Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

DMV is trash.

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I need pie. Are there any pies being made in the Shadowlands?

Arden Apple Pie - Item - World of Warcraft (

Ardenweald makes the pies in Shadowlands it seems.

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Someone took offense to my wording on what Blizzard did to Saurfang in BfA and I got to take a small vacation.

My only regret is not being able to post pictures anymore, but I shall somehow endure thisā€¦ terrible punishment? Mild inconvenience?

The trust level explanation doesnā€™t say so but you can eventually regain trust level 3 again, but it could take a few months of posting reputation regrinding. My guess is that you just have to wait the 100 days for the penalty to decay from the accountā€™s recent history.

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Yeah, I assumed it was something like that. Iā€™ll get there eventually.

Yeah I just got my Trust Level 3 back on New Yearā€™s Day. I lost it a few months back for calling The Prime NEFPAā€™s Goodbye Thread a mere Sunday Troll thread. That creature sobbed and shed itā€™s crocodile tears. And returned using many NEFPAs.

I donā€™t regret it, because time proved me right. So I couldnā€™t post funny little images for a few months - the burdens of truth.

I also donā€™t expect to have lvl 3 for very long. Try as I might.

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I suspect the intern that moderates us got a nice Christmas fruit basket, or something, from the higher ups over the holidays. People are suddenly getting vacations, and some of the moreā€¦ entertaining threads have been surreptitiously disappearing.

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Iā€™m not surprised. There have been an increase in ā€œthis post is hiddenā€ messages so people are reporting more. It was bound to get someoneā€™s attention.

Speaking of level 3.

And when I get flagged, Iā€™m like:

I logged on one day and had Trust Level 3 to my surprise.

No idea how. Pretty sure I should be ineligible. But hey, itā€™s fun.


The impossible dreamā€¦

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Canā€™t believe J Star and Kanye West are having it off (probably not tho). What a meme.

I am sure their love child will be adorable.

Speaking of adorable (but not sarcastically).