Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

Call me old fashioned, but I would state this is the theme song for 9.1 :

So Originally I was going to make a Post about People hating on things nonstop or just basically talking about how this set race is mistreated 24 7 but I really not because I rather not make a flame war and cause Unnecessary drama and stress for people.

So I’m going to ask. When will the threads about killing set Characters, How this Character is a awful Character and shouldn’t be leader like Lor’themar, How Night Elves are treated like dirt, Human Potential this and that, and of course even Purges of Dalaran and Teldrassil to Stop?

I mean it’s kind of overdone topics at this point. Like instead of talking about these topics over, over, and over again. Why not just talk about like ether the Future for WoW like Expansion Wise, Future Expansion Wise, or just something that isn’t the same. I know it’s unnecessary for me to ask for those who makes set posts since I myself am guilty about making the same topics myself but I just want to talk about things that isn’t the same overdone topics.

I don’t know maybe it’s just me. Feels like the Forums now in days is kind of unoriginal but what can I do or anyone else who thinks this way. I just want something interesting to talk about.


This probably should have been a topic because it’s hard to respond to here. But to be brief:

The topics will stop when the pain points go away.

Past that, the only recourse I have for you is that you don’t have to wade into threads that are discussing these matters. If you want to discuss things that you’re interested in, feel free to make a thread about that.

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Pretty much this. You know. All I’m going to say is this.

I wish the Night Elves gotten better treatment instead of the now. Like alternate where after failed launch attack at Lordaeron. Jaina and the Draenei comes in and saves the Night Elves from Teldrassil but not some who were fighting in Darkshore but hey atleast the Night Elves who were teleported on the Ship are Safe. Basically Teldrassil didn’t happen same can be said with Undercity too but hey atleast the undead didn’t nearly lose alot of memorable npcs or numbers.

Hmm Purge of Dalaran. Wished that didn’t happened with Blizzard making Jaina into a Angry Horde hating Killer.

Sylvanas not being a Cartoon Villain.

Anduin growing some skin by which means toughing him up more.

Finally Kael’thas didn’t die.

But sadly it happened and only ways I can see Blizzard inproving wow is Kael’thas returning at some point to make people happy that is a maybe for dead characters, The Night Elves gain more ground by attacking the Horde since Anduin is under a broken state, Also Good Capital that is far from the Horde Hands, Sylvanas ends up taking her place in the Maw or Revendreth whatever brings a good story maybe, and Something for People to have Rommath come out and attack Dalaran with the Sunreavers and Civil War Happens where he burns jaina’s Potential. Something like that will be different.

The current patch has gone on way too long and I think everyone is just starved of new stuff to talk about, but it’s made worse because of the last expansion having left off in an unsatisfying way. So like Kyalin said, topics drift back to the pain points.

There also just doesn’t seem to be a whole lot to discuss regarding new realms. We can expect the realm of light to be crammed with naaru, we’re going to have to put up with Elune in the life realm, etc. but no insight into what those places are like, unlike the Shadowlands where the game had multiple cultures with their own ideas of death that the game promptly ignored in favor of the current setup.


I prefer to think of them as well done, with a nice, delicious, carcinogenic char.

But more seriously, the nature of an mmorpg, with patch cycles, coupled with delays for what ever reason - it isn’t like some sitcom that has a brand new episode every week for people to discuss. The major lore events happen nearly once every 6 months to a year - they are heavily data mined and spoiled before hand.

As I often say while everyone is bickering about who will run the flags in Random BGs - be the change you want in the world.

Honestly? When you realize nearly everything here, from the devs and directors on down, is toxic, and come join us in That Other MMO.

To paraphrase a certain perfidiously pretentious panda: It all stops when you walk away.

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I will give the Double F bois another selling point for their grimey street corner :

You will never see me in those FF games.

Bleh and Ugh at the thought!

I won’t try to convince people that World of Warcraft is for them. And I certainly won’t pretend that the Double F Spam Bois are an answer.

I’m so excited for Wesker and The Fashionistas

I am marginally getting back into yugioh, by purchasing $30 worth of cards. Apparently that’s cheap.

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There goes Resident Evil. Another Idea of rebooting it to staying to the Source Material is lost.

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Speaking of Resident Evil: It’s funny how the later Games of the Series downplays the Modern Mad Scientist Themes in favor of Folklore and Gothic Themes…

One of the Villains of the most recent game Resident Evil 8 is a Blood-Drinking Noblewoman of a Dragon with Bloodsucking Swarms of Flies taking the form of Girls serving as her children and she is one of the early Bosses of that game!

The Final Boss of course is a Witch with Black Feathered Wings! Not as popular as Lady Dimitrescu naturally. According to YouTube Comments it is apparently a habit of Capcom to advertise an impressive character then kill him/her off early!

While there is Mad Science preformed by all the Villains in Resident Evil 8 they each have a Gothic Theme to them!

Resident Evil 2 is my favorite. It was a proper sequel to a good game.

It had everything from the first game, but more of it, and better. I would say playing and completing Resident Evil 2 was one of the more memorable and exciting times in my video game playing history.

Resident Evil 3 was fine enough… but it wasn’t as good. And I haven’t played since. I think they started being aliens or vampires or bug people and they went on a Eurotrip… Idk. It just felt like it was moving away from its initial themes, sort of like what Yvenathilm said.

(I thought about shortening it to Yven, but that didn’t sound right in my head. Than I typed Yvenath. I was like, “wtf, you went this far. Just type the whole name”)

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forbes. com/sites/suzannerowankelleher/2019/08/01/everyones-social-security-number-has-been-compromised-heres-how-to-protect-yourself/

Probably obvious information but I’m a potato that apparently works with hackers.

You motherfather, you gave me a fright thinking this was recent.

I highly suggest playing Resident Evil 4, it’s a masterpiece and one of the greatest games ever made. It’s the first game to move away from the original style, but its gameplay and story is solid, giving action while being terrifying. The primary enemies are villagers who have parasites in them, and as the game goes on those parasites sometimes come out of their bodies and attack you directly. It takes place in Spain, but the change of setting makes sense. Resident Evil 8 took some inspiration from it, except that 4 is an over the shoulder TPS while 8 is an FPS.

Just discovered that there are Worker Ants who can mate with Ant Drones!

Of course it is naturally the Workers with the highest position in the Ant Colony’s hierarchy(and usually get that position by beating the other Workers into submission).

Seems the Queens are only the Ants whose Job is to solely lay Eggs while the Workers get work on top of that!

In contrast the Worker Bees obviously can’t mate because their stinger is practically a death trap for them! As such they are limited to producing Drones(which come from Unfertilized Eggs)!

I’m still wondering why it’s so difficult to make movies or series actually based on the games. You don’t even need to use the original cast, you have after all the entire B.S.A.A. at your disposal as well as all other organizations from secret services to military to make up your own characters if you really want to…and it works as 7 proves with only Chris making a brief appearance at the end. The entire setting is written for you…why don’t you use it?

But, oh well. My sub’s running out in a few days…and 9.1 will not bring me back honestly.

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Fortunately or unfortunately, I have picked up too many hobbies that need time and attention, and, with Patch 9.1 as well as the re-release of Skyward Sword coming out in July, a few of my pastimes had to go, including posting around here - Though it is amusing that Dreadmoore and Drahliana still bring up my name in threads like I’m the boogeyman.

But as one last hurrah, I’ll note that I got to Legend rank in Wild in Hearthstone for the third month in a row with my free to play Murloc deck, and got this accomplishment as well:

Incidentally, the telling of Malfurion’s life story in the free solo adventure in Hearthstone was really well done and was quite enjoyable, both from a story telling and gameplay structure. Which was a nice change of pace as I take a break from Hearthstone as well until at least the next expansion.

But who knows. If anything ever comes up that’s worth discussing in WoW again I might come shambling back as many of us do. For now, I’ll still be off in the game trying to collect as many Exalted reputations as I can and absorbing as much Night Elf lore as is given.

So, I FINALLY opened up the ATVI 10-Q, looking for evidence of Blizzard’s alleged revenue gains for Q1 2021.

This is what I found instead:


There are a few things to note:

  1. Movement in Blizzard’s segment net revenues can be tied pretty easily to World of Warcraft releases. The green for instance are the first two quarters of BFA. The orange is for Classic (with most of the bump being seen in Q4 due to release timing), and the light blue are the first two quarters of Shadowlands.

  2. This being said, do note that Overwatch and Hearthstone declined at the same time - this can’t be taken as a pure comparison of expansions. Looking in particular at 2018 data, it would be improper to compare it with 2020 to assess the tail end of Legion vs. BFA, because there’s more Overwatch/Hearthstone revenue in 2018 than in 2020.

  3. Add to that - classic in the 2020 data complicates things further. Adding classic has the effect of adding a second game on top of the first one. On balance, however, post-classic data should be stronger than pre-classic data. This can be seen in Q1 2019 through Q3 2019, which saw net revenues dip into the mid to high 300s.

  4. Monthly Active Users (MAUs) are still down, this time by 2 million. The financials do not disclose the reasons for this.

One thing I want to note in closing - Blizzard’s Q1 Presentation reports this with respect to World of Warcraft:

“World of Warcraft’s Shadowlands expansion continued to drive strong results following its record-setting release in November, with first quarter franchise net bookings growing sharply Y/Y. The Shadowlands expansion has built on the substantial increase in World of Warcraft’s scale seen since the launch of Classic in 2019.”

Y/Y stands for “Year over Year” - meaning that they’re comparing Q1 2021 with Q1 2020, which allows them to make statements like that, but those statements mask the dynamics of the company’s revenue trends. Release periods are expected to have higher net revenues because they are realizing a wave of returning players and box sales, and these are most appropriately compared to other release periods - rather than comparing a release period to a mid-expansion period. I can’t really say that they’re being intentionally misleading because you tend to present accounting data in this way (years are seen as ‘safe’ comparisons because you account for seasonality - which doesn’t get us to where we need to be when you’re dealing with a “hit” driven industry like video games, with the revenue trends that said industry has) - but I also saw statements like this one being carried around by the gaming press. But it IS still misleading, and suggests a picture of strength that, when I look at this, I can’t really support given that this is two games in one for a franchise that drives changes in Segment Net Revenues producing 581 and 470 versus 635 and 687.

Source for Q1 2021, previous quarters also collected from publicly available 10-K, 10-Q forms and publicly available press releases: http^s://