Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

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when you go back to old undercity and see sylvanas there

Duck Tales Spoilers

Funny how the new Duck Tales continuity changed April/Webby from being Daisy’s niece to Daisy’s likely(if she marries Donald) future Cousin-in-law(due to Webby being Scrooge’s clone/daughter making her Donald’s cousin) while also changing June and May from Daisy’s nieces into being Daisy’s potential future Cousin-in-laws(due to being cloned from Webby)!

Of course in the case of June & May there is probably still the chance that they may call their Cousin-in-law Daisy by the term Aunt Daisy as Frodo called his senior Cousin Bilbo by the term Uncle Bilbo in the LotR Movies!

Considering parents sometimes refer to their siblings by the title their children call them(only in said children’s presence) the likelihood of Webby/April calling her Niece-in-Law Daisy by the term Auntie Daisy while around her 2 clone daughters is quite possible!

anyone got the mouse with the side buttons? why is it that when I run with the left and right button, i can’t press the bottom button?

I don’t have that problem myself. I logged in to doublecheck and I can hold down every button at once and WoW registers them all simultaneously for me. TeckNet GM299 with 8 buttons, for reference.

Probably a stupid question but is it only if you hold down the left+right clicks, or does any three button combination fail? If it’s the latter, it could just be a badly designed mouse. I tried googling it and read a Reddit post about how some programmable mice are still designed with a maximum of two simultaneous presses.

Edit: Ignorant question since I don’t even know if this would fix it, but did the mouse come with software to install? I had to do that to change one of my side buttons from autofire to something I could use for WoW.

I got two fancy mouses (mice?) as gifts from my niece recently. The fanciest one is in the box still, and the other, I use… but I don’t even know. It has lights and buttons all over- some of the buttons change the speed of the mouse cursor, and that is both neat and irritating, because my lazy mouse-hand sometimes rests a bit too much, and I accidentally make the mouse go super fast at the most inopportune moments.

I told my niece some of the new technology is beyond me, but she insisted she wanted to buy me something I would use. She was a bit mad that I left the better mouse in the box. I guess she figured the best one should be used first and the lesser one would be the back up, but I figured I would wear the lesser one down and then use the better one.

Either way, I am not utilizing my mouse and mice to their full extent, and I don’t think I ever will. I like to think: “maybe one day I will learn!” But I’m old enough to know I seldom learn.

I didn’t think I would at first either, but it started with “well I may as well bind the mouse wheel press to something” which turned to binding both directions of the wheel scroll and then when I finally needed a new mouse, I got one with a couple of side buttons and oh look I can bind these two awkward keys I sometimes click and then when THAT mouse wore out, I got one with an additional button so I didn’t have to reach as far for button 6 and then I started remapping more of the keyboard to taste.

Basically it was a battle of convenience over laziness and the former gradually wore out. But considering I originally played WoW with a damn USB controller when I first got into the game, I can’t say it’s any worse than that.

That’s nice music.

I’ve been playing a lot of Black Ops Cold War recently, it’s kinda addicting. This song has become one of my favorites.

Here I am with the stock standard Microsoft $13 mouse and $17 keyboard. I refuse to use a gAMeR brand mouse/keyboard. Repugnant. My god I hear the clacking in my NIGHTMARES

Since Drahliana likes to invoke my name in random threads, to clarify, what I was happy Drahliana stopped was the Blood Elf role playing to instigate tribalism and represent the worst of fandoms as such.

If anything, I’d be much happier if Drahliana posted on a Horde character without the role playing.

This little shout out made me think of that old Destiny’s Child song:

I know I am hardly an example of what you in particular would consider an ideal poster, but I take issue with your personal attack on their motivations (especially here, as some sort of public square tar and feathering).

I don’t see it as RP if they are honestly advocating for something that transcends RP.

If I post on my Void Elf that I want Void Elves to have Blonde hair, in order to show I do indeed play that Race and have concerns regarding it, that isn’t RP. They should have the option. Horde Posters might see an Alliance Avatar, go rabid, and say I merely want to RP a High Elf and I should play Horde if I want blonde hair… but I don’t want blonde hair on my Blood Elf. He looks good with black hair. I want blonde hair on my Void Elf!

Drahliana might have honest concerns for the Races of the Characters she plays. My only issue would be if she was lying about using Alts, but she is pretty open about when she uses them: to express a concern regarding a Race she plays.


Are we using the lounge thread for drama now?

Where else for Couch Potato Soaps?

I don’t see any drama. I didn’t have anything to add to the thread Drahliana posted in, so I pulled it over here.

Okay, this topic is probably not very suitable for this.

Who are the most dangerous Lightsaber Duelists in Star Wars Canon?

I say the most dangerous Duelists are:

  1. Mace Windu(best duelist of all)
  2. Yoda(extremely acrobatic & was able to disarm Sidious in Comic)
  3. Darth Vader episode 3(sheer skill and ferocity)
  4. Darth Sidious(wild swinging at enough speeds to block Yoda’s Lightsaber)
  5. Darth Tyrannus(extremely good fencer)
  6. Obi-Wan Kenobi(very good at defense)
  7. Second Sister(sheer speed)
  8. Sith Emperor(able to create Duplicates of himself that can physically harm just as much as the real deal unlike the mere illusions some Sith use)

Imagine the Sith Emperor(possessing all his Voices, his Children, Valkorion and his original Body Tenebrae) with Episode 3 Darth Vader’s Skilled Lightsaber Style & Ferocity crossed with the Second Sister’s Speed & Yoda’s Acrobatics! That would be the most powerful Lightsaber Duelist in Star Wars history!

How is posting on a Blood Elf any different than other races to do such?

On another note, she seems to randomly mention you almost as much as I’ve mentioned the story forum discord.

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