Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

Got a Switch and started playing Pokemon Sword, heard a lot of bad things regarding it and I’m unfortunately here to report they’re all true.

Thankfully being able to play Mario Galaxy on the go is neat.


I’m a Dragon Quest fanboy at heart so I’m hoping the DQ Monsters game they were working on hasn’t fallen through. Unfortunately I think the series has traditionally bombed outside of Japan because

  1. how the hell do you compete against Pokemon
  2. they took so long to localize the last two they DID bring over that series fans already knew about the updated versions and held off, hoping those would come instead, and
  3. almost don’t even bother marketing the series at all.

You’d think being able to advertise the games as “Dragon Ball-style Pokemon” would at least garner some attention.

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It’s a pretty low quality game, but to me, it’s the ‘best’ in the series simply because there’s so much choice in making your team.

Yeah, Sword and Shield has a lot of problems. But at the end of the day it is Pokemon. If you treat it as such, you’ll enjoy it more or less the same as the rest.

There were some positive though. The whole arena style major battles really sold the whole sports feel and the league itself being a bracket struck that anime vibe. Most of the battle music slaps, though the route music was forgettable this time around for me. Some of the new mons are welcome additions to the franchise (Centiskorch MVP of my first run). The Wild Area, while executed REALLY poorly, is the future of the series should it be refined. The DLC is actually pretty solid too.

Tbh, I’d love to do challenge runs of this game because the Wild Area as a concept opens up a lot of fun variety since you have a wide variety of pokes from before the first gym.

Like doing a monotype challenge that avoids all optional battles, etc. However, I can’t imagine that would add much difficulty.

Routes are straight forward hallways of nothing and the trainer battles seem deliberately undertuned.

The only way to keep the game difficulty up was by rotating my team every 1-2 gyms, otherwise I’d end up over-leveled.

Yeah, forcing the EXP share really made the game a joke. I think the only time the game caught me underprepared was Leon because of his enormous level jump. Even then, I swamped him.

Nuzlockes are pretty fun this go around though. The Wild Area ensures every run has some variety in your team comp that can lead to some hilarity like having ice types going into the first gym. It also makes Dynamax a horrifying mechanic. If you can’t one mon sweep a gym leader then you might be losing a member or two to the absurd power spike. Exp Share still makes it easy if you have good RNG, but I’ve still found it challenging. Especially gym/league battles.

I found that the only hard battle was the champion, but pretty much only because his team was quite a lot higher in level than the ‘league’ before it. Nothing my Dynamax Togekiss couldn’t deal with though!

The team I used:

Pelipper (shock)
a 6th I don’t remember lmao idk where my Switch charger is

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Thinking of Myst I’ve noticed something: Gehn’s copying from many sources caused contradictions that led to the Ages his Descriptive Books linked to to wind up unstable!

That reminds me of the Book of Darkness: according to the Movie Commentary it is theorized that it had so many Owners attempt to gain more and more control over the Book that they made the Automatic Defense System worse!

Oh fun. New scam callers asking for personal info because “you’ve indicated that you are interested in furthering your education.”

Supposedly my vehicle warranty is always about to expire.

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Or there’s been a warrant out for my arrest for a couple years at minimum.

Ya’ll know where to find me. Come and get me.

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Spoilers for Kingdom Hearts Union X

Seems that most of the Darkness that ravaged the Kingdom Hearts World during the Keyblade War followed the Dandelions to the Data World while possessing Ventus.

One Darkness managed to piggyback on Maleficent when she used the Lifeboat to get out of the Data World then proceeded to create the Realm of Darkness and infect all Hearts with it’s presence creating the Heartless.

The majority of the Darkness remained in the Data World in order to infect it and Ventus. The Darkness of course got bound to Ventus and dragged to the future to be pulled out of Ven to become Vanitas.

The Kingdom Hearts 3 Novels mention Black Masses inside Vanitas creating Unversed.

Considering the Keyblade Wielders were gathering Sin with the Power Bangle creating Nightmares in the Realm of Sleep it is likely that when the Darkness infected Ven it picked up the Sin which not only eventually created the Unversed but caused one of Darkness’s Darklings to become a Nightmare over time while bonded to a Cy-Bug!

The central will of the Darkness from the First Keyblade War is Vanitas while the central will of the Heartless is the Darkness that aided Maleficent. Any Darkness left behind in the Data World after Ventus time travels is doomed to be consumed by Sin becoming Nightmare!

There are 2 Cores of Darkness walking around active: 1 in Ventus and 1 doing who knows what(probably working with Maleficent at the moment)! Vanitas the 1st Core has been getting sympathetic traits in the Novels and the Character Files while the other Core of Darkness hasn’t shown any sympathetic traits!

Maleficent is most certainly the main focus of the Core of the Heartless now that Xehanort has proven not only a failure but a Fanatic of Light! It most likely retains it’s will and is fully in communication with Maleficent.

Vanitas has noted that he feels incomplete. The Core of the Heartless being missing and disconnected due to Time Travel is the source of that feeling not Ventus! Only the defeat and reclaiming of the Heartless Core can fix Vanitas whom all signs show is back inside Ven judging from KH3 Re:Mind DLC!

As for who used the Lifeboats:

  1. Maleficent
  2. Ava(the true Dandelion)
  3. Skuld
  4. Ventus
  5. The Player/Xehanort
  6. Lauriam
  7. Elrena

Ephemer stays in the Data Daybreak Town while Brain stays in the Physical Daybreak Town and turns it into Scala ad Caelum by creating a Sea and flipping the ruined mountain(which according to Break diorama in Scala is carved into a Throne) upside down & building a City over it.

As for the Data Daybreak Town: Any remnants of Darkness will be consumed by Sin and become Nightmare making Data Daybreak Town into a place with neither Light nor Darkness that Xehanort speaks of. A place of Nightmare.

As not only are the Nightmares born from Wrath there are Data Foretellers in Data Daybreak Town it is easy to guess why the Foretellers are named after the Seven Deadly Sins: The Nightmares are going to possess Data Ira making him the embodiment of Wrath.

The other Data Foretellers are also going to be possessed in all likelihood.

Of course while the Nightmares are clearly Wrath(even the Darkness that split off from Vanitas is tainted with Wrath) there doesn’t seem to be other Sins ravaging the Planet except for one entity: Maleficent the Mistress of All Evil(who mentions in her Character File that Evil is a distinct Cosmic Force in KH separate from Darkness).

Considering the Master of Masters has a major connection to Cats I wouldn’t be surprised if he was Pete implanted in the Body of a Data version of some Kid from the First Keyblade War so that he can be sent to that Kid and possess him while carrying Maleficent’s Wrath!

The Master of Masters states that Ira is leader yet he did no leading. He also stated that Aced should take over should Ira fail.

With that said the Kairi Game will probably involve Data Daybreak Town and result in the Data Foretellers being corrupted by Maleficent with Data Ira(consumed by Nightmare beforehand) being the Final Boss only for him to be demoted to 2nd highest ranking Sin below Sloth!

The Traitor of the group wanting to be in charge will be Super X the Pride of Maleficent who would never bow to Maleficent regardless of her claims of being the Mistress of All Evil or her claims of creating Super X.


So turns out in Hearthstone there are some really good Murlocs with the next expansion, so on Standard I’ll be shifting over from Murloc Paladin (Sirloc, if you will) on Tuesday back to Murloc Shaman, and dusting off my Wild Murloc Shaman with the new cards added as well for fun.

In the meantime, I’ve been playing Druid Murloc on Classic, but I was trying a janky set up where I was trying to use Faceless Manipulators to duplicate Murloc Warleaders as a finisher, but I forgot how much cheap removal was available in Classic Hearthstone, so my Murlocs were never staying alive enough for that to work out. However, the internet pointed me back to the obvious solution of just throwing the Force of Nature + Savage Roar combo into my deck, and it has been very effective.

Truth be told, though, the real reason I added that combo into my deck was because this image I saw on the Hearthstone reddit of people having flashbacks to their Classic Hearthstone memories:

It should be a war crime over how many chargers I’ve ruined.

New policy around here should be don’t feed the Trolls Dwarves.

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The policy should have been “don’t feed the Night Elves.” They don’t seem to grasp the concept of controlling their caloric intake. Sylvanas had to devise alternative methods to burn their calories away. She’s like the Richard Simmons of Warcraft.

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Bring back the virgin thread Blizz

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