Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

You break TOS plenty, so don’t use that as an excuse. A lot of the times when you do post, you troll people to get a negative reaction. Trolling is against TOS.

Then report me when I do it. Mods will take your side and I’ll be banned and you can celebrate your righteous victory over the evil terrorist that is me.

But getting a rise out of people with my opinions and thoughts isn’t trolling, it’s a welcome side effect.

Why in the world should that ever warrant an apology? You’re getting upset over people doing exactly what people are bound to do, especially on here, which is gloat whenever their fake little team/person starts winning and seethe whenever the script is flipped.

If it’s a concern of yours, you can bring it up and express your own feelings on the matter. I do think it can be valuable to have a little empathy for other people here. We’re all fans of Warcraft, after all, and gloating can breed unnecessary toxicity.

But the way you’re expressing your concern right now is unproductive and combative, which I imagine is your aim anyway. Every time you seem to come to an agreement on something, you pivot to a new thing to stay upset about. You seem to care more about getting attention than having a good conversation. It’s okay, b, I’ve been there.


I don’t think you understand that there is no conceivable moral high ground for you here after you smeared hundreds of people as terrorists, comparing them to synagogue bombers and church shooters, because they sh*tposted in a thread laughing about a dead video game lady. That you thought this was a reasonable thing to do shows that you are not tethered to the same reality as the rest of us, and there’s no reason trying to have any kind of constructive conversation with you.

Really you should just stop bothering. Plus, you’ll just get this Lounge locked.

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You’re Spudnik. Every post you made in that thread was to troll. Ironic how at the end you said to put yourself on ignore too.

You’re not doing yourself any credit here by linking directly to me offering lore discussion.

Edit: just admit you’ve got a problem with me, put me on ignore and move on with your life.

Toxicity shouldn’t be excused. People keep pointing out how I’m being toxic today instead of looking at the toxicity around us. The toxicity keeps being excused and I’m trying to solve it. I’ll fight fire with fire if I have to. All I’ve done today is bring it up and express my feelings.

Empathy is what is needed. A lot of people on the forums don’t have that. Today has already been very productive. Just because one problem gets solved doesn’t mean I’m not going to try solving another.

Why are you excusing your toxicity when you literally said toxicity can’t be excused


Just because I am doesn’t mean other people are.

How the hell did you people level during vanilla?

Very slowly.

Do you guys want to get the lounge purged, because this is how you get the lounge purged.


Nevah! Players who want Sylvanas to be punished deserve to be mocked to the fullest extent possible.

They have bad breath and they look like a Bantha. I could go on…

Toxicity has a hall pass signed by the principal. It doesn’t need an excuse.

More seriously though, I don’t know if you are even serious or just stoking the Forums for attention. I thought you were a reasonable poster, but you seem to have gone off the deep end today. Maybe you had too much to drink, or maybe you need a drink. I find that drinking is always either the problem, or it is the solution.

Yeah, it is unfortunate to see. People discussing deleted threads and forum action and talking about terrorists and WW 2.

Ah well. I am on my lunch. Maybe things will simmer down by the time I’m off work.

I’m serious. If I drank when I posted today it’d be a lot crazier.

Who? Who am I supposed to be? I don’t care enough about anonymity to post on an alt. Let alone the patience to actually invest in more than one character.

Taking a shot in the dark here but it’s possible Evelysaa didn’t fully scroll off of your post before copying the post link. I’ve noticed that on PCs, the URL doesn’t update if your browser’s still a little bit on a previous person’s post, and she meant to link Spudnik’s below yours.


I meant to link the post below yours. Sorry.

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So this is how the Lounge dies…

With thunderous Discord drama.


I love people getting mad over video games so much. Keep it coming - however, do it in your designated containment discord, thank you.