Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

It’s always weird when threads get necro’ed and new people end up reading them. As a result I get notifications now such as people liking posts I made in March of last year.

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Does anyone read the forums on their phone? Why is the font different?

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I’m on desktop and the font changed for me too. It seems to be a site change.


Probably because all the social media sites are going for a mobile format for maximum ad revenue. We don’t see any ads probably because shoving them down a paying customer’s throat is kind of a bad move.

I love it when that happens.

It would seem much has changed. Even the little Bnet Icon on my desktop changed. And lately I see a big blue “NEW TOPIC BUTTAN” in my face all over the place on the forums when I use my phone.

Some of the changes are eyesores… like the New Topic thingy. But I like the new font. It has an X-Files feel. Sort of old school. 90s. Maybe it is just me.

Wingdings is a superior font

According to the Archived Streams of Heroes of Mana the game does not claim Mavolia was created by Anise like the Wiki claims it does!

Instead it states that Anise before the Mana Goddess showed up had unleashed a great Darkness upon the world(the Thanatos incident in Dawn of Mana obviously). Furthermore it states that Anise’s curse against Mana did not create Mavolia but instead resulted in Anise possessing everyone in various worlds en mass in retaliation for her defeat in Dawn of Mana!

Anise is not the ultimate Big Bad after all! Just an agent of the Echoes who decided to be a nuisance in Heroes of Mana while Mavolia’s ruler who replaced the guy who replaced Stroud as King of Mavolia(His Dark Majesty) moved on to the realm’s next plan(using the Benevodons to become a God).

Even more interestingly it also states that the Benevodons including the Benevodon of Light came from the same Darkness!

The Benevodons are agents of the Echoes just like the Thanatos! No wonder His Dark Majesty summoned the Benevodon of Darkness directly into Mavolia! It was a servant of Mavolia to begin with!

The fact that the Benevodon of Darkness resembles the Monster Form of Lady Medusa in Sword of Mana leads to questions on the nature of her illness. Was Zable Fahr taking possession of her from within forcing her Spirit to go to Fa’Diel and become a Mana Goddess as per the demands of the Echoes to cure her condition?

The thought that Medusa had her name cursed and had to take on the persona of Anise the Witch because the Echoes demanded she become a Mana Goddess and release them with the punishment for escaping to Sword of Mana’s world with Granz being to be hijacked by Zable Fahr is frightening!

I dare say her Boss Fight in Sword of Mana must have taken place at the exact same time as the Final Boss Fight of Dawn of Mana!

Being banished from Ritzia’s Body and finding herself in her own Body on it’s death bed must have been traumatizing for her with the thought of Ritzia and Fey turning into a Mana Goddess denying her freedom from her illness filling her heart with rage leaving her only the solace that Lester sang to her in her illness and that the heroes of Sword of Mana put her out of her misery!

While she probably has no grudge against the Heroes of Sword of Mana instead holding a debt towards them her Spirit is most definitely angry at the Mana Goddess that arose instead of her and seeks to destroy Mana by possessing everyone! Low Mana of course manages to reconstitute her so that she may seek revenge against the Mana Realms!

Due to obtaining the power of a World’s Mana Tree she like Emperor Vandole(who has a vested interest in putting the new Mana Goddess in her place by forcing her to become Human apparently failing mid-Sword of Mana forcing him to drain his world’s Mana Tree) will continue to exist as long as Mana exists in the Multiverse it seems!

I wonder what other Mavolians have been attempting to reconstitute themselves: oh what am I kidding! Obviously Thanatos was trying to reconstitute himself through the Echoes and resurrected himself inside Belgar(the only Bad Guy who wasn’t a King of Mavolia or a Dragon) the moment he absorbed the Benevodons spawned by Thanatos’s Echoes!

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Odd but fun to see a story forum poster in the wild, especially when you dont share a realm and its just a random chance of cross-realm phasing

really, what are the odds?


I knew few will care about this and just think i am looking for attention or whatever, but i think i got covid.

to bad he did not see that plot twist lol

Unlucky. Wait until you get the test back, though, before you do anything else.

Considering how the Heroes of Mana archived streams on YouTube makes it clear Anise/Medusa is not the creator of Mavolia, that the Benevodons who turned the Masked Monk into a Dark Lich like Thanatos came from the Echoes that spawned Thanatos Masks and the Benevodon Zable Fahr resembles Medusa’s Boss Form… I’m going to assume the Benevodons and the Echoes are manifestations of Thanatos from Secret of Mana.

With that in mind: Who was King of Mavolia before Stroud and his successor His Dark Majesty? Was it Thanatos preceded by Emperor Vandole preceded by Shade the Elemental of Darkness?

Did Vandole make a bargain with all 7 Elementals to turn them into Mana Elemental Spirits in exchange for handing over their Elemental Planes including Mavolia the Underworld(not to be mistaken for Hell which Stroud states is separate) Elemental Plane of Shadow to him?

If the Mana Franchise were to continue do you think we could discover evidence of this showing us not only Mavolia but the other Elemental Planes in the franchise?

The lack of Nadjia the Mistblande fan art disappoints me.