Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

Yeah, it’s called smearing and I read that that animation technique nearly got Chuck Jones fired when he created it in his “The Dover Boys” cartoon, and it ended up becoming a staple in animating quick movements.


I finally got the anima together for the level 3 mirror network. I’m not really looking forward to trying to get all of the mog from that even though I really want one of the back pieces.

Welp, time to finish leveling that other demon hunter so I can start working on Night Fae stuff.

Well, I think Blizzard’s logic is understandable, and acceptable since they’ve advertised #somechanges, as well as limiting its use. But players hate it on principle, and worry that it’s a slippery slope.

Werewolf and Satan spotted in Mos Eisley Cantina! The seediest bar in the Star Wars Galaxy is the base of operations for the Devil!

The Devaronians are the devil looking people. When I was a kid, I must have had hundreds of dollars worth of the Star Wars Expanded Universe novels. They were in boxes in my garage for years.

When Disney bought the rights and declared the expanded universe to be a false canon, I traded my books to a used book buyer and bought some Warcraft books with the store credit. Mostly for my friend, who was bed ridden with an injury for weeks - but I read them first. He wanted to learn about Warcraft, and that was a good time to do it.

Most of the stories were kinda lame, but some were great. Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina and Tales from Jabba’s Palace had awesome stories.

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There were some very good books from the Star Wars EU such as the ones that really got the ball rolling - the Thrawn Trilogy by Zahn. Though outdated and they came before the Prequels (thus wrecking some of the Clone lore from the books), they were great.

Then there are the others like Courtship of Princess Leia. Do not get me started on this book. Yeah, it gave us Dathomir, but it also gave us…Han and Leia still not married for 4 years after Endor and the whole courtship crap.

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Fun fact: The Devil Mask was apparently an actual Devil Mask for a Movie that was canceled!

I’m starting to want the Red-Eyed Werewolf to appear in a new Star Wars Film alongside the Sith Emperor Tenebrae(having Force Drained Darth Sidious to oblivion resurrecting himself), the Emperor’s Voices(all of them), Valkorion, the Dark Council, MagnaGuards, Droidekas, Super Battledroids, Clone Troopers and resurrected Vampire Darth Tyrannus!

How would the Dark Council make an appearance? Dromund Kaas is in the Unknown Regions and Sidious did get a Dark Side transmission from the Unknown Regions he couldn’t identify though assumed was the source of the Dark Side itself…

Since Rey killed Sidious in Rise of Skywalker the Sith aren’t extinct as the Chosen One Prophecy clearly states that the one to destroy the Sith would be born from Midi-chlorians and Rey was born from 2 Parents not Midi-chlorians!

The Dark Council and Sith Emperor could easily serve as the basis of the next Saga after the Skywalker Saga!

The Gods of Zakuul could also serve as source of the Dark Side Transmission of course derailing Legends’ claim that they are Machines!

The Mortis Arc of Clone Wars has the Father(embodiment of the Balance in the Force) claim that the Son chose the Dark Side indicating he is not the embodiment of the Dark Side despite being a source of the Sith’s power according to the Father of Mortis! Scyva Mother of Sorrows could easily be the true embodiment of the Dark Side that the Son of Mortis drew upon.

Of course if Scyva becomes the Dark Side in Canon what would her husband Izax be? What he calls himself: the God of Death in otherwords the opposite of the Force Priestesses who are the embodiment of the Living Force!

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Drahliana’s strange insistence on necroing threads has been getting me more likes on posts I made back in like June 2019.


Spear or sword?


Apparently spears are useless if you have the reaction time of a stunned tortoise. Who knew?


Looking at Secret of Mana I am wondering:

Was Primm and Pamaela/Phanna’s similar fashion sense and Pointy Ears(distinctly a Zeal Kingdom Trait) a coincidence or a holdover from when Secret of Mana’s Locales were used in the original Chrono Trigger before everything was scrapped?

To be more specific: Was Primm not only Marle in the original Chrono Trigger but also a Time Traveling Princess Schala with Pamaela being her Zeal Era Self?

If indeed the case then I can only imagine what Proto Schala’s emotional state at the end of the game would have been like: Proto-Randi and Proto-Popoi would both be dead(Randi at the hands of Shinryu or whatever the Mana Beast was called and Popoi as a result of being erased from the Timeline after the Final Battle) and Schala’s home Kingdom would be destroyed leaving her with nothing but a Time Machine she can’t risk using lest she too be erased…

The most she could hope for is to modify the Time Machine to travel across Parallel Universes in hopes of finding her friends in a world she doesn’t exist in… and risk running into an Alternate Version of her Evil Mother trying to feed her to who knows what…

It only took two days of leveling a lowbie healer before I started letting stupid people die for their crimes.

I think I need to go do mog runs or something else for a while.

Welcome to healing. We’re the real arbiters of how well things go.

I’ve got a Holy Priest at max level that I don’t have these kinds of problems on because most people at least vaguely know the dungeons.

I’m leveling an rsham since I haven’t played one since Cata and I’m starting to understand why other healers have a “then perish” mindset.

I like to take it to the next level and assassinate people who cross me with the Prideful aoe.

I like the way you think.

I couldn’t decide so I asked AI Dungeon to generate a list of pros and cons of using a sword over a spear.


  1. It’ll come in handy when fighting flying monsters.
  2. You’ll be able to protect the princess.
  3. It’s traditional for knights to wield swords.
  4. You have a good chance of surviving.
  5. You’ll look pretty awesome if you use a sword.


  1. Swords require more skill than just swinging a stick.
  2. You might accidentally hurt the princess instead of saving her.
  3. It’ll take longer to kill the monster than if you just used a weapon that fits your skill level.
  4. You won’t be as pretty as the other knights if you don’t use a sword.
  5. You’ll have to learn how to use a sword first, which might be a little tricky for an ogre baby.
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I’ve noticed that the later Games depict the Order’s God as a Raven God which combined with her backstory makes the Order very similar to the Arakkoa Outcasts after the Sethekk corrupted Anzu(who promptly started attacking Druids in dreams):

The first sentences say that a Man and Woman offered sacrifices(a Serpent and a Reed) to the Sun for mercy from it’s wrath. The later sentences state that the Order’s Raven God was born from the feelings of the Man and Woman with the Yellow Color of the Sun itself being an curse upon the God of Serpents and Reeds.

The Color Blue used in the Halo of the Sun is also a Curse(presumably because it most likely invokes the Moon God). Red(Blood Offering) and Black(Darkness) are the favored colors of the Raven God of Serpents and Reeds.

The Order’s God is practically a Female Anzu created to counteract the Otherworld’s High Sage Viryx who is also the Otherworld’s Rukhmar(not a pleasant thought)!

If someone attempted to use the Halo of the Sun with Yellow to summon a Raven God of the Sun(due to only hearing the first sentences of the Raven God’s origin) it would most likely summon the Order’s worst enemy: The Sun God. The Sun God would not be a good guy anymore than the Adherents of Rukhmar were! To the Order it would be the worst case scenario!

Who else wants a Silent Hill Game where some random character accidentally summons the Sun God due to only hearing the first sentences of the backstory of the Order’s God and using a Yellow Crayon for the Halo of the Sun followed by the Order’s schemes to summon their own God to fight the Sun God off?

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