Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

I’m voting for Kaytlin Cardassian for Governor of California.

Normally I wouldn’t bother posting this type of stuff, but the internet is getting worse.

They call him Narcissistic!?! He is an Egomaniac yes but not Narcissistic!

He clearly doesn’t care if people hate him unlike actual Narcissists! He does appear Histrionic in Meet the Cores 3 though… Of course Egocentricism is a trait in Histrionics so that is no surprise…

When the Underground makes it’s episode for the Vanity Core I imagine we will finally see a Narcissistic Core as Narcissism and Vanity are one and the same! We will see a Core demanding praise from others rather than a Core who sees himself as perfect and brushes away all comments of his haters while acknowledging that some people don’t even know him!

The Azeroth: Fairy Tales book is pretty cute. I feel like people are going to lose their minds (mainly because of the Vereesa story, which is a big ‘why is this even included’) because it’s not really very lore heavy. Or, rather, people will take it far too literally and attempt to extract objective lore from them.

The Elune/Earth Mother ones are excellent stories, but I doubt strongly there’s any kind of lore conclusion that can be divined from them. People are going to get real annoyed.

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Aaaand it begins.

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What does?

This is exactly how I was hoping it would be ever since they teased a scythe class. New main.

In the final hours of my birthday, Square Enix hath gifted me my bunny bois.

So here’s another shameless plug for FFXIV.


I hoped they would say that new customization options were coming out, but I hadn’t heard anything about it. I might jump back in after a while and give sage a whirl, but it’s hard to want to commit that one free race change into hrothgar when I know their hairstyle options are hardlocked to their faces unlike most of the other races. Like hell am I going to drop $10 real cash for a barbershop edit if I can just wait.

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I legit didn’t even notice they were male until the title card at the end of their preview.

Second month in a row I’ve hit Legend on Wild:

I love rewatching this series.

And proper Oceanic servers coming whenever that xpac is released (that or the .1 patch for it? IDR). FINALLY!

I went Viera for my main over there due to fangirling over XII a lot, so seeing that the bunboys are done in a way that fits the implied low dimorphism they’re supposed to have makes me happy.

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finance101. com/fast-food-worst-restaurants-america/

I’m shocked at how far my favorite places are on the list.

I still main an Elezen, 'cus muh Elves. But I have a small stable of alts (old habits die hard), that I will gladly add a bunny boi to.

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GW2 Icebrood Saga Spoilers

Looking at GW2’s Icebrood Saga I can see similarities between Jormag and Ryland: Both think they were being held back and tormented by Beasts(Primordus & Kralkatorrik for Jormag and Rytlock, Crecia and Bangar for Ryland) and both got themselves killed in a suicidal attack against said Beasts…

Of course if Jormag is the Ryland of the Elder Dragons who are the Rytlock and Crecia of the Elder Dragons?

I would consider Kralkatorrik to be the Rytlock of the Elder Dragons with Primordus being the Crecia.

Of course that leaves only the Bangar & Smodur. Both are symptoms of a much larger problem that was put into motion by Abaddon(who acted like Bangar: stubborn reactionary and undiplomatic) and Balthazar(who acted like Smodur: diplomatic and yet quite reactionary and eager for conflict)…

Abaddon is the God of the Deep who took advantage of Balthazar’s attack upon the Charr to turn them into what they are now just as Bangar took advantage of Ryland’s situation including Ryland’s being attacked by Smodur. Now which Elder Dragon has the same domain as Abaddon and is just as Eldritch according to Movement of the World?.. The Deep Sea Dragon!

The Deep Sea Dragon doesn’t have a bigger Ryland to put him in his place like Bangar did so he is going to be much more dangerous!

Of course if the Deep Sea Dragon is the Abaddon and Bangar of the Elder Dragons where is the Balthazar/Smodur of the Elder Dragons? Where is the diplomatic warmonger in it for power and conquest? Is it the mother Dragon?

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I thought I’d post a clip of my wife celebrating World Bee Day.