Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

I dunno why people keep asking who I am, or assume I’m someone else. I only post on this character and any characters I’ve posted on before have the same name with one letter variation. The only time I posted on the forums as a different character was when I mained on Thorium Brotherhood before Cata. I’m not Elesa, Droite, Ivalesse, Akiyass, Sevenbit, or anyone else people have accused me of being. Just because someone dislikes someone doesn’t mean someone else you dislike is that person.

Anyone encouraging mass reporting or bullying should be kicked from their discord. I wouldn’t have been going against the discord if they did that. Instead they double downed when I made the thread. There’s a term called the Streisand Effect. Sometimes when people try to suppress something it becomes more known.

It’s a meme from when a High Elf discord was at war with the story forum discord. I wonder why.

This is BS. Alynsa and Micah don’t mass report people. You’re either lying or your memory is faulty.

It will make me feel better, but that rule should’ve been in place a long time ago. I’d have felt even better if I was given a sincere apology, instead of most of the discord members who responded to my thread being dismissive or disagreeable.

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Sam was complimenting your taste in the buddy cop thread where you suggested Maiev and Illidan should have hate sex and she was in the middle of asking anyone to post that exact pairing.

Edit: Also from Sam.

"Quite possible. I have a notoriously spotty memory. I was just trying to give a firsthand account, not fight on it. I think I’m mixing it up with a time when another poster from another discord, who I won’t name for anonymity’s sake, was getting accused of mass reporting SFD posts. Basically just instances of discord drama blurring together.

As for the old rule being in place, speaking as the admin from ages ago it just wasn’t something that crossed my mind because mass reporting was rare if it ever happened when I was admin. I’m not saying mistakes weren’t made, but the oversight wasn’t one of malice. I certainly don’t have a strong memories of any incident getting reported. And the discord wasn’t setup to be anything verified. It’s entire purpose is ‘A place where I can hang with my SF friends and say the F bomb.’"


I don’t think I suggested they have hate sex, I liked someone else’s post who did IIRC. I did put Maiev and Illidan as a pair in that thread though. So yeah, probably bad memory. Since I’ve been able to communicate with people from the discord in a civilized way and see that not everyone in there is bad, I’ll step back from criticizing it but I will still call out people I see being toxic. All I want is for the story forums to be a place without the tribalism where people are mocked out of spite, I want it to be a place where everyone can get along and enjoy what interests them without antagonizing others.


I doublechecked the buddy cop thread and you’re right, she caught you clicking like to that post immediately after she did. My bad. I made a bad assumption since I hadn’t actually clicked the link myself.


Don’t make smear threads that exist only to hurl heinous insults at people you’ve literally never met based on things you think they did, and then try to carry it into other threads when yours gets rightfully deleted for violating ToS.

“People who I call terrorists should apologize to me for not liking being called terrorists!”

Evey is definitely not Ivalesse. Iva has a certain… focused derision… that drips from her every word. Evey seems a bit more erratic and emotional where Iva is colder than Northrend.


“I hate tribalism, we should do something about this group of people!”

No, I’m going to post whatever I want. I was informed awhile back that Tewdee lead a group of people in the discord to report my posts and I was proven partially right. He bragged about reporting posts and wasn’t punished for it.

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And if you’ve got any reading comprehension, you’d see that in the very same screenshot that the posts were auto-hidden after I reported it once.

Because turns out, other people didn’t like the posts that were openly hostile and against TOS.

Look up the definition of what ignore means.

I wonder why too. I was there when the “war” happened, and I still don’t know why the HE discord hated us at the time. I’d never even heard of the HE discord before then.

I think the fact you think I’m some giant brigader is pretty hilarious, tho. I don’t even pay attention to the forums, this only started because it was brought to my attention you were crying about me.

You don’t pay attention to the forums yet you care enough to report people. Sure.

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Stop breaking the rules and people won’t report you.

You’re not even remotely right. One guy reported you once 3 months ago and you made a thread this morning screaming that we were all “terrorists” (again, cannot really be overstated how insane that is to call someone for this) and that we coordinated harassment campaigns against you (totally false claim).

You owe far more people apologies than anyone owes you. Your little anti-toxicity crusade is doomed from the start because you can’t address your own.

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Is there something wrong with reporting people who violate TOS though? Everyone here has a responsibility not to post stupid stuff they know is gonna get them pwned.

I’ve made a few bad posts that got reported/edited/deleted, every time I kinda agree with the decision. That’s the price of being edgy, baby.


People can report you without the rules being broken.

The people who mocked players that want Sylvanas to be punished should apologize.

What does this have to do with anything? What a wild tangent to run down.


Yes and in the screenshots you provided, everyone discouraged the idea of mass reporting and I commented that I just had to report on one character.

Because again, as it turns out, reporting a post that breaks the rules can get them hidden if enough people see it and goes “oh hey, that breaks the rules.”

And this was in a thread where we were getting mass reported.

Your “evidence” of a mass report is me being annoyed, considering it and then not doing it because turns out I didn’t have to. I just needed to report it on one character.

From what I know, a lot of people from the story discord made a ton of posts mocking people when the No More Lies cinematic came out.