Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

Wow, an Erevien thread got yeeted today.

Which one? Lol

ā€œThe Fall of the Alliance.ā€ It was quite over-the-top. He said he wanted Alliance players to never have fun again.

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Erevien over the top? Who would have thought he was capable of that?


What did Billy Nye do?

He just angrily slammed creationists. He said that children shouldnā€™t be exposed to religion. Heā€™s pushing a science only agenda basically, expecially in his Netflix series. It seems like heā€™s become aggressively opinionated. Dropped an f-bomb on his show whoā€™se target demographic was kids.

Thereā€™s a point in there but I also think that parents should be the ones to make decisions for thier children regarding religion and spirituality, not him. Not all aspects of religion is harmful, science and religion should be taught to children imo. They are both a part of humanity. Religion taught me valuable lessons on Alturism that I think is important for children to learn. Athiesm tends to lean heavily into nihilism, which is equally unhealthy. But thatā€™s just my subjective opinion. (I donā€™t know why Thadeus thinks iā€™m in the far radical left lol)


Iā€™m too lazy to go into detail about it, but thereā€™s been times where heā€™s said something then later on said the exact opposite of what heā€™s said before depending on what show heā€™s on.


Bill Nye is also a unscientific hack and always has been. He has a BS in mechanical engineering and spent most of his time teaching elementary level science to children, and he has spent most of his life as a glorified clown. Failing as a comedy writer and producer, and always forced to fall back on armature gigs likeā€¦ Being a Steve Martin look alike and ā€œBack to the Future: The Animated Seriesā€

And because he is B-list levels of famous, he thinks he can stand shoulder to shoulder with Carl Sagan, Neil Degrass Tyson, and now thinks he is the next Richard Dawkins.

He is not an authority figure when it comes to science. When it comes to the scientific community, Bill Nye is lacking in education, and while he has advocated for science, he has never authored or proofed a scientific paper. He says things that he thinks will increase his popularity, not because they are based in scientific fact, and that has basically made him a mouth piece for political and commercial entities.

Sorry about yā€™alls childhoods, but Bill Nye is not the Science Guy. He is just an actor.


This Bill Nye discussion is a bit odd. I saw a few episodes when I was youngerā€¦ in schoolā€¦ while my teacher nursed a hangover.

I think people need to come to grips with reality a bit. Maybe separate a Character from an actor.

I mean, Archie Bunker is one example. He has fans who actually think he is rightā€¦ but that was an acting role Caroll Oā€™Conner performed, and he is politically the opposite. He actually aligns more with Meathead irl.

I donā€™t blame him. He is getting his name out there and making a living.

Back in the day, B or C list celebrities would do game shows. Now they get invited to the 24 hour news networks to push their products.

Letā€™s get political! Tomorrow is the anniversary of the U.S. capital riot.

The WoW equivalent would be when the Stonemasons Guild accidentally killed Tiffin Wrynn. You could also consider Siege of Ogrimmar on Horde to be an equivalent.


I was expecting to disagree but this is actually a pretty fair comparison.

Defias just need to print ā€œMake Stormwind Great Againā€ on their bandannas.



I think this is what stings the most. Even if just playing a character, I enjoyed The Science Guy and had good memories of watching in school when I was younger, yet twenty years later that enjoyment has become tarnished because heā€™s not the pleasant person he was presented as.

Heā€™s riding on the fame of that character though. He thinks he can make serious assertions because of the character he played, which doesnā€™t make the real life claims he makes about science credible.

That is the worst kind of political.

It is ironic that people wearing ā€œdont tread on meā€ schwag were stampeded over by their fellow treasonous white supremacist rabble.

I guess the crowd couldnā€™t read.


Oof Iā€™m still not over this.

You know, I really wish Stormwind has more character and wasnā€™t so bland. Because the Defias lore is really cool and nuanced and makes me WANT to like Stormwind humans.


I want the story of that rock to be told.

Where did it come from? Where is it now? Does he tell his little pebbles that he took out royalty?

Sometimes I wonder if that rock in WoD is the same rock, lost in the time ways. The rock that says it has a little blood on it.

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I imagine they could do something interesting with the Timeway to go back and make our OC the one who threw the rock.

ā€œThatā€™s for Wastfall!!ā€

(It was Blanchy, thatā€™s why sheā€™s in Revendreth. She knows what she did)


That could be a Caverns of Time dungeon that fits into an expansion somehow


Donā€™t we have enough CoT dungeons where the PCs have to help the evil guys commit their evil deeds to protect the timeline?

I mean, after helping summon the Horde to Azeroth and personally Culling Stratholm, Iā€™m kinda thinking maybe the Infinites have something there.

And if you think about it, if we hadnā€™t fought the Infinites in those two situations, we would have foiled Zovaalā€™s plans.