Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

I could romance them all, but I think the game doesn’t let you.

DAI has a pansexual you can romance named Iron Bull. this game has really diverse representation.

If you want to romance me Alynsa just say so :stuck_out_tongue:

If only WoW allowed us to romance NPC’s.

The only time our PC’s ever had a romantic partner was the Goblin starting zones and they turn on you because Gallywix has a bigger coin purse :stuck_out_tongue:

Although knowing blizzard… it will end up bad. They will probably tie some kind of borrowed power to it.

I wonder though Alynsa. If you could romance an NPC in WoW (not including major ones), who would you pick?

I’m pretty sure Malfurion is trying to romance me. It’s the only explanation for his actions. I am a blood elf hunter, a member of the Horde, who has repeatedly not only attacked his country, but his allies as well. And he’s still always happy to see me.

This also explains why Tyrande is NEVER as happy when I’m around.


I have an NPC picked out I would romance already. Esara Verrinde.

She had me at " You and I have proven to be quite successful together. I’d be happy to lend you my swords and spells against the Burning Legion."


Who won the argument between Mickâh and Denona?

Everyone forgets Skyguard Khatie and it makes me sad.

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I’ll go with one of the two blacksmiths that show up in your garrison when you have the Blacksmith building up. Or Joan Cleardawn.

Something about strong armed women just… you know. I do play a Kul Tiran after all.

It is why Princess Looma is one of my favourite characters from Ben 10. Who can say no to THAT. Oh right, Kevin and Ben. At least Kevin is in a healthy relationship with Gwen. No idea why the writers though Ben and Kai was a good pairing, even back in the original series.

Just caught this.

Hmm. Nat Pagle seems the logical choice, given how I spend most of my time in game.

But realistically, I’d probably choose… whatsherface, the gnome hunter follower in Legion. She’s a REAL hunter now and I love her so much!!!


A draw in favor of the letter U.

Or possibly in favour of.


Me and Sledge did. It was never in doubt.

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Malfurion does have a weird soft spot for Blood Elves, doesn’t he? I think he’d more see you as a little sister, though.


I don’t know about that.

After all, in Val’sharah, he did have me mount and ride him to a secluded glade.

I don’t think night elves do that with their sisters… Do they?


If it moves…


I mean Night elves and Tauren believe that the moon did it with a stag. Although how the two did it is different depending on who you ask.

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This talk of romanceable characters has reminded me again that Theotar will be gone after this expansion and I’m not okay.

I mean, it’s probably better he’s left forgotten in the Shadowlands… but still. I’ll miss him. :frowning:


That was the best moment of Legion. Mafurious was an epic mount.

Sadly this moment got overlooked with how many people joked around saying they finally got to ride Ysera. I’m sure some of them were actually joking (like you are now with Malfurion) but…

you know…

I for one never found it funny.

Thankfully I have no lore sources for that.

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We should be able to have follower characters that we grind rep with, who all have special abilities. Theotar would make a good pocket healer with his tea.


I miss Thisalee.


Yeah no idea why they stopped doing that after Legion.

I liked having one of my followers tag along with me.

I guess it was a victim of their “systems only, no fun allowed” purge.