Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

Alaska is a thing purely for the sake of nature documentaries and “reality” tv.


And optimistic refrigerator salesmen.

Replace the p with posting.

is that a bad thing?

On social media? Yes.

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With skill, grace, cunning, wit, and charm.

I am, of course, a natural at it because I embody all of those traits.

Throw a badger in a lounge. Because badger don’t care what you do, he gets what he wants :laughing:

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i thought it was alright?

It’s -40C here with the windchill, walking on snow sounds like walking on shattered glass. I couldn’t take my dog for a hike this morning because even though I was bundled up, my legs weren’t and within minutes I felt frostbite kicking in.


That’s a bit on the cold side even for me, and I’m pretty philosophical about cold.

…But my dog is a lab mutt who unfortunately inherited from her unknown father a complete lack of coat. Silky pitbull fuzz is no good in the weather. Especially on a 30 pound dog.

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Ren got a week forum vacay if anyones curios


I’ll have to save my sassiest dunks on Sylvanas for a week, then.


Forums gonna be boring without my fav to talk to :smiley:


Unfortunate. But it is a relatively short period.

The same old fights will still be around. And maybe new ones, if there is a major content announcement.

I hope there’s a major content announcement soon. There’s a certain…I dunno joy? About watching people loose their minds :laughing:


At this point, my gold star standard for forum excitement is when literally anything gets announced for void elves.

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Now that you have won a free forum vacation by saying the “secret words”, I can’t do that.

I will take that as an insult of the highest order.


my people what happened? this is like gd in here

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Unleash the Honey Badgers!

That is all I got :laughing:

Dragon Age 2 elves> all other DA elves.

If it wasn’t so rushed, I think it would have been the best in the series. 1 was so generic it’s only saving grace was the story, and three tried too hard to be an MMO while expanding on some baller 2 lore.

Also Merrill is BAE.