for having all the RGB can see how their insults mean nothing to me. Their insults. Your insults have wounded me deep.

I have fulfilled my purpose as a sworn nemesis at long last!

ā€¦well, okay, after like a week.

And also been entertained while I melt and then cool butter because this recipe cannot make up its mind. Itā€™s not like butter recrystalizes differently. Probably.

Void Elves are the only Race I can enjoy playing on the Alliance. Void Elves do have better facial hair and side burn optionsā€¦ but they are a pale copy of the Sindorei.

If the Kul Tirans had the Thin version available, I would make a Kul Tiran Druid and maybe Rogue. But I have 0 interest in the current model.


I love the male Kul Tiran model tbh. They look hilarious in everything and always win the Trial of Style!
As for alliance races, I like my Void Elf most as well, but I also have a Dark Iron dwarf and a Draenei.

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I want to like Kul Tirans a lot more than I do, but the lack of animations on the female face with the expressionless dead stare for them (with doll makeup) generally sends me running for the hills.

I leveled one druid and I think Iā€™m done. Great theory (giant scarred up sailors), less great execution (an entire race of sailors without a single tattoo).

Iā€™ve got at least one of everything, but I have my favorites, for sure.

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Iā€™d love to play a Kul Tiran, but that would require an Alliance character high enough of a level to unlock and that ainā€™t happeninā€™. My only max level alliance was back in Mists because of a boost to play with a friend who doesnā€™t play anymore.

I think my highest level alliance is a level 20 Nelf rogue named Uglystick.

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Oh, forgot about Worgen! My favourite alliance race by far.
But I only ever managed to get one to level 50 for the heritage armor.
I keep making new ones to do the starting zone ( because I love Gilneas so much ) and then delete them.

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Nope nope nope.

This is why blood elves are the pinnacle of elf.


I had a very emaciated nightborn when all the male faces wereā€¦ well, you all remember. The night elf smelled a fart face inherited.

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But then he got a glow up when they made Nightborne more fabulous.


If Nightborne had Druids I might have leveled one, but was not meant to be.

I have decided that I am adding RGB heat sinks to my ram, an RGB strimmer for my 24 pin power cable, and a USB-powered disco ball for my computer!! I cannot wait to install it all and show my coworkers pictures so they can see that their insults only inspire me to go even harder!!

My PC is my night light!!

Also, I am still very sad that Sledge and Vel are no longer among my besties.


I do not understand the abbreviations, but my friendship is like dandelions. You may think youā€™re rid of it and done, but it always returns. Needing nothing. Existing. Being a good bittering herb, and a base for a salad or a country wine.

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Whenever I see Space Police in Fiction enforcing Space Laws I am reminded of the Ancient Humans in Haloā€™s backstory: They decided to purge a Forerunner Planet without warning them about the Flood and ended up decimated and de-evolved for their Self-Righteous Arrogance!

Space Police(such as the ones in Lyrical Nanoha and Teen Titans) are similarly arrogant and just as likely to underestimate a Planet they are stealing from or arresting Criminals on it for itā€™s own good!

If you are trying to protect the Universe do not attempt to aggravate a Planetā€™s inhabitants as that is a Death Wish! Eventually you will come across someone capable of wiping out your entire Empire and Space Police Force making you realize just how arrogant you truly are!

Naturally whatever Race wiped you out will discover from your plundered records just how dangerous the Artifact or Disease they have is and take over your role eventually bringing about their demise as well as victory will make them as arrogant as you are!

Part of the reason why I consider the Plumbers from the Ben 10 franchise to be well written. While there is a greater Plumber enforcement unit, each world has their own branch. And these world branches tend to deploy citizens of that world or local system. Some of these branches actually begin independent of the larger unit. Like it was for Earth.

And like with Earth, they will respect the local authorities. As the Plumbers mainly deal with Alien criminals etc instead of Earth based ones. Unless those Earth base ones gets their hands on Alien Tech. As Earth became an ā€œopen worldā€ between the events of Ultimate Alien and Omniverse (which is like a few months or so). In fact there is an episode in season 1 of Omniverse where Humans discover the secret Alien town of Undertown (which is underneath Bellwood, Bens home town) and are either afraid or hostile. By the time of later seasons of Omniverse, Aliens around the general populace is not that big of a concern. For the most part.

Although Aliens had existed on Earth for a while even during the eraā€™s before Omniverse. They just had to live in secret. Mainly because of the Forever Knights. Which their fear is justified with the episode ā€œPurgeā€. Where as the name suggests, the Knights either ā€œdeportedā€ or killed any alien they could find. Even ones that are citizens of Earth like Pierce Wheels (whom is a human infused with abilities from a particular alien species. Originally he was a human, alien half-breed. gotta love retcons). Following the events of Ultimate Aliens final story arc, the Forever Knights are a shadow of what they once were. We only see 5 of them left and one is a robot.

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