Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

I used to buy Magic the Gathering packs at my local Games Workshop next to a Subway.

That place always smelled like Polish sausage, I’m not sure if it was the smell of Subway or the smell of teen boy B.O. or an intoxicating combination of the two… but yeah, no I never got into Warhammer.

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I’m very inoffensive.

And also usually right. :stuck_out_tongue:

But really, I tend to avoid drama on the high internet. I find plenty of drama and crusades every time my radio goes off… so most of my internet engagement is fluff.

It’s also why I like fantasy. You cannot be on high all the time and keep your sanity.


Ahhh! I just noticed the Circle of Indolency! My assumptions were wrong!!!

The Sea of Perfume is not what I imagined: I expected a Sea of Frothing Pink Perfume not Flat Purple Perfume!

I have a stockpile of these in case I need them:

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Gasp! Each of the locations of the Realm of Chaos Map are their own map!

Which of course means that the video I linked earlier the Palace of Slaanesh is probably also the Circle of Indolency…

The fact that Slaanesh is content to have us challenge his Daemon Prince is a sign that he’s not going to bother defending his lackeys!

The Circles of Seduction are only to protect Slaanesh himself not his servants! The second it’s made clear we are going for his servants he throws them under the bus!

Oh, but it is, my Alaskan irl dwarf friend. It is indeed…


The only fights she gets in is barfights when the craft beer runs dry.


There’s very few things in life worth fighting over.

But that might be one.


Ren is lying. As numerous other people were calling them out for their toxic behaviour. yet I was the only one who they raged at. And they kept on flip flopping between me being sexist or not

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I mean, two people called you out for being a sexist. Aki usually doesnt throw those kind of insults around lightly. So shrug

Only because I was pointing out things that weren’t actually sexist and had evidence to prove it. So how come the other people who were doing the same didn’t get called out? Why only me?

Listen, that’s between you and them. This thread isn’t for that discussion though to fair.

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The thing is, they blocked me.

If calling someone out for toxic behaviour and telling them not everything is sexist makes me sexist, then that is some seriously messed up people.

I know Ren has no intention of unblocking you anytime soon and you know me and Aki dont get along.

I just want to know why I was the only one getting called out when others were doing the same. I even linked their posts showcasing it. One of which was Doness. But nope, only I got labelled a sexist by two immature people on here.

No-one will take you seriously if you label everything you don’t like as sexist. I even asked Ren how exactly are some of the things she was pointing out were sexist and she flat out ignored it. One such example was she said that Saurfang saying Sylvanas ruined “his” horde was sexist, despite the fact that he and others said the exact same thing about Garrosh in MoP.

How is one of these exact same scenarios sexist and the other one isn’t? The answer I got was “blocked lol”.

I’m just going to end it with, maybe its the way you reacted. You flipped out telling people to grow up. The others were respectful

But here’s the thing you and others failed to grasp. My sylvanas comment wasn’t geared towards people with a legitimate gripe against sylvanas. There are people who do hate her because she’s a popular female character and will deny it

I am not going to apologize for what I said and I stand by it. Hope you can at least respect that


Given that Ren would claim that I was only “going after her” for basically being a woman and a Sylvanas fan… It honestly sounds like I was right. A few mouths ago I called out Cursewords for his toxic behaviour in a completely different thread topic so neither of those reasons were true. I see toxic behaviour, I call it out. It honestly sounded like Ren just wanted to say something toxic, then play the victim card. Screaming “SEXIST” for basically no reason.

The funny thing is, she would later say that I was not a sexist in a list of examples of posters that don’t agree with her. So which one is it?

You definitely made it sound that way. Considering numerous people, including people like Doness called you out on it.

Certainly wasn’t my intention. But lets not derail this thread please?

Why is it that when certain people find something uncomfortable they claim it is derailing the thread?

This thread derails all the time. Why should this be any different?

You can tell Ren that I stand by what I said. If they want to act like an immature child screaming sexism at everything they see, even if it doesn’t exist then so be it. They can be the boy who cried wolf.

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I’m not uncomfortable. I’m just not having that conversation in this thread. I said my peace.

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