Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

I like the FFXIV Adventurer Squadrons system where you can run dungeons with your NPC followers.

I wasn’t really a fan of the companions that followed you around. I spend my time in the open world as a tank and having something randomly CC, pull threat, or aggro patrols since I couldn’t move them was always so annoying to me.

Kayn randomly screaming THE ILLIDARI CANNOT BE STOPPED and just destroying a group of enemies before disappearing was always more fun (and less frustrating) to me. It was also hilarious when I accidentally hit a critter and Kayn just absolutely demolished it. Must have been attacked by squirrels as a kid or something.


For Druids and Rogues when you go into stealth your companion NPCs do, too, so usually pulling unintended things isn’t an issue.

The DH companion liked to do the hunter pet two-step and dance with a mob halfway across the zone and pull everything on the way except I couldn’t put him on passive to make it stop like I could with hunter pets.

Yeah that kind of horrible AI made me and nearly everyone hate the Valley of Wisdom section of the Horrific Visions: Orgrimmar.

Blizzard does have a history with horrible AI for NPC “helpers”. Escort quests are the biggest offenders.

“Oh hero, help me kill these enemies that I intentionally pulled, even though we would’ve avoided them”.

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Being imprisoned hurt his ego. Kayn is basically an Illidan wannabe edgelord. Which is why I picked the other guy instead. Although I do wish that whole choosing thing never happened.

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I’m pretty certain that it’s going to be Dragon Isles. I think Blizz is going to pull back from the cosmic stuff for an expansion, then dive into it again next time. And that’ll be either Lifelands with Elune or Light vs. Void.

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My guess is that they will do both. First half dragon isle stuff, second half light vs void stuff.

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Oh yeah, the Ybarra announcement is probably going to be the next expansion. Still hate Ybarra.


I have a feeling that they will do the dragon isles, which will lead into the void since you know, wrathion, black dragons etc. And that will lead into the final raid being a set up for the proper light vs void expansion.

If it is dragon isles, I hope Goriona is back and not as a villain. Hell, Tyr might show up given the ending of Dawn of the Aspects implies that he is still alive and that is your light part right there.

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They could be tied together.

Yrel and her Lightbound could try to settle scores with the Bronze Dragon flight. That already sets up an intersection between Dragons and the Light themed Zealots.

The Black Dragons have ties to both Factions. The Greens and Blues seem closer to the Alliance, while the Bronze has sort of stepped away from the Alliance by refusing to bless Teldrassil, and also stepped closer to the Horde, by helping recruit the Magahar. The Reds had a bad relationship with the Horde. They also seem to be angry at DKs, and Bolvar is an old Alliance hand, so who knows if that will go anywhere.

But I could see Yrel and her forces assaulting the Bronze Flight, and Azeroth, as a way to tie the two subjects together.


yeah it sound like they will combine the two. They will probably act like they will get it “right” this time given how they tried to go from one overarching narrative to the next with no real sense of connection in BFA.

Only to force a connection at the last second. I really hate “just wait and see” stories.


I do like how Doness deleted thread is still up

Usually these go away after 24 hours and yet it is still there. Deleting posts is one thing, but a thread? Before anyone could post in it? I am curious to see what it was about.

One of things I hate about being from OCE in this forum. All the fun stuff happens when I’m asleep. So I have to play catch up

It was about how Odyn had to die.


Seems like a weird reason to delete it. Or were you worried it might end up being a basket full of toxic comments? Cause that happens in nearly every thread here :stuck_out_tongue:

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It was a bad thread.

Let us be the judge of that :stuck_out_tongue:

Derailment time with Stories from Alynsa’s Life.

I don’t know how life works in “Crocodile Barbie Shrimpland Australia”, or “the Goofy Little Brother to 'Merica Canada”, but here in the beating heart of all civilization that all of you look to for guidance and enlightnement, the USA, we have these things called busses and trains. Ren and Den (hah, alliteratioun!!), you both might need to look those up on Google.

I take the bus to work, a 30 minute ride that crosses between three cities (I think your backwater countries have cities?). Getting to work is great! Only an extra 5 minutes travel time compared to driving, I get there early enough to grab a snack without running late, I don’t have to fight to find a parking spot, and I can get some reading done.

Getting home though? Total opposite. The way the bus schedule and my work schedule work out, I miss one bus and have to wait 40 minutes or more for the next. Outside. In the cold (not Canada cold, thank god. More like “humans can survive longer than fifteen seconds in this” cold, so Sledge also cannot relate). After midnight in a big city.

But recently my shift has changed by an hour; I come in and leave an hour earlier than before. My trip into work is mostly the same. But the way home is radically changed; now, if I leave work exactly on time and sprint in very not-sprinting clothing, I can catch my bus. If not, the next one comes in half an hour… BUT!! The train station is a five minute walk away, and arrives fifteen minutes after my shift ends. And best of all, the train is heated! So deliciously warm! Denona, think of it like a nice, warm Australian winter’s night. Like 85 degrees in civilized tempuratures, 30 degrees in your weirdo celcius scale.

So I should be happy, right?


Because the bus stop is a three minute walk from my house. But the train station in my city? Fifteen minutes!! And I walk by like… Seventeen bars that are emptying out (do bars ever close in Alaska and Australia? I’m sure they must in Canada). And all the bar boys want to stand around, upset that their drunken butts are going home alone (humans that drink too much get very annoying, Sledge. They’re not like you dwarves), and tonight one of them tried to talk to me!!



And it dawned on me that this is my new normal until April or May. Fifteen minute walks past drunken bar boys who think that it’s perfectly okay to say “hey beautiful” to a bundled up, foggy glasses, mask-wearing, tired, sober Alynsa!! This must change. This cannot stand. I must figure out a way to resolve this situation ASAP.

I just wanted to share all of that and see if maybe I could get the fighting to start back up. Canada is barely a country, Australia is made of crocodile barbie shrimps, and why is Alaska even a thing???


How exactly do you derail a lounge?

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You put it on a train track and let time be your friend.