Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

Breathtaking music, brought me to tears.

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5 hours remaining on my account.

Before I go, I would like to offer this screenshot of one time I found Grandblade & Co. in the wild.

Ta-ta for now.



I got beat up by a tree. :frowning:

Tried mowing under a heavy branch but it slipped from my grip and clonked me in the face, almost knocking me off of the riding lawnmower and pulling a muscle in my leg in the process.

The tree was like:

“You play Horde, eh? FOR TELDRASSIL!”


The Emperor apparently had Planet Destroying Star Destroyers since before Return of the Jedi!

The only reason the Death Star was being constructed there was because he wanted an elaborate trap for the Rebellion!

Considering how he was following Grand General Tagge’s road map(no having everything tied to a single asset) even after he demoted(and had Vader kill) the guy(as shown by the Planet Destroying Star Destroyer Fleet being created before Return of the Jedi) he probably started creating a second fleet of Planet Destroying Star Destroyers right before he invited Kylo Ren to Exegol!

His fleet on Exegol is destroyed but his second fleet is elsewhere and probably not in a place where their shields can be nullified!

In any case I’m sure just from this Comic that Luke knew what Snoke was(due to Anakin telling him as a Force Ghost) and what his First Order should be capable of(which is why he sought out the Emperor’s Wayfinder in order to deal with the Exegol Fleet) even though he knew nothing about about Sidious’s return or Rey!

I get that feel. I was leveling my bank alt (I don’t like the face burn I gave her, and I can’t port to Stormwind for the barber until she’s level 10) the other day, and I realized how much I miss content on Azeroth. Running around the Shadowlands
I just don’t care.


There is a sort of 
 quality to the Shadowlands. The Brokers even joke about how we are prone to do our business and move on. We are “there” largely because it effects our “here”
 and then we go back to our business.

As far as my level of interest: I am curious as to how the Eternal Ones came to be. How they rose to power, and to “dominate” the landscape. I am looking for reasons to disagree with Sylvanas. She wants to tear the whole thing down
 and I wonder if the current order is a thing to defend. So, I am enjoying Shadowlands. But I understand why a lot of folks who loved the more grounded aspects of Warcraft feel a bit disconnected with the current story.

Spoilers for Kingdom Hearts Union X

Seems Skuld will not be one of those going through time! She cannot be Subject X

Speaking of Darknesses there appear to be 6 Keyblade Wielders of Darkness who lost of their bodies
 2 of them taken out leaving 4

Subject X stated 4 friends and a Key
 She is one of the 6 Keyblade Wielders of Darkness! No wonder the Darknesses told Maleficent that she had enough Darkness! Subject X was piggy-backing on her the whole trip!

Luxu is known to be very paranoid of those who are outside of his parameters as shown with Luxord and Maleficent so he would remove the mysterious Subject X from the picture though where he dumped this unknown is unknown!

Of the 6 Keyblade Wielders of Darkness who lost their bodies in an earlier Keyblade War
 One becomes Vanitas, another goes forward through time regaining his/her body another gets fought until he or she dissipates(due to not being able to take Luxu’s Body and thus nothing to stabilize him/her) or gets absorbed by Ven(who is about to pop up next to Luxu) to create the X-Blade and the other 3 seek out the various hosts while infecting the world with Heartless!

Truly an interesting notion if true! Of course if a disembodied Keyblade Wielder of Darkness can infect then so can a disembodied Keyblade Wielder of Light!

On to Ephemer and his descendant Eraqus! Ephemer is for all intents and purposes trapped in the Data Worlds
 Since we see Ephemer contact Sora in his Dandelion form Eraqus likely wasn’t raised by him so the only recourse I can come up with is Ephemer spawning someone with the Book of Prophecies to become Eraqus’s father with a message about the clash with Darkness!

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:leaves: Blowing back through to plug New Pokémon Snap.

More immersive and cohesive story than current WoW.


I don’t think Skuld staying behind for now necessarily invalidates the possibility of her being Subject X. One lifeboat does remain after all and I highly doubt that the PC is the one who uses it.

As for the 4 friends and a key line from Subject X, do you think that it could be Ava? Unless I missed something, she is the only foreteller whose whereabouts are unaccounted for at present.

The rest of your statements here are interesting, if a little unsettling to think about.

Just one more month left to see where this plot thread goes

Speaking of KH there are shocking Videos on YouTube showing Modders creating new Spells for Sora to use for KH3 using Animations from Enemies and whatnot!

To any saying it is no problem let’s remind you that they are able to import Models and could dare attempt to import from other games(including WoW which has a known Model Viewer) incurring the wrath of other Businesses alongside Square Enix!

To any saying WoW has nothing of interest for these dreaded Modders let me remind you that WoW has Spell Animations and Enemies that can fulfill the role of Heartless, Unversed and Nobodies in the form of Death Elementals, Extracted Sins of Revendreth, Voidwalkers and Sha(this last one doesn’t even need searching for Projectiles or Death Explosions since KH3 already has Sha-like Projectiles and Death Explosions)!

It’s so damn good, right? I died when I saw all the pelipper - and everytime I see a new pokemon I’m always going “OH!!!”

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I die every time one of my beloved Grass starters show up, and am so glad they’re getting some much needed love.

I guess be glad I lost trust level 3 at some point of not posting, otherwise I’d inundate this thread with greenery.

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Seeing serperior on the milotic level
 I almost screamed.


Fascinating how JJ Abrams constantly creates what Cardassians refer to as the Repetitive Epic!

Star Trek and Star Wars are both Repetitive Epics! The Cardassians would love them for repeating continuously!