Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

Understandable. If nothing else its the fight that proves once and for all that Kurama is the one person you never want to piss off.

I asked for my computer back and apparently itā€™s worse off than I thought. He took one last look at it and he said there were sparks coming off of the motherboard around something called the processor port or server port; Iā€™m blanking on the term. Around where the copper wiring is. I was hoping maybe I could get it checked out by Geek Squad or something (since I assumed he hadnā€™t been making any progress) and apparently they charge $150 an hour just to look at it.

The computerā€™s like 9 years old (I think?) and I know the hard drive was on its way out anyway. My father offered to foot the bill for a new one but I feel like hot garbage for needing a hand-out this way.


Probably a personal question but do you not work?

Iā€™ve had an embarrassingly long string of unemployment which stopped me from getting a new computer when my old one broke down.

I know Iā€™m sounding dumb since Iā€™ve brought up even more personal stuff before but I guess this is just a sore spot for me and I donā€™t feel comfortable discussing the particulars of that. I guess I wanted to vent but I probably shouldnā€™t have been using this thread like this; sorry.
Iā€™ve always been super weird about receiving gifts in general, even as a kid. Just a weird personality quirk of mine.


Nothing wrong with venting when you need to. If you want I can start an anti-Horde thread that is pure bait with no substance and you can vent as much as you like at my nonsense. :slight_smile:

Poor Sarm

Thatā€™sā€¦ about the best I can do. Actual kittens would probably be more helpful than me, with electronic stuff :sweat_smile:


The finest in PC repurr.


My own brand of PC repair involves flinging it in the general direction of the bf, while yelling ā€œWhen I hit the button, it doesnā€™t do the thing. Fix it.ā€

I find calling every person I know, one at a time, crying my eyes out and telling them the computer broke and now I have nothing to keep me preoccupied, and this will be a good time for me to keep in touch with them better and maybe visit them more.

Before I know it, someoneā€™s fixing my computer and donating any used parts to get it back up to speed!

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Winry from FMA and Kaylee in Firefly are my spiritual sisters. Growing up on and around farms had its perks.

Any Supernatural Being can easily walk around in broad daylight and not get harassed!

If the Old Gods of WoW were to arrive on Earth they would find not much resistance honestly! The Kā€™thir and Nā€™raqi would be walking around in broad daylight!

Iā€™d be more worried about them finding twitter or the internet.

Wait a minute, that explains so much right now.

The Old Gods if allowed would be so unsubtle that those who uncover the Great Old Ones from Lovecraftā€™s Novels would probably be less inclined to panicā€¦

The Kā€™thir and Nā€™raqi arenā€™t Horrors from beyond the pale as far as actual public perception nor are Black Satyr-like Demons with Glowing Red Eyes.

The only Void Horrors that would frighten the public would be the Void Revenants, Blood Elementals, Large Cā€™Thraxxi and Sha!

Merry Christmas puny mortals.


Merry Christmas?

I kind of wondered what a vain creature like Denathrius would do with a feature as bestial as horns. It would seem hard to make horns fit a fancy, elegant, formal look. But now the answer seems obvious.

Put tiny hats on them.


Personally, I think he has three hats because he heard Theotar had two hats and his pride wouldnā€™t let him be outdone by anyone.

Theotar would, of course, respond by putting on more hats.


Horns are easy to accessorize, whenever Denathrius decides to truly give in to vanity.


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Iā€™ve just discovered a most shocking news: Remornia is voiced by Queen Metalia/Governor Pryce!