Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

Not even thunderous. Just a few folks who can’t stop replying.

I find myself really liking videos like this one now…

What’s happened to me?

Are you trying to get at me or something?

Seriously, I’m trying to express something that I’m happy about and it feels like you’re trying to wreck it.

I see their point, this is the lounge, maybe we put that away? Idk, my 2c.

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I thought she was complaining about some new interest, so I joked about it. The “what’s happened to me” seemed to me like she wasn’t that happy or serious about it. But, point taken.

It has been a bit raucous in here of late. I could do my part to tone it down… at least in the Lounge.

Just the “night elf player” is a bit much. You know I LOVE a good night elf jab, but not here I don’t think. Not to sound too preachy, of course.

No hard feelings.

Especially not after a relatively perfect morning. Didn’t wake up too early, nor too late. It feels sunny, yet cool and airy, and my two cockatiels began singing shortly after I woke up.

I made the mistake of relistening to “My Heart Will Go On” from the Titanic movie and it’s on loop in my head aaaaaaaaaaa

So I recently started watching the Digimon reboot hoping for that hit of nostalgia. The pacing is kinda funky and digivolving scenes, while visually amazing, have not aged well. What I will say is that Digimon’s soundtrack continues to knock it out of the park. The victory/battle theme is hype. The sad theme elicits the emotion well. The openings and endings are all bangers. Some parts of the story I’d argue are improved as well, though anyone not named Tai or Matt still generally get sidelined.

If you’re a 90’s-2000’s kid like me, you’re missing out if you ain’t watching.

Tentomon best Mon.

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They are removing Murloc Warleader from Standard with the next Hearthstone expansion, so looks like I’ll be playing exclusively in Classic mode for Hearthstone when it comes out unless there’s some unlikely really good Murloc cards in the Barrens.

Have you tried not playing murlocs?

A few times. Tried a Beast Druid deck back during the Witchwood expansion. Didn’t like it.

Current discussions have brought me to watching this again:

Only, in the past I agreed with the straw version of Hayek

Edit: I agree that Econometrics is valid. The Austrians don’t.


My sister told me about that yesterday. Not sure whether to be excited, or concerned.

Using Narcissus to let out my inner edgelord.

Edit: Here’s a fun fact. A lot of the Demon Hunter animations use really exaggerated stretching/squashing to give the impression of fast/powerful movement.


If a Show is known enough it will get a Spinoff eventually.

Inuyasha got a Spinoff, Naruto got a Spinoff, Madoka Magica got a Spinoff, Lion King got 2 Spinoff Shows, Aladdin got a Spinoff, Tangled got a Spinoff, TMNT got 4 Shows, Batman has multiple Shows, Spiderman got multiple Shows and Marvel Comics in general has Multiple Shows!

In any case I would prefer if Avatar is in the Asian Fantasy Era not the Modern Era like Legend of Korra was!

Personally I would also desire for Nickelodeon to make a TMNT Show that killed off Oroku Saki on the first Episode with the plan to resurrect him later in the 1st Season just like in Mirage Comics’s version of TMNT did.

And once Saki is killed the first time they should take a page from Image Comics by having Raphael take over the Foot Clan as the new Shredder claiming 1 Foot Elite(with the other 3 seeking to resurrect Saki) and all but 1(who also plans to resurrect Saki) of the Foot Mystics!

I would also want Baxter Stockman to be the main villain of the Show just like he was in Mirage Comics TMNT!

Finally I want Japanese Culture to be prominent in the Show through:

  1. having the Foot Clan own Shinto Shrines(underground beneath New York) with Priests, Priestesses, Assistants and Miko all working there.
    Priests and Priestesses would all wear White Kimono & Cyan Hakama, Assistants would wear White Kimono & Pine-Green Hakama and the Miko would naturally wear White Kimono & Red Hakama with the married ones wearing White Kimono & Orange Hakama!

  2. Foot Clan Kendo Practitioners wearing White/Blue Kimono & Blue/Spring Green Hakama with the Nobility wearing Grey Hakama.

  3. The Foot Mystics that side with Raphael’s takeover of the Foot including the legendary Ninja Jiraiya and his wife Princess Tsunade from Japanese Legend both serving as the Fire Mystics(with other Ninja serving as the other Elemental Mystics).
    Jiraiya should look similar to the Frog Yokai Master Jaken from Inuyasha while Princess Tsunade should look like an Animesque Girl with Long Black Hair and Snail Antennae dressed in a White Kimono and Red Hakama(Princesses have been seen in the same outfit as Miko in Japanese Media) with a Long Pink Ribbon of 50 Millimeter width floating around her.

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Curious to hear what people’s thoughts are about the TBC classic boosts. Personally, I think they’re a good idea (I have 4 60s, if that matters). Frankly, the more I see people absolute lose their minds about it, the more I like it.

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Nightmare fuel!