Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

If I don’t like your goodbye post, it’s not because I don’t like you. (although I do dislike some, without saying it) It’s because I’m out of likes.


This is why you really finally did your avatar face reveal, huh? To finally show us what lies beneath, just to leave??

Gonna miss you tho. Take care!!


I’ve been posting for over a year now regularly why can’t I post links or gifs? Someone please teach me :weary:

Has something to do with the trust level on the forums

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I feel you.
I lost my trust level 3 on EU forums two years ago for reasons beyond me and never got it back despite posting fairly regularly. I don’t think I will ever understand this system. It’s a secret to everybody.


The system is rigged.

There is no other explanation.


I think I had subconsciously begun to think of him as an Oribos guard, so seeing the Blood Elf face really threw me.

See you later, Doness!


Can anyone imagine a Sonic Game where Mephiles practically takes the form of Sonic.EXE to harass everyone except Sonic with whom he visits in his Purple Shadow form in an attempt to manipulate and corrupt him?

Sonic Generations indicates that Iblis still exists in some Timeline which means Mephiles still exists so there is nothing stopping him from using Sonic’s shadow to gain a Sonic.EXE form(Sonic stained with Blood with Black Eyes with Red Pupils with Tears of Blood) on top of the Purple Shadow form he got from Shadow’s shadow.

I never played Sonic.

I only had an original nintendo growing up and then years later I had to buy myself a PS2.

The only Sonic Game I’ve played was Sonic Adventure… I did of course see the cover of Sonic Adventure 2 and thus learned of Shadow the Hedgehog.

My knowledge of other Sonic Games is YouTube Videos, Wikis(which gave me knowledge of Shadow the Hedgehog) and TV Tropes.

YouTube Videos of Mephiles the Dark are interesting to say the least.

Sonic.EXE Creepypasta is interesting too.

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Well, I can still post for a bit. I just need the WoW Token price to drop by a few thousand more, and I’m golden.

Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 are probably my favorite Sonic games. I loved beating those disgusting Chao!

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Wow, the Token price went down just enough for me to resub. False alarm lol.


Welcome back!


D&D’s depiction of the Forgotten Lake of Nessus at the bottom of the Nine Hells of Baator, Agathys at the bottom of Tartarus, Ocanthus at the bottom of Acheron and Krangath at the bottom of Gehenna all seem to be of an Icy Cold Realm resembling the Ninth Layer of Hell in Dante’s Inferno: Lake Cocytus…

Fun Fact: The Layers of Limbo the Plane of Chaos are pretty much just overglorified Realms created by visitors of the Plane using their mind as otherwise it’s just Discord’s Realm from MLP…

The first Layer is Limbo proper while the other Layers are Spheres floating through the Layer that I presume are Infinite in size. The Second Layer is all Water, the Third is all Fire, the Fourth is Half Milk/Half Wandering Isle(as in an Island Turtle) and the Fifth is Unknown though apparently belongs to the Lost Gods.

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I’m leveling a forsaken mage and I’ve been reminded how much I love Herbert Gloomburst and need him to show up again.

I’m surprised Thadeus hasn’t created a new Light Crusade thread now that the old one was locked.


Give him time hun. He will and it will be just as bad as the last one


Well now I know that when Thad attacks atheists he’s not attacking all atheists just the New Atheist Movement. So that was something insightful that came out of that discussion.

Gives new context to what he considers “the radical left” So I now understand where he’s coming from.

Tbh he does have a point about new athiests. My opinion of Bill Nye the science guy took a huge turn when I became aware of just how angry he could be towards people who believe in spirituality. Who does it hurt if some people believe in a grand design? Science and religion can co-exist, as long as people are not outright science deniers, then that actually hurts people, like people who refuse to vaccinate.

My favorite astrophysicist is Carl Sagan, while he did have strong athiest views and was a critic of the New Age movement I feel like he approached it in a respectful way. As a contrast I also love psychologist Rudolph Steiner’s Anthroposophy whose theories support a universal spiritual consciousness. (If I were to throw my panties at anyone it would be on the grave or Carl Sagan because that man could get it. Just listen to how he describes the 4th dimension)

Personally I like to challenge my held beliefs by weighing all options.

I’m dissapointed the thread got locked because it was an interesting conversation imo. I enjoy interesting conversation and debate.


Bill Nye is a sellout who will easily change his beliefs if it gives him money.