Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

I used to have all sorts of trippy dreams whenever I was using ambient for sleep or malaria medication.

Chain saws and base guitars and time travel. Like, wut.

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When I tried to quit smoking years ago, my doctor recommended Chantix.

The dreams I had might have left me emotionally scarred for life.


The meds they put me on have a side effect of nightmares, but since they donā€™t bother me the doctor said we donā€™t have to worry about it.

As someone that used to not have dreams more than once every few years itā€™s interesting to have dreams/nightmares almost every night.


I love that they gave Theotar two hats.

My insomnia medication gives me some wild dreams sometimes. But theyā€™re nearly always lucid, and if things get too far out of my control or get too bad, I can wake myself up, even through the meds. I used to have bad nightmares and night terrors as a kid, so I learned how to nope out of dreams if things start to feel even a little off.

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I have dreams where things start to resemble a previous Nightmare yet no matter how hard I try I canā€™t force the Nightmare to the fore! The suspense is worse than the Nightmare itself!
I donā€™t run into you folks in game too often.


My computer died on me half an hour ago and I donā€™t know whatā€™s wrong and Iā€™m kinda freaking out right now because I really donā€™t think I can afford a new one if it comes to that. I really hope itā€™s just something cheap and easy to replace. Using my fatherā€™s old PC but I canā€™t really do much with it.


Good luck, buddy.

It wont turn on at all? If thatā€™s the case it might just be the power supply which is relatively cheap to replace.

Hopefully itā€™s just that. The motherboardā€™s little lights are still lit when itā€™s plugged in. If I yank the plug out of the wall and let everything die down, then plug it back in and hit the power button, I get the briefest moment of it trying to turn on before everything stops a millisecond later. Supposedly there would have been a burnt smell if that was the issue, yet I didnā€™t pick anything up when I checked. I donā€™t know if that was just due to it already having been over half an hour before I tried sniffing it or not, though.

I got in contact with a guy Iā€™ve used for PC repair a couple of times in the past and heā€™ll be calling me this morning, so fingers crossed.


Sounds like a dead power supply. I had the exact same issue last year.

I truly hope everything works out for you. I have had recent experience with a dead PC and I hope itā€™s an easy, cheap fix.

Best of luck Sarm!


That was a fun break. Now back to gathering anima.

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Iā€™m not saying Elessana went Horde, but I am saying this was a nightborne priest.


The year is 2030. Ilhan Omar is the 2nd female president of the United States, and is the first acting president since the electoral college has been abolished. Blizzard is thriving after the most recent socialist amendment has been added to the constitution, declaring that all corporations are given $1000 monthly from taxs and their female employees get a paycheck increase of 10% more than what they would have otherwise. Overwatch 2 is a massive success due to Blizzard making all the characters nonbinary and wins all the awards at the Video Game Awards, including for Best Storytelling since the antagonist is a group called The Republicans. Goldenā€™s next WoW xpac prequel novel, ā€œReturn to Warā€, has been announced and put on Amazon with the following preview excerpt:

ā€œJaina rode into Stormsong upon her Urzhul with a furious look on her face, coldswept winds following her from the blizzard made of vengeance that froze Boralus. She couldnā€™t believe the atrocities that Reyā€™Becca Windrunner had committed in the name of the Horde, though they did prove her to be just like her mother. Taelia finding the lynched body of Roux hanging from the arcandor was the final straw. Jaina took the two minute ride to Brennadam, where the Horde had continued to laid siege since the Fourth War. Warchief Halduron stood at the entrance to the town, ready for battle.ā€

If they donā€™t confirm Reaper76, they havenā€™t earned it


Can DKs use their runeforging at the Runecarverā€™s room?
I know thereā€™s no practical reason to make it possible, but if they can thatā€™d be neat and appreciated flavor.

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upon getting word from Nintendo that they were developing a CD-ROM adapter for the Super Famicom, we decided to start a project in a different direction from Final Fantasy IV, which at the time was in the middle of development and was touted as a next-generation RPG fitting the large storage capacity the new cartridges had. The development codename for the new project was Maru Island, and we were making it as a collaboration work with Akira Toriyama-sensei after we established contact through Shueisha. I frequently ran back to the office just to receive and look at the screen mock-ups that Toriyama-sensei did in the initial stages of the project.

Despite that, the CD-ROM adapter was never completed. Once everyone learned that the CD-ROM adapter was never going to see a release, they decided to abandon everything that had been planned for development since the very start, including Toriyama-senseiā€™s contributions, and decided to revise the project in order to make it release into a ROM cassette. We said that we would wait for the CD-ROM to make a collaboration project with Toriyama-sensei, but when it was revised, it actually became an entirely different project with an entirely different direction. That was what later on was completed into the game we know as Chrono Trigger.

Thanks to the high speed of the ROM, it was possible to seamlessly make the action visible in the field without the need to make a transition into a battle screen. But in the end, the new RPG I wanted to start making ā€” one that didnā€™t have a command-style battle system (Motion Battle System) and tested the reflexes of the players ā€” wasnā€™t a title that existed at the moment.

Upon seeing that my goal was to make an action RPG, and learning that an ARPG was the next game we were going to make, I decided to make it into a sequel for Seiken Densetsu, so we reestructured everything to use the world setting we had already from the previous game, and Seiken Densetsu 2 was finally completed.

Secret of Mana used Chrono Triggerā€™s original Mapsā€¦

Chrono Trigger even after it discarded the Maps due to the CD Add-On being canceled by Nintendo was going to use some of the Dungeons it represented before cutting them!

If Iā€™d have to guess the Mana Palaces with the Blue Stain-Glass Windows were the Cut North Palace from Chrono Trigger!

The Water Palace would be the North Palace during the Kingdom of Zeal(Green Fire is a blatant giveaway), the Underground Palace would be the North Palace during the Fall of Zeal and the Palace of Darkness would be the North Palace during the Modern Era(since it would be inaccessible during the Medieval Era).

The Palaces with Gold Stain-Glass Windows would be the Sun Palace! The Light Palace would be the Sun Palace during the Era of Zeal(due to Green Fire) while the Fire Palace would be the Sun Palace during one of the other eras!

The Moon Palace with Purple Stain-Glass Windows would be the Palace opposite of the Sun Palaceā€¦ Or the Future Era version of the Sun Palaceā€¦

I donā€™t believe Kurama had a ton of fights, but this is one of my favorites.