Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

Actually people did.

Isn’t that what you and Ren are doing to me?

Hell I even explained myself countless times in that thread. And Ren ignored ALL OF IT.

I’ve turned off the news for almost a year now. I work from home, and I’m in full hermit mode. There’s so much negativity everywhere now, I completely understand how you feel. I work corporate customer service right now for a big pharmacy and supermarket and I deal with the terrible calls, the ones who make media threats and legal threats and all the crazies and all it is now is masking policy and anti-vax threats. Sometimes it’s hard not to bring work into my hobbies, sometimes when I have a rough day at work I’m in fight mode already and my nervous system is just on overdrive. I used to manage it by reading wow books and making lore speculation posts, but with this content drought that’s been really hard.

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I had a three day forum vacay thanks to the Mods.

You have me confused for someone else who attacked you. I literally couldn’t respond or defend myself for three days

What do you THINK I been doing during my three day silence period?

I just want to know why I was the only one who was singled out and falsely labeled as a sexist out of the 6 and more people who responded to yours and rens comments.

Again, that’s not my problem denona.

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I know, that is why I asked you to ask Ren why.

Since you know, Ren blocked me. Cause once you are labelled as a sexist, even on false grounds you are one. That is how it works with that crowd.

You already know why. So drop it.

I have my fantasy games and novels, learning stuff about beer and fermentation and as much as it’s a cliche, the gym and skiing. Nothing burns off nervous energy like burning calories (for me).


No I don’t. That is why I asked Ren and I got blocked instead. Why was I the ONLY ONE who got labelled a sexist for calling her out when there were OTHERS and A LOT OF OTHERS who did? Including people she considers “allies” like Doness. Either ALL OF US are sexists or none of us are. But it seems Ren just wanted to get triggered for no reason and she chose me for that. It is extremely telling that she should later say I was not, then called me one again when I pointed out something she said was flawed.

As I said, it seems that Ren just wants to play the victim for some reason.

Aki called you out too. And while she gets into petty fights a lot with people, that’s a accusation she doesnt throw around lightly.

You have a disturbing obession with Ren. Let it go

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Aki didn’t call me out. She just said that if Ren thinks I am, then I must be.

Which is flawed logic since the reason why I got called one was because I called Ren out on her toxic behaviour in that thread. Despite the fact that I was not the only one. Ren even said in a later post that I wasn’t. Which is why I was confused. But when I asked she double downed, called me a sexist and blocked me. I never knew asking questions for someone to clarify their position = being a sexist but here we are.

I just want her to answer a basic question. Why was I the only one she went after when there were others who called her out as well? How come they didn’t get the same treatment I did?

Why is that a problem? Am I not allowed to ask something like that?

My gym just closed again because we are in another lockdown :sob: I just renewed by yearly membership. I want to run sledge… It’s so cold and icy here but I wanna run so bad. I hike with my dog every weekend. I live where there are a lot of hiking trails.


She’s got you blocked for good. So your only option is to let go of your weird obession with her.

It’s creepy

Wanting her to actually answer a simple question is not obessing. It seems like cowardice to intentionally go after 1 person out of several, flip flop on whether or not they are a sexist then block them when they want to set the record straight.

Why would anyone want to be friends with someone like that? Who’s opinions on someone can change from one extreme to the next based on the fact if they agree or disagree with you on a particular topic?


The thought that Aki would ever think I’m right… if you wanna make Aki mad that’s one way to do it. That’s like digging your own grave.

She’s always right. (In her own mind, I’m not going to let her quote this out of context in the future cuz she’s probably already has this saved.)

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What part of ren is never unblocking you, are you having trouble with? She’s not going to answer you. Nor is she required to

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You seem to be going on about this.

I will say some people have put me on ignore. You said you might, in an argument we had.

It hasn’t diminished my forum enjoyment. If anyone put me on ignore, I don’t miss the back and forth.

Heck, you can be antagonistic. Maybe Ren just doesn’t want to go down your roads. There are others to have discussions with.

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There is a difference between ignoring someone for disagreeing with them and calling someone a sexist for no actual reason, then block them when they ask why they feel that way.

I just don’t like being called things I am not. However it seems in this day and age if someone labels you a sexist for basically no reason. They are automatically right and you are always in the wrong. I was not the only one who called her out on her behaviour. yet I was the only one who got labelled a sexist. Why do you guys not see the problem in that flawed logic?

There’s a difference between disagreeing with people and doing what some people do and throw a fit and start calling people names the minute things dont go their way.

Hell, me and you rarely ever see eye on things in game, yet we’re respectful and cordial.


This is basically Ren in a nut shell in that thread. Do you realize that right?

“oh you disagree with me? YOU ARE A SEXIST AND THE ONLY REASON YOU DISAGREE WITH ME IS BECAUSE I AM A WOMAN AND A SYLVANAS FAN”. That is what Ren basically said to me. And none of that is true.