Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

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Guess I’m not getting the damned Shadowlands Grimoire anytime soon!

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A brief self absorbed anecdote - and minor vindication :

I have been a fan of my Transmog.

I get a lot of compliments in game and on the forums for it. Sometimes, I come back from being AFK and I see a whisper from a stranger saying nice things about my outfit (and/or name). It feels good, and I say thank you.

But some people have commented on the shoulders. They have said the shoulders seem a little older, or that they don’t match well.

Others have told me: “I always liked those shoulders and wanted to do something with them… so I get what you tried to do…”

Which is the fashion equivalent of “bless your heart.”

But recently, in a Pug Raid, I noticed there is some anima power toy people are getting. The Experimental Anima Cell. One of the things it does is called something like : “Dress Fancy”.

Lo and behold, you almost look like me. Sure, it is the Lordaeronian/Duskhaven “set” - which makes sense. But it looks like it gives you the same shoulders I always wore with the outfit. (The Top Hat is a little different though.)

I am just happy that Blizzard thought the shoulders were a good match for the set, too. I feel a little vindicated.


I got the Dress Fancy buff the other day and thought the outfit looked really familiar, now I remember that it looks like yours


I guess even though my subscription expired a few days ago, I can still post on the forums.

The forum doesn’t update that stuff immediately. It’s entirely random what your last post will be; you’ll know it happens if you try to submit another post, only to have it insta-deleted and you get forcibly logged out. I once went a couple of weeks being able to do it.


I’m debating whether or not to renew my sub until I’ve finished a fan fiction I’ve been working on for WoW or to just leave for a while. Any suggestions?

If you like playing the game, keep subbed. If not, let it run out.


Bold of you to ask during this fiasco.

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Or foolish on my part :woozy_face:

I think I’m sticking around for another month while I finish the story I’ve been working on. After that I’ll be taking a break from WoW for a while.

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For the very little writing I’ve done on WoW, I’ve found it easier to actually go to the places I feature (if any), so get all that out of the way before it runs out.

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The Power of the Dark Crystal Comic pretty much reveals the origin of the Darkening from The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance:

It is all due to the Dark Crystal’s Darkness shining upon Mithra’s Inner Sun deep in the depths of the Planet Thra.

When the Inner Sun was denied the Crystal of Truth’s Light it manifested the Blight AKA the Great Dim which was a Black version of the Darkening. The Great Dim caused mushroom growths to appear on surface dwellers of Thra while petrifying the underground dwellers and killing crops.

The Inner Sun gets it’s power from whatever Energy is emitted down the shaft of the Castle of the Crystal so theoretically one could resolve the Darkening or Great Dim by gathering a chunk of Gelfling Essence, crystalizing it and putting it at the very bottom of the shaft to emit Light upon the Inner Sun.

Of course said Light would be tainted if originating from Essence from Age of Resistance Gelflings thus corrupting the minds of all life on Thra with this tainted Essence.

Aughra’s Pure Essence if Crystalized and sent to emit Light down the shaft would cause Blue Energy to flow out of the Inner Sun healing Thra.

Of course if one grabs Mystic or Skeksis Essence then constructs and uses a Crystal of either who knows what effect the Brown(Skeksis) or Rainbow(Mystics) energies would have on Thra.

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You know what’s great about being an adult? You can drink alcohol whenever you want, whether it’s in the evening or early in the morning. You know what’s great about being a responsible adult? You can drink alcohol whenever you want. WITHOUT ACTING LIKE A BLIZZARD EMPLOYEE



SCP-087’s 4th and Final Expedition Log has the Stairwell Entrance was sealed from the inside following a knocking it seems logical that whoever knocked was one of the Explorers and that the Knocking was a signal that whatever the Foundation was trying to accomplish had succeeded and that they had to seal the Stairwell completely.

Calling it now: SCP-087’s 4th Exploration Log(which is [REDACTED]) involves the Staff tossing SCP-682 down the Stairwell and knocking once they are sure he has gone down.

I know people like quivers, so I thought I’d share something I just noticed :

I was running around in BGs on my Hunter using my Sira Moonwarden Toy, because it looked funny to see a Warden shooting a gun. I noticed that she gets a quiver. I never saw a quiver when I used another Class. Maybe it is a Hunter only thing? Or if a Warrior or Rogue use the Toy with a Gun or Bow equipped.

Just to see what would happen, I used the Orb of the Sindorei.

My Male Vulpera Hunter was a Female Blood Elf Hunter with a Quiver OVER her cloak.

I thought it was neat.

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If we had Elemental Planes for each of the Deadly Sins(as well as their replacements including the ones created as a result of translation) how would you depict them?

For me it would be:

  1. Sloth: A world made of Blankets everywhere to relax at all times
  2. Gluttony: Candyland!
  3. The Oldest Profession: Streets everywhere with some houses having beautiful Women who only spend the night with you if you pay them and houses with increasingly hideous Women who offer Money in exchange for spending the Night with them
  4. Luxury(the Deadly Sin that replaced The Oldest Profession): a realm of Luxuries including Mountains of the finest Chocolate and Soft Serve Ice Cream as well as Seas of Perfume and exquisite banquets set upon a giant table in the midst of Seas of the finest most addictive De-Alcoholized(can’t let Sloth get in the way of Luxury now can we?) Wines you can imagine
  5. Lust: A land filled with one’s desires: battle for those who love conflict, food & drink for those who want it, beautiful women for those who want them, ugly women for those who want them and a Fleshy spiky tentacled carapace for those who want endless sensation
  6. Avarice: A land filled with Golden Trees with Gemstone Fruits, Platinum Grass, Gold-paved Roads and Golden Buildings
  7. Greed: a yawning chasm resembling a throat with treasures and food constantly falling in yet never filling in the bottomless chasm(Greed Etymologically means Hunger)
  8. Ire(Ira in Latin): A burning fiery wasteland filled with people in mindless violent rage.
  9. Wrath: A Volcanic Wasteland with faces fixed in a wrathful expressions(Wrathful Expression is technically the Etymological Definition of Wrath) carved in the stone
  10. Anger: A cold Wasteland filled with people lashing out in Anxiety(lashing out in Anxiety is the Etymological Definition of Anger)
  11. Sorrow: a Sea of Tears
  12. Envy & Superiority(Superbia): A Grand City directly above a Filthy Hovel where the two places both Envy each other and look down on each other with smug Superiority
  13. Vainglory: A Realm filled with Statues of Oneself that praise you endlessly as well as Mirrors that also praise you
  14. Pride or Hubris: A Nightmarish Realm filled with Monsters and Nightmares that doubles as the Plane of Fear and the Plane of Courage
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I’ve been trying out Guild Wars 2 for the first time and I know I’m just a few hours in so I’m not used to it, but something about swapping around hotbars and spell combos while trying (and failing badly) to utilize Dark Souls-like invincibility dodging against intermittent-but-quick enemy attack animations is just breaking my brain.

Dark Souls? And here I thought that GW2’s Mechanics were based on the LotR Video Games for X-Box and GameCube!

That sounds very complicated