Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

At this point I think the only thing left to give the Void Elves is the Blood Elves’ hair style, isn’t it?

Silvermoon comes after that.


I would REALLY like something unique for them.

Now they look incredibly 0.5 tush’d compared to the other Legion allied races. It annoys me that all void elves get is copy paste and more copy paste instead of anything of their own. For the void, for the high elf aspect, for… Anything, really.

I’m not sure I can even think of anything unique for them. I do like their racial that turns them purple. But even when thinking of what else they could get, the only thing that comes to mind is access to Demon Hunters, which would just be more copy paste.

Void tattoos. Unexpected eyes. Sha markings. The hairstyles that don’t have tentacles having a tentacle toggle like the ones that do. Some new hairdos. Partially transformed skin (and hair). A face or two that isn’t shared with blood elves. Maybe a hunched or wretched stance as a toggle option…

And seriously. Tattoos. But for partially transformed ethereals/void abominations/ blood elves who went toooooo faaaaaaarrrrrr (the arr must be pronounced full pirate mode)/ backup emergency blueside high elves, their designs are pretty sedate. And everything that’s been added in has been shared with blood elves or copied from them, minus one eye color… Which isn’t great for an allied race that already looks an awful lot like its parent.


I think the biggest problem with Void Elves is that they’re trying to make them cover two separate groups.

If they just doubled down on being Void Elves and not “High Elves” they could have gone crazy with all kinds of voidy goodness and not stepped on the Blood Elves’ toes but that’s not what people want from them now that they gave in on the “high elf” options. Any option a Blood Elf gets they’re going to end up giving to void elves purely because people want more “normal” options for them.

If void elves get tattoos before blood elves I’m gonna lose my :poop: . Been asking for those for years.


One of the things void elves need badly is lore.

Right now they’re kind of just, 'blood elves, but extra inclined to lick dubious magical sources."


I mean… are they more than that?

They could be, which I think is the point


Void elves do not need more!! Give more to the truly best elfs!! Blood elfs!!

First, the void elves came for my model. And I did not speak out.
Then they came for my skin tones. And I did not speak out.
Then they came for my hair styles. And I did not speak out.
Next they will come for Silvermoon City, and they will think it should be theirs. Because I have not spoken out sooner.

Down with the void elves!! We must return the blood elves to their natural place atop the elf heirarchy!!!


The problem with Void Elves is that their entire existence was meant as a way to give the Alliance High Elves without actually giving them High Elves. Blizz wanted to have their cake and eat it too, and as usual, they failed.


So fun fact, I did the lorewalker stuff and got the story with Zul and Rastakhan and they updated the models they used for Lorewalker Cho’s little story visual. They left the story alone, so he still says the city falls to the waves, but it was nice to see the new models.


The top of the elf hierarchy still belongs to the Zandalari.


Just because you were the first elf, does not make you the best elf.

The first computer took up a whole room. Do you want to go back to that? Of course not.

The first mobile phones were so big and heavy, you could throw your shoulder out trying to talk on it too long. Do you want to go back to that? Of course not.

The first dwarves were Earthen. Are they better than our standard dwarves? Maybe, but we don’t want to go back to that.

Blood elves are the pinnacle of elf evolution and technology. Do not downgrade to an earlier model just because of nostalgia. Go with the best model of elf, which is blood elf.


I have two Blood Elves ( Hunter and DK ), both of which have existed for a loooong time and I’m quite attached to them but… somehow I grew to love my Void Elf lock the most.

Maybe because she’s so much fun in pvp. Or maybe because she’s crazy and thinks she’s a Drust witch :stuck_out_tongue:



You’ve doomed us all, BETRAYER!!!

Come back to the blood elf side. We’re prettier and have better hair.

Well, I still love my trolls more than any of my elves so I don’t feel like a betrayer :wink:
( I will admit to the better hair part tho )


But if the newest shiniest elf is best, does that not put the Goth Lisa Frank void elves, with their fresh outa the elf factory smell, on top?



We cannot be besties. Not now, not ever again.

You have broken my heart beyond repair and I must now go cry for three hours.

Everyone knows Void Elves are not newer models. They are the off-brand, knock-off elves that will break after very little use. They are the elf that you get from a candy machine. They are Walmart elves. No, they are the Aliexpress elves.

Don’t waste your time with a poor quality elf when you can just as easily get a high-end designer elf that costs the same but is made with better quality and love.

Now I gotta go cry because of Vel.

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