Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

It kind of baffles me that you aren’t on any of the Discords the SF frequents.

On which platforms will the game release? I hope it’s not another Bloodborne but this time for the PS5…because I really cannot even justify the buying of a PS5 (if I could even get one in the first place).

I looked it up and saw this, dated 5 hours ago.

Elden Ring is out January 21, 2022 on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series S/X.


The game’s own story was written by Hidetaka Miyazaki(writer of Bloodborne, Demon Souls and Dark Souls) while the backstory was written by George R. R. Martin(writer of A Song of Ice and Fire).

With that said George wrote visions of Euron Greyjoy(who is heavily implied to actually be Death the Many Faced God, R’hllor the Lord of Light, the Drowned God, leader of the Others/White Walkers and archenemy of the Three Eyed Crow Bloodraven AKA the Great Other) taking on various Eldritch forms so don’t be surprised if Eldritch Horrors show up!

I prefer to maintain what little insanity or morality I have left.


feelingkindablue. org/wp_quiz/depression-quiz/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI94iBsIyU8QIVcGxvBB0ZmQouEAAYAyAAEgKZHPD_BwE

According to this, which I admittedly half-assed, I’m moderately depressed.

Being stuck at work after being hyped for Metroid is a nightmare.

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Will we get details on the nature of Aeion(the implied origin of X Parasites) do you think?

The details we received mentions that Samus investigated the Planet she is visiting because an X Parasite signature was detected…

It would be hilarious if it turned out Phazon was a form of Aeion!

It’s hard to predict how much of it will have to do with actual lore or just surface level stuff, cause it’s Mercury Steam making the game again and it’s been centuries since Dread was canned originally.

As for Breath of the Wild’s Sequel…

Is it just me or does the game seem to have 2 Player Characters? Are both of them Links or just one?

It would be interesting to see 2 Links bearing the Spirit of the Hero inside them to say the least as it would mean that the Spirit of the Hero isn’t transferring to a new host but replicating into a new host.

Reincarnation according to Buddhist Beliefs is all about Thoughts not Souls being reborn.

In a world with Souls and Buddhist Reincarnation as well as Hindu Reincarnation(which has the Soul itself be reborn in a new Body) you can get multiple incarnations of a Hero at once!

According to Aonuma the Goddess Hylia’s Soul was the Light Force of Minish Cap Zelda(despite being bestowed upon her by the Minish)… Incidentally it got drained by Vaati(giving him Reincarnation) leaving the Soul weak and most likely in need of regenerating.

Come Breath of the Wild the Princess Zelda of that game gets in contact with Hylia who had returned to being a full Goddess…

It would be interesting to see Hylia(who favors Hindu Reincarnation) and her descendant Princess Zelda(and any extra Zeldas spawned by Buddhist Reincarnation) in the same game as well as 2 Links(who are tied to Buddhist Reincarnation) on top of Demise and his incarnation of Malice: Ganondorf and his incarnation of Malice: Calamity Ganon.

Good to hear Metroid Prime 4 is still in the works. Hopefully more on that next year.

No information on Arceus was a shame, but Pokemon seems to be walking to the beat of its own drum at the moment.

I won’t lie, I’m not too hyped for Kazuya in Smash. Was kinda banking on Sora, Solaire, or Rayman (Special shoutout to Isaac even though I know it’s a lost cause.) But, Tekken in a huge franchise in the FGC, so they really were the only odd ones out alongside Soulcaliber at this point. One of those two certainly deserved to be represented.


This is how I feel about it. Kazuya being in Smash feels like an obligatory checkbox for what’s become essential representation from other fighting game franchises, started by having Ken and Ryu. Characters like Sora, Solaire or Rayman are the type I’d get excited for, and Ultimate has been a bit of a letdown in that I haven’t cared a lot for most of its DLC characters. Part of it is that DLC characters from newer franchises mean nothing to me and that makes me feel old. I haven’t heard of Xenoblade outside of Smash Bros, why should I care about characters from that game?

Oh, Xenoblade had me hype. I unironically love the series, the first one easily breaking into my top 3 games of all time. I’d recommend the first one to anyone who loves JRPGs.

Otherwise, I do wish they had went with Nightmare or Siegfried for the Bandai Namco fighting game rep. Even as ‘another sword character’ they just seem more unique while checking the same box.

Here’s to hoping the last fighter blows us all out of the water though. Rayman would be a hilarious way to bring it full circle after those initial leaks.

I don’t have anything against people who like Xenoblade, but to me it looks like a niche anime game series, and precious DLC slots should be filled by characters who aren’t too niche and aren’t too generic. Mythra/Pyra are fine but should’ve been characters in the base game, not as DLC, assuming they existed as characters at the time of release. It’s important that Super Smash Bros not have a roster that’s too full of generic anime looking characters, because part of what makes Smash Bros good is that it’s supposed to be full of distinguishable characters from series that have different styles going against each other. Too many Fire Emblem characters doesn’t help with that problem, for example.

Super Smash Bros doesn’t need characters from other fighting games either. If I want to play as those characters I can do so in the games they’re from. People seem to have forgotten, Nintendo included, that this is a game series that’s about Nintendo characters crossing over together, not just whatever characters with varying amounts of notoriety that might have good gameplay mechanics. Smash Bros doesn’t need Ryu/Ken, Terry, Kazuya, or anyone else from other fighting games.

I’m expecting the last character to be another letdown, probably someone from a newly released Japanese game that Nintendo wants to advertise. We atleast got Banjo Kazooie though, who was on my wishlist ever since the first game, and Steve might’ve been the highpoint for ambitious and unexpected characters who I thought would be unlikely to be part of the series.

Eh, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with Ryu in. I always thought of SSB as a fun celebration of a variety of characters although yeah, there are some of them that just left me scratching my head. It kinda seemed like the glut of Fire Emblem characters kinda ruined the Dragon Quest 11 hero reveal though, because…yeah, anime swordsman. But the series he’s from is basically the granddaddy of the entire JRPG genre, so I was excited to see him get in.,affected%20by%20its%20anomalous%20nature.

SCP-2740 is a lot like the Emerald Nightmare’s interference with our attempts to enter Darkheart Thicket by any means besides the main entrance(by sending us directly to Darkheart Thicket’s entrance).

Incidentally the SCP was once called The Nightmare…

The fact that the Author insinuates that the thing is maintaining the illusion of Olivia existing despite apparently never existing is quite fascinating…

Why does it want to maintain the lie of Olivia existing? Why does it want the Parents to not move on by making the claim that she fought with them before running away while also providing a transcript from a made up Olivia?

The fact that the thing prevented anyone from going into the Attic after the mother discovered Olivia wasn’t there indicates that the thing doesn’t want any further attempts to uncover Olivia’s non-existence by studying it but why?

Why does this thing so bitterly want people to think Olivia exists? What does it want? Why is it so angry that she does not exist?

Pyra and Mythra apparently were just shy of being in the base game due to being released just slightly too late to be considered. Apparently Papa Sakurai wanted to use Rex originally (And presumably Pyra), but ended up dropping him for the stance/dance style we have now. If anything I’m surprised they weren’t in the first pack instead of Byleth.

For the most part I do agree with you, with the exception of Ryu. He’s the face of fighting games, so he can chill with the Smash crew. Part of me wishes Bomberman had a chance of making it, but he’s in assist trophy hell. Spyro and Crash are icons from another time who still carry the clout to be hype as all hell.

Fire Emblem is the weirdest thing, and that comes as a fan of the series. Marth, Roy, Ike, and Robin feel fine and Lucina and Chrom aren’t really hurting anyone as echoes. Byleth though? Even as unique as he is, he felt like he was pushing the envelope for an already massive cast.

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I think the amount of sword characters is a separate issue which isn’t as bad, because there’s still a lot of other characters without swords that many people play as. I’m fine with Hero as as a DLC character because Dragon Quest is a franchise thats been around for a long time. I haven’t played a Dragon Quest game but I remember seeing them in Nintendo Power when I was younger.

I think they could be good DLC picks, I’d enjoy having them in the game.

This is how I feel about it, although Lucina and Chrom could be cut if there were good replacements for them. Byleth feels like a character that was being used to advertise Three Houses, which is useless since that’s a popular game a lot of people already knew about.

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