Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

"GW2 Spoilers

An addendum to my previous post:

Just realized who the Balthazar/Smodur of the Elder Dragons is: Balthazar himself!

Who exposed Jormag to the full threat of Primordus? Balthazar!

Balthazar’s actions also led to Bangar taking the path he led which put him and Ryland in conflict with Smodur. Balthazar always barges into where he does not belong while acting all reasonable and diplomatic while in truth being a belligerent warmonger out for power!

He is why the Charr turned to the Titans of Abaddon! He is the reason Jormag turned to Bangar which brought him and Ryland in conflict with the Balthazar of the Charr!

It’s interesting how the Gods had a Balthazar/Smodur and an Abaddon/Bangar/Deep Sea Dragon and the Elder Dragons had another Abaddon/Bangar/Deep Sea Dragon, a Primordus/Crecia, Kralkatorrik/Rytlock and a Jormag/Ryland while the Charr had both groups combined!

Balthazar if he had known that Bangar and the Deep Sea Dragon were their Generations’ versions of Abaddon he might have been tempted to fulfill his usual role by killing both of them(and get rid of his own counterpart in the Charr) before targeting Kralkatorrik!

While being necessary for both Generations of Ryland/Jormag to decide to team up Balthazar/Smodur is not necessary for Ryland/Jormag to exist.

Abaddon/Bangar/Deep Sea Dragon on the other hand is necessary for a Ryland/Jormag to exist provided there is a Primordus/Crecia and Kralkatorrik/Rytlock existing as well which in the case of the Five Gods there wasn’t.

Both Jormag and Ryland teaming up changed the game so that the Abaddon of both the Charr and the Elder Dragons are now fully active!

I discovered the other “WoW” recently, and I have to say, I’m having fun.

Playing destroyers reminds me of playing rogues, and because the teams are multinational, I don’t feel like the “side” that I’m picking is being artificially let down.

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I’ve honestly all but quit playing in any meaningful capacity. Except when an odd mood takes me and I do a Calling or two. I stopped seriously playing because of the story, and while the story still sucks, I also don’t pick it back up because grinding a hundred different reputations and a thousand different currencies to get anywhere is kind of terrible. Like, that’s not a game, that’s just a chore.

Also, the more I play other games, the more I come to dislike WoW’s 'roided out models on all the male races (except Darkspear, who are off the table for playing for the wrong team).
Picture relevent:

I’m here for BC.

Again, once FFXIV gets Australian servers at some point during the next xpac, I’m making a bunny very fast.


I’ve been thinking about the mysterious Space Marine known as Cypher…

The fact that most characters called Cypher are actually named after Lucifer makes this Space Marine suspicious. The fact that he wants to bring a Sword he never drawn once to the Emperor is even more suspicious!

While some Imperium have suggested he attempts to either assassinate the Emperor or gift him with the Sword there is another possibility: The Golden Throne is the heart of the Astronomican and the Devil would benefit greatly if he shoved a Sword into whatever broken unusable part of the Golden Throne is available!

The Imperium wouldn’t dare to dismantle the Golden Throne to remove Cypher’s sword from a long ago broken component! Lucifer should he gain access to the Golden Throne would be able to alter the Astronomican to not only send out it’s usual Beacon into the Warp(Realm of Chaos) but also extend that Beacon into Hell itself!

The Warp is a Dimension spawned from Dreams and Psychic Emanations! Hell would be a legitimate Place of Torment constructed before the Warp went Chaotic!

People believe Blanks have no Souls but we don’t know that for certain. If they do have Souls then how do we know that the Souls of Non-Blanks actually get pulled into the Warp and not just their Psychic Consciousness?

If Cypher is indeed Lucifer and indeed seeks to create a beacon to Hell the Imperium would find itself under siege by Demon Blanks!

Panel 1: BfA’s intro cinematic.
Panel 2: The rest of BfA.


I’ll probably stick with Elezen. But I will make a bunny boy retainer to stick next to my cat boy and dragon boy retainers. And probably an alt.

Fun fact: Sylvanas’s attacks during her Raid Encounter are darker than any attack I have ever seen!

Void is either Bright Purple, Black surrounding a Bright Purple Core or Aqua-Black.

Even the Maw’s Rainbow-Black is brighter than Sylvanas’s Dark Purplish-Black!

You remind me of the universal truths :

The Irma Luhrman-Merman murder
Turned the bird’s word lurid
The whir and the purr of a twirler girl
She would the world were demurer
The insurer’s allure
For valor were pure Kari Wuhrer
One fervid whirl over her turgid error
Rural juror

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Any last guesses on how things will turn out?

Here are mine:

Spoilers for KH Union X

One of the Lifeboats wasn’t used…

There were 7 Lifeboats and we know Ephemer and Skuld never used any of them.

1st Lifeboat for Maleficent
2nd Lifeboat for Strelitzia
3rd, 4th and 5th Lifeboats for Lauriam, Elrena and Ventus

This leaves the 6th Lifeboat unaccounted for since we know Brain is Eraqus’s Grandfather and would establish a new line of Keyblade Wielders and thus would have time to use the 7th unused Lifeboat to create more of them for his own journey…

6th can only be Subject X… I suspect Subject X is one of the 6 Darknesses that were trying to gain a sense of self…

As for when Subject X used the Lifeboat: Probably as soon as Brain, Lauriam, Elrena and Ven showed up to interrupt one of the 6 Darknesses’ fight to steal Luxu’s Body.

The idea of Subject X not getting Luxu’s Body but is forced to get her own original form back at the cost of a mind wipe is major irony especially since all she did was aid Maleficent in becoming a player in the big cosmic game.

The other Darkness to escape the system Vanitas of course likely manages to create the χ-blade as a result of clashing with Ventus and the χ-blade ends up shattering creating the 7 Lights and 13 Darknesses of which 7 are heavily tainted with the Sins gathered by the Power Bangle and thus infect Hearts consumed by said Sins(no thanks to the Master of Masters’ Book of Prophecies infecting them with the Sins) turning them into Heartless!

The 7 Sin-infected Darknesses of course transfer the Sins into the Dream Eater Spirits connected to said Heartless turning the Dream Eaters into Nightmares in order to keep the Darknesses and Heartless from being consumed by the Sins themselves like that Darkling Heartless was in Candy Land.

7 of the 13 Darknesses became infected with Sin with 6 of them possibly infecting the Classmates of Xehanort and going back in time to possess the Master of Masters’ copies of them AKA the Foretellers while the other 6 are unaccounted for.

We have Vanitas inside Ventus, Subject X fully restored, 4 Darknesses trapped in the Data Worlds and 6 Darknesses consumed by 6 Deadly Sins now possessing the Foretellers(Xehanort’s classmates) while 6 Darknesses and the Deadly Sin of Pride are unaccounted for and creating Heartless at an alarming rate.

The loss of 6 Darknesses each infected with one of the Deadly Sins of course changes who the Heartless are created from thus explaining why the Queen of Hearts isn’t seen being infected a second time… She holds Wrath not Pride and as such can’t become a Heartless.

Maleficent, Riku, Xehanort, Mother Gothel, Jafar, Hans and Scar all had Pride and as such all of them were susceptible to the Darkness infected with Pride. Riku only gained immunity to the Darkness when he gained humility.


I’m only playing for the weekly raid with guildies, transmogs, visiting old content, and leveling pre-SL alts. I am sick and tired of the “daily grind.” Chores I have to endure if I want to stay current. I couldn’t care less for the Maw or Torgast (boregast as I am calling it now).

I mostly missed out on Vanilla due to work, and I am only interested in possibly TBC, as it was my favorite expansion.


Just watched some of KH Union X’s ending.

Alas there is no translation yet available so I haven’t the slightest clue what is going on yet according to the Master of Masters wanted all 13 Darknesses(as in the 13 shards of Darkness from the χ-blade) to possess the Foretellers and the Union Leaders.

Seems Luxu is actually Brain’s future self(explains the similarities between Braig and Brain). Since Brain lost all memory upon arrival his return to the past must have been orchestrated by the Master of Masters which probably means the other Foretellers are Time Travelers(most likely Xehanort’s fellow classmates).

Someone also kidnapped Xehanort from one of Skuld’s relatives(who has Silver Eyes rather than Golden) after the Player latched onto him and took him to Destiny Islands and eventually dropped dead of old age.

Why a kidnapper would go so much trouble to take Xehanort to that Island and never leave is beyond me. The only thing I can come up with is that he might be a Program sent by the Master of Masters to fulfill the Book of Prophecy.

In any case I suspect Xehanort is Eraqus’s Brother and thus Ephemer’s grandson. The fact that Ephemer showed up in a Spirit Form in front of Sora implies Ephemer either did not live long or he and Skuld used the Lifeboats after having a daughter. Considering Subject X has black hair according to the Character Files that is quite likely.

Once Luxu(who has none of Brain’s Memories due to already using the Lifeboat once) has ensured Skuld has gotten back her memory and exposes her to Ephemer’s Scarf Ephemer will probably reappear.

Since someone needs to remember the person using the Lifeboats the only reason Elrena and Lauriam were restored was because one of the 13 Darknesses remembered them and was present.

They were vessels of 2 of the 13 Darknesses allowing them to become Heartless! This of course means KH3 resulted in Xehanort absorbing said 2 of the 13 Darknesses getting them done in during the KH3 Re:Mind DLC when they and the 11 fragments of Xehanort’s Heart separated from him and merged into that copy of Armored Xehanort!

Marluxia and Larxene’s change in personality and regaining themselves upon being defeated in KH3 must have been the Darknesses possessing them being expelled!

Edit: Translations are now up on the page:

4 of the 13 Darknesses are trapped in the Data Cables left to disperse into nothing, 5 of the 7 Deadly Sins have possessed the Foretellers during the Keyblade War and were pulled to the present by Luxu, Vanitas is attached to Ventus and 3 more Darknesses(Pride, Lust and one of the Non-Sins) are left unaccounted for…

I wouldn’t be surprised if the Master of Masters was already consumed by Pride while Lust is the one who possessed Master Xehanort who in turn implanted a piece of himself and Lust into Luxu.

Quadratum turns out to be you guessed it: The Reaper’s Game. The Master of Masters outright mentions it to be the Afterlife. Luxord is looking more and more to be a Reaper.

The Master of Masters showing up in Quadratum means that he probably offed himself(or had Maleficent off him considering Pete implies that he was the one telling Maleficent about the Black Box) in hopes of taking out Pride. That probably means Pride is in Quadratum.

Spirit Dream Eaters seem to be the Souls of Dead Keyblade Wielders merged with their Chirithy in Sleep thus explaining why the Master of Masters claims that a Spirit turning into Nightmare is a sign of a Keyblade Wielder turning to Darkness: The Spirit-turned Nightmare is the Keyblade Wielder who turned to Darkness!

The Master of Masters in the end wasn’t considering the possibility of a Chirithy Owner turning to Darkness without merging with their Chirithy as that only means the Owner becomes a Heartless while the Chirithy disappears. He also wasn’t delving into the matter of Nightmare Chirithy which is the result of extracting Light from Darkness and just throwing the Darkness away!

Anyone want to bet what Maleficent(who sees Evil as a separate Cosmic Force from Darkness) will do once she discovers that the 13 Darknesses losing their form allowed them to create the Heartless? If she gets any ideas to strip the 7 Lights of their form she could potentially create Light Heartless!

Of course if Hades(whom Nomura intends to do more with) gains any knowledge of the Noise in the Reaper’s Game he could gain an army aligned with Death(along with an army of Nightmares born from Spirits consumed by Darkness in the Limbo known as the Realm of Sleep)!

I’m still on this. I’m trying to see how far I can get while being a free-to-play player. My annoying Verizon rewards thing came through for me with this bonus bundle that I was able to apply, but now that I’m moving from Tier V to VI, I’m finding myself low on credits to buy the T6 ships and their upgrades.

Fortunately, that little bonus bundle came with a few premium ships. One of which is in the tier that I now have to run battles with over and over again to build up that credit reserve, and that I have a 100% win rate in - in battles that I have so far at least, survived.

The USS Arizona.

Exactly the same with me. I played continuously from TBC till now, but with Shadowlands I’ll go weeks without logging in.

I logged in last Saturday just long enough to show a friend some of the issues Gnomes have with mounts (springboarding off a discussion of small races in games). Other than that, I haven’t really played since my DnD group made a Free Company in FFXIV.

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I was recently reading another blood elf vs void elf aesthetic/theme thread where someone linked a behind the scenes of the blood elf creation and it made me miss the old blood elves. :anguished:

I feel like that old guy is Joe Biden, with the hopes of a bunch of 90s people boosting him against the forces of Morgoth

I truly was getting worried that it had been canned. Oh lord, I need it so bad.