Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

Like putting on a shirt

Exactly. Everyone knows Iā€™m right about that too.

I picked up Trine 4 a few days ago on discount and 100%ed it today. Man, what a beautiful game. I missed out on the third game but I heard it wasnā€™t too good, but 4 was a big improvement over the first two games, which I already enjoyed a lot.

I suffer from a bad case of ā€œoverthinking the puzzlesā€ though. It was like the game version of that video where everything goes into the square hole, except I was practically jumping up and down trying to cram them in because I either missed obvious solutions, or thought they were too simple to work.

I watched the Q&A a little while ago. Sorry Nightborne.

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They removed the timer for Torghast real quick, so thereā€™s that. Canā€™t say I agree with your M+ comment, though, because the timer isnā€™t baseline - itā€™s added in conjunction with many other features to create a new piece of content.

Oh, and also CMs in MoP and WoD - some of the best stuff the gameā€™s introduced.

It was surprising to hear Ion talk about how heā€™s moved closer towards the idea of Alliance and Horde players getting to play together.


Both in game and out, slavish adherence to idealism is bad.

Making factions a ā€˜story onlyā€™ thing would be the best thing for this game at this point. The money theyā€™d make would be astronomical, as well, which is their primary concern.

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I would love this. Either make the factions optional, or let players ā€œpickā€ a faction.

There are too many classes and races with narratives that are shackled by the factions they are chained too.

My ideal scenario is that everything would be as it is now, except Alliance and Horde players could communicate and can group up for PvE (and of course join the same guilds). I donā€™t think that a dwarf should be able to quest in Durotar; by ā€˜story onlyā€™ I meant that functionally, in universe, itā€™s not reflected, and itā€™s a ā€œmetaā€ thing that we can group up.

Thatā€™s entirely possible. There are quests in the game already racially marked, and for example a Dwarf canā€™t do a quest marked exclusive to Draenei, so likewise could just set Alliance/Horde quests to Alliance/Horde races only (similar to collectables) even if an Alliance and Horde player could group up together.

It wouldnā€™t be any different from grouping as a Night Fae covenant player helping out a Bastion covenant player even though they canā€™t pick up each otherā€™s campaign quests, or grouping with a player whoā€™s hostile with Booty Bay when youā€™re exalted with them.

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I was going to post this in the thread I made about the discord, but Iā€™ll post it here since Iā€™m not going to make another topic about it. Someone was nice enough to take some screenshots. So here.

What are those screenshots for again? IDK what the drama is, but I crave the tea.

That thing about Treng vs. Dreadmoore is pretty accurate though.

About how the story forum discord are bullies that gang up on people.

The one where Valkoā€™s going : / is also cutting off his next line telling Tewdee not to do that.


Sure, you get any big group of nerds who spend too much time obsessing and arguing over something and eventually some of those nerds will band together and bully each other for some opinion or another.

I donā€™t think mass reporting is enough of a problem on SF to go on an out-of-context screenshot crusade about it though. I mean, goodness, Katieraā€™s still around and Iā€™m still forced to read her posts all the time.


Iā€™m glad there are people there discouraging the reporting. It is proof though of people in there encouraging posters to be reported though. I donā€™t think itā€™d be a problem if whoever moderates the discord would handle situations like this.

Also, to try to remain transparent about it, hereā€™s another screenshot of all of the times your name has popped up in the Discord, not including a single screenshot I posted where you said people were harassing you (and I did later say that itā€™s messed up if anyoneā€™s actually doing it). Spoiler tag for vertical length.

Edit: And one cut-off post from Katarn saying ā€œFittingly enough Evelysaa in the lounge on the forums was just talking (beep) about tumblrā€ dated September 24th of 2020. Thatā€™s the oldest reference.

Youā€™re just not a topic that comes up unless someone sees terrorist discord comments being made. And like Vozul said, even if the discord did do any sort of public report brigading, Katiera would be way higher on any hypothetical list.


What should the mods do about it? A warning? Temporary kick? Mandatory minimum hour of femboy hypnosis videos per offense? Good girls donā€™t mass report.

Whereā€™d the terrorist thing come from? If that was actually said, thatā€™s hilarious.


As far as I know, itā€™s just an adopted meme like the ā€œSylvanas Defense Forceā€ gag title.

And because I want to make it clear myself, I do not support any harassment or report brigading either. And while I have reported posts in the past, Iā€™ve never used it in a weaponized manner nor advertised that Iā€™ve ever done it because thatā€™s just tacky at best and because I know that would be a wink-nudge implication. Anyone bothering you in-game is crossing a line and nobody deserves that, especially over something as sad as bickering over an MMO story.

Also one last thing, a message from Samariyu, the original creator of the discord channel (although if I recall correctly, had stepped down from it all long before any of this):

"Since all the evidence presented is essentially from 1 or 2 people over the course of a 24 timespan on 1 occasion, stop calling the whole discord terrorists. Especially when there were people discouraging it. As was pointed out, itā€™s just a few bad actors. This is clearly not a regular behavior the discord engages in. Itā€™s a rare occurrence orchestrated by a few people at best. There is no mass brigading to report posts.

If memory serves, because I was there that day, 2D was reporting a post in response to either his or Valkoā€™s post being mass reported. I didnā€™t like it, but Iā€™m not his mom or his mod.

If it makes you feel any better, I and probably others will submit a suggestion to the mods that a new rule should be added punishing anyone who talks about mass reporting posts for troll reasons. The mods are reasonable people, theyā€™ll probably agree. Just stop smearing the few hundred people in the discord because a handful have done this on a handful of occasions."

Edit: asdksjdfks quote-related forum stuff is so wonky sometimes.