Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

I am.posting in the middle of this dispute to say I love you all, you are all my prettiest, and we have a Covid outbreak at my sister location with 5 staff and 10 clients all positive. We have staff who work both locations, one of which I’m on with now. And I run groups at the other site, and the last such group I ran was Wednesday.

So I may be a Covid, idk. I’m not worried if I get it, but I’m worried about catching and spreading it. My facility is a medical respite for the homeless, with the other one a homeless shelter, so outbreaks at either are very scary for our more vulnerable people. Me, if I get it, it’s just a week or two of misery. I’m pretty unintentionally healthy and will survive no problem, but I have some very fragile clients right here now.

So I love you all and go back to fighting, but do so knowing Alynsa loves you.

It’s a burning love, like acid, and a loud, messy love like two trains colliding with a meat truck in the middle, but it is my love and I give it to you.

A messy, crushed meat, acidic love.


Too bad, you already have.

But keep defending Ren. Just be careful, if you dare say something they don’t like… they might scream at you and label you a sexist on false grounds.

Anyway, hows you doing alysna? Good I hope? :wolf:

I am helping 27 of my clients perform self-tests for Covid.

It should not be fun. We are having fun regardless.


That’s because you’re a awesome human being hun. hugs

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That’s awesome :slight_smile:


I’m not a psychologist, and I’m not targeting one specific person with the following, but if you are triggered by a generalizing statement that’s not even directed at you, and you think it’s about you and get defensive, maybe you should self reflect on why you feel targeted, and not in a victimized way, in like a “hey, maybe I feel defensive because I know deep down I need to work on myself and do better.”

This is for no one in particular, just a generalized statement.

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X to doubt

A lot of people called you and Micah out for that “generalized statement”, most didn’t post but they liked those who did. You would’ve known that if you actually read my posts where I linked all the other people who called you two out.

Maybe the problem is you two. Since you find everything you don’t like as sexist. You are basically calling Doness a sexist since he to called you out. Go block him.


Again, because your having a hard time understanding. No one Called me Out because my statement wasn’t geared toward those people

If you’re reaching for a apology, you’re not getting one and I stand by what I said. Deal with it already

Want me to link those posts again? Cause I will.

You can’t ignore facts.

What part of My statement is not geared towards those people are you having trouble with?

And what part of I was not the only one saying you should rephrase or don’t say it are you having trouble with?

I already said I’m not apologizing for what I said. So you can obess over it all you want. It doesn’t change what I said about the sexists who hate sylvanas

We’re having problems in my small town. We just carried out the tiniest old person who hadn’t wanted to go to the hospital because they were needed at home. It only took myself and another firefighter to carry them, and frankly that was overkill. Fortunately, their o2 levels weren’t as catastrophic as some of the ones I’ve seen, but I really wish a few of the No Vax No Mask brigade saw some of these calls. It’s emotionally exhausting… and in my small town, we’re not even bad compared to some places.

Anyway, that’s why I’m hugs and bubbles on the internet more or less. If someone wants to call me a jerk, that’s their prerogative. They’re entitled to their wrong opinion.


I still want to know why only I was labelled as a sexist when all the others who basically said the same thing I said were not.

Not my problem Denona.

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It seems hypocritical to go after one person out of 6 and more. Either ALL of us are sexists or none of us are. You do not have the right to pick and choose. Then flip flop when it is convenient for you. That is the point I’m saying and people like you and Ren continue to ignore and dance around it.

If a lot of people are calling you out on what you said, including some of your “allies”, maybe the problem is you. Not us. Just saying.

I haven’t called you anything. Seems you have confused for someone else.

Sexists hating Sylvanas is a thing and a problem. Thats your problem that you still dont understand that.


Oh I fully understand it. Just the place and timing of when you said it was bad. Considering you said it after later a lot of people explaining why they don’t like Sylvanas and none of them were because they are sexists. Basically acting like you were dismissing a lot of their opinions. And I was not the only one who noticed that. But it seems like you believe I was the only one who did.

That’s just people reading what’s not there. But of course none of y’all actually took the time to ask for clarification

Nope y’all just want to crucify people for something they said without bothering to ask if maybe it was a mistake or to clarify