Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

She did Delas Moonfang in Legion, too. As well as being one of the better (if not the best) guest stars on Critical Role.

You find all kinds of stuff, looking into voice actors. Like that Gul’dan is actually kinda hot. Or that the guy that does Velen also did Elothir, and like 10 other characters in Legion (and most recently, Mikanikos)

Got my Blood Elf paladin her Venthyr covenant helm.


Wowee that works damn well, doesn’t it?

I should also mention that she voiced Brooha from Glitter Force.

I’m starting to want a TV Show that goes heavy in referencing Characters.

How? By having a sealed away Ancient Evil turn out to be an Evil Sword working for a Werewolf Oni Clown Scientist(a reference Brooha’s Clown Boss and Oni & Wolf compatriots sharing a voice with Professor Tomoe) who serves a Tigerman(a reference to Pharaoh 90 sharing a voice with Tiger’s Eye)!

The Tigerman would of course serve the Queen of the Dark Moon who would be a cross between Nehelenia, Zirconia/Old Nehelenia, Rita Repulsa, The Accuser and Arisa Bunnings(who has an identical voice to Reinforce Zwei who according to one source is voiced by Laura Post who voiced Nehelenia).

The Queen of the Dark Moon naturally has a Mirror contains the Dead Moon ruled by the Queen of the Dead Moon who would be a cross between Nehelenia, Zirconia/Old Nehelenia, Baroness Vashj, Azshara, Reinforce Zwei and Kanna(who shares a JP Voice with Reinforce Zwei).

There would be a Queen of the Light Moon who would be a cross between Queen Serenity and every famous character she shares a Voice with: Princess Kaguya Otsutsuki(JP Voice), Alexstrasza, Konata Izumi, Yoruichi Shihōin, Scorpina, DD Girls(the notion of the Queen of the White Moon siding with the Evil Sword she sealed away is just too funny) and Haruhi Suzumiya!

I still find some of their choices odd. But the Flynn Fairwind sounds nice.


Holy sugar content.

I didn’t think it was that bad. But I grew up drinking tea that’s immediate-onset diabeetus for weaker mortals. So, I don’t really have an unbiased palate to judge with.

Tea belongs in a harbor.

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Hell yeah it does! I’m ready for another tea party!

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There’s a political joke in there.

When robots gain sentience and start demanding we treat them like people this is either going to be like showing off their awkward teenage phase or a hate crime.


happy new year all


Well, we (more or less) made it. I’m not sure if 2021’s magically going to be better because of something as arbitrary as a calendar change. But at least 2020 is over.


Reports speak of A Certain Scientific Mental Out spinoff of A Certain Magical Index is being made…

As is known by Fans A Certain Scientific Railgun is popular and Shokuhou Misaki is getting popular as a character. I wonder what type of shenanigans she will get up to…

Personally I’m hoping she has to deal with an incompetent Cave Johnson type character running a massive Science Facility that he improperly runs with his incompetence preforming inane experiments like:

  1. Giving Test Subjects Fluorescent Calcium that will vitrify the frontal lobe if they picture the scenario
  2. Have them experiment in buildings made of Asbestos(of course since Japan used Asbestos heavily until recently Shokuhou’s very School might be made of Asbestos)
  3. Injecting Praying Mantis DNA into Test Subjects turning them into Praying Mantis-Men
  4. Having Folding Chairs that cause tumors(X-Ray Chairs)
  5. Turn their Blood into either Gasoline or Peanut Water
  6. Create a Funnel of Liquid Asbestos for Test Subjects to move across areas
  7. Create a walkway of Hard Light that will burn any nearby face

Shokuhou Misaki would probably be baffled and horrified by the sheer absurdity of the Research Lead’s incompetence especially if it requires the Doctor to scoop out tumors from her!

This thread is too low.

In other news, I’ve finally progressed enough to dom- I mean “save” Price Kael’thas’ soul.

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I figured you’d be a fairy simping over Tyrande’s muscles.

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He wanted a Sandwich, I made him a sub.


Run numbers 5 and 6 by me again please. I do not recall either of those being mentioned.

“If you’ve cut yourself at all in the course of these tests, you might have noticed that your blood is pure gasoline. That’s normal. We’ve been shooting you with an invisible laser that’s supposed to turn blood into gasoline, so all that means is, it’s working.”

"If you’re allergic to peanuts, you might want to tell somebody now, because this next test may turn your blood into peanut water for a few minutes. On the bright side, if we can make this happen, they’re gonna have to invent a new type of Nobel Prize to give us, so hang in there. "

As for 7 GLADOS mentions the Walkway of Hard Light that burns faces when she introduces it to you.