Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

They say in Legends that the perfect beverage for Jabba the Hutt is Greedo’s corpse…

The Bartender of the Mos Eisley Cantina(whose refined sense of smell and taste detected how delectable Greedo was) made him into the beverage and brought it to Jabba himself to say the least.

That’s the Question of all time. I have to be honest the Resident Evil Movies other than not being so great. Atleast 1, 2, was somewhat close to the original games kind of. But other than that. Not so much.

Still angry over the finale of the Resident Evil Movie Series…

I saw they’re doing a game faithful reboot of them, we’ll see how that goes.

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I got the Prospector title today. It felt good. And it made me appreciate Nathanos more.

I almost never play with the in game sound on - unless I am raiding. I just finished a raid on another Alt. I swapped to my Rogue to do some BGs, and didn’t think to turn the in game sound off.

I never really heard the stuff Nathanos says. But to my extreme delight, he almost seemed to be watching my Rogue antics. There was a big fight on a node, and I used my smoke bomb to ninja it, and though it doesn’t always work, it worked this time. Nathanos then says something like:

“You got that from right under their noses! Well done!”

I never heard him say that before… mostly because I rarely use the in game sound. But that was awesome to hear. Who says he never compliments us?

And that win was my 100th win, which was the last achieve I needed for the Prospector title. A memorable moment.

He appreciated my Roguery. All is forgiven, Natty.

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I like the first two movies, even though the second gets worse as it goes on. I enjoy Retribution too despite what’s happened in the movies before it. The other movies are pure garbage though and complete cringefests. They aren’t just bad Resident Evil movies, they’re bad films too. Also created by a studio that didn’t care about its workers safety, with multiple people having died and been injured in the creation of that trash.

I’ve noticed: The Vorlons have the same viewpoints as Valkorion, Rule of Two Sith and the Jedi Order: “There is only Order and Obedience! You will do as you are told!”

Funny how the Sith Empire itself seemed to be all “Peace is a lie! There is only Passion!” in their Sith Code yet never follow it! The Shadows of Babylon 5 follow the Sith Code better than Sith do!

Every reigning Sith(Valkorion, Kaan, Plagueis and Darth Sidious) except Darth Bane seems to despise this statement and attempt to enforce Peace and Order despite this vital part of the Sith Code!

The Shadows explicitly follow the belief that “There is only Chaos and Evolution!” despite also having a “You will do as you are told!” way of thinking! They actively seek to bring about Chaos and force others to do so as well.

The Shadows are the perfect example of what Sith should be! The actual Sith and Jedi are alas too much like Vorlons!

WoW Seriously. The Studio didn’t care for the People’s Safely during Retribution? WoW.

There were several instances of safety negligence in the last few movies IIRC. I think it’s Retribution where someone got crushed and killed by a humvee because it wasn’t tied to a platform properly. Milla Jovovich’s stunt double got severely injured in the Final Chapter and had to have her arm amputated. She was driving a motorcycle for a scene and a camera crane wasn’t in its proper place, which she collided into at high speed. I don’t remember which movie but there was a part where the camera crew were filming in a train tunnel that is still active and they nearly got run over because they barely got out of the tunnel in time.

No wonder why paul wes anderson is not a good movie director.

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When I tell you I listened to that like 20 times before I went on to episode 2, you better god damn believe it.

Holy HELL. Wowpedia looks truly awful now.


Shadowlands in a nutshell.

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What do you mean?

At long last, the final day of my captivity is here, and almost done.

It certainly has been… something.


Dont want to be melodramatic or appear dramatic but my sub ends in like 24 hours or so.

And yeah… ehm Given wows current state And Blizzards disaster of a patch (even though I do find it quite “fun” to do the korthia stuff, at this point I dont see a point in resubbing right away.

Bla bla bla

bla bla bla. Love you guys in SFD

btw Erevien is unsubbed from us forums.

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What Blizzard gave me on that infamous July 6th: