Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

For sure, it would take a lot of upper body strength to swing a broadsword.

My parents had an excalibur replica the size of me when I was growing up and when I was left unsupervised I would take it out and swing it around.

As ya know, kids do. Walking to the park with a giant sword. Girly things. (It was blunt btw, no chance of cutting off my hands)

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Watch Peacemaker, please.

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I used to get images like that DMed to me on the regular once I got ID’ed as a Nelf player on some discords.


Усталые песнопения
Gaudete, gaudete, как выходит зимний ветер
Из ледового чертога, из железного дворца.
Он жестокий, ясный, синий, весь в узорах клавесина,
И с морозным звонким треском разбиваются сердца.

Gaudete, gaudete, кровью горного рассвета,
Встречей взглядов и пожатием обветренной руки,
Коль тропой хрустальных трещин путь волхвовый бесконечен,
Принесу тебе дары я - сердце, вечность и коньки.

Gaudete, gaudete, gaudete;
Gaudete, gaudete gaudete;

Gaudete, gaudete, мы друг другом ли согреты,
Мы ль дыханием одеты прозреваем сердце тьмы.
Так возрадуемся, други - се дитя огня и вьюги,
Gaudete, gaudete, се грядет король зимы!



Anything to get it out of Activision’s grubby paws.

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I had hoped Disney would slice off Blizzard from Activision. I didn’t expect all of Activision to be swallowed whole. Ah well.

The Playerbase has usually looked askance at mergers, but so far, GD seems generally in agreement for once. Most folks seem to think things were so bad, this has got to be an improvement.

I am not much informed on Gaming and Gaming Culture - I just play WoW. But people who follow that stuff seem more enthused than worried.

So, looks like a good thing. At least they have some big name dough, backers, and corporate tie ins to help boost the quality and popularity of WoW?

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Would they do it just for games? I feel like they’d need the franchises to be much bigger to care for something like a game company.

Probably not. I just would have liked Warcraft to be with Marvel and Star Wars under the same umbrella. But companies don’t buy other companies just to make me happy.

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If Disney had Blizz, we’d probably be chocking on animated series and single-player games right now.

But Miscrosoft is still pretty good news in my book. Kinda hoping WoW goes f2p with maybe a battlepass or something.

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F2p would be amazing with battlepass because I already have battlepass and I would then have more money to spend in store. It’s a win win. Instead of Activision robbing it’s playerbase with Pay2play.

Disney use to have a video game division but it was closed in 2016, so it’s not something they had much faith in unfortunately

Is… Is this what hope feels like?

It has been so long since I had this feeling…


I woke up and my buddy posted about the entire thing with Microsoft and I was excited until I checked my texts and my sister is in the hospital with viral pneumonia because of covid.

That was some serious emotional whiplash in the first five minutes of consciousness.


I hope your sister gets better soon Anelaan.


Thanks. She was well enough to be the one to text me so I’m hoping that means she’ll get better soon.


I hate to be that guy but is she vaccinated? I had a friend who lost her father to covid.

I didn’t get my booster and I had it a couple of weeks ago.

Don’t worry, I was that guy as well. She sent me a text a week ago that she and her husband had covid and only he was vaccinated. My response was “Oh that sucks, I hope you both feel better… WHY AREN’T YOU VACCINATED?!”

So I’m not really surprised she was admitted, but I’m hoping for the best.


I woke up to pee and haven’t been able to sleep since then, so I’ve been drinking some of my rum since then. I settled for watching Apocalypse Now while I drink. Fitting since I feel nihilistic these days. We’re living in the end times and the horsemen are taking their time in riding through. It’s a slow slog and I’m hoping our final sunrise is worth the wait we’ve been given.

Go home Evelyssa, you’re drunk.