Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

Blizzard decided Diablo’s skeleton king guy was Death Knight’s Class Fantasy, and we’ve been slow ever since without being nearly as destructive.

This is a really weird argument to be having. Anyway, I’m just going to sit over here and cry about my mobility in the Maw and other places you can’t mount.

And, yes, speccing into Burning Rush for the Maw is not a good idea. I have first hand experience.


It is indeed. I’m done with arguing with a wall. If it makes Dread feel better that he’s playing the worst at something, more power to him.

This is reminding me of my old raid group back in WotLK, when we were still chipping away at the Lich King. It was only normal mode 10 man, but it was still our level of play. Normally I have a semi-hard limit of raiding for only two hours at a time because any longer and my attention span drops like a damn rock. Also it’d be like 11 PM for me. But we were -right there- and the group convinced me to stick around for one more attempt, and I caved in because I didn’t want to let them down.

The fight starts, I get hit with Wandering Plague, I blink over and jog right off the cliff. The raid leader called it after that and we went back tomorrow to clean up.

Wraithwalk is not great. You have to commit to doing nothing if you want to be fast, and the tiniest bump in the terrain makes it a waste.

My DK has it talented because it is my main Alliance bank Alt. He only goes from the Garrison Mission board to the Tailor Hut and the AH.

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It is kinda fun using mortal coil on npcs as a speed boost hehe - since our hp is our speed fuel.

Good lord, Sorrowbane was a nightmare to unlock with how many people were farming shrooms and how slowly they respawned. It’d be so easy to miss out on the ten minute buff and be screwed for a week+.

Come join us, Fythra. Join us on the class not even the Maw itself can slow down.

As a Vengeance Demon Hunter with Door of Shadows not even mountains can stop me from getting where I want to go. Walking on the ground is for the weak.

Oh and to any Night Fae Hunters:


Just discovered that D&D Edition 3’s Book of Vile Darkness mentions that there were rumors of Demons older than Asmodeus with names such as Satan and Lucifer being among the names!

No details of Satan’s disappearance has been mentioned… For all we know he is either the snake presumed to be Asmodeus’s True Form or he is Zeus and running a group of Archons!

Only just made the connection between the venthyr being burnt by the Light and vampires not liking sunlight? Think I might be developmentally challenged.

Which came first, the idea that Venthyr are hurt by the Light or the Shadowlands being attacked by it?

The idea had to precipitate the means.
“We need to have vampires who hate the light because vampires in modern myth can’t deal with sunlight. How do we achieve this?”

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I just want all you lovely people to know that I enjoy coming here every now and then and finding that you’re all still here chatting about all the things. You are beautiful. Thank you for being here. One day I might even contribute something more than this, but for now, …you’re all just great. :purple_heart:


I just realized what I did to these souls is pretty sick.

So like, I’m in the Beastwarrens, rescuing souls that have been tortured by hell animals for who knows how many eons, cramming them in my little pokeball…and I took them to Ardenweald to turn them into animals. That really can’t be good for their mental state.

When I wrote about this revelation in guild chat, someone replied “you’re the dog now, man” and I’m kind of in awe at that joke and angry that I didn’t think of it.


Everytime I queue for a pug run of CN, I think of this song:

I enjoy the song, but I am leery of our “Sun King”, so I tend to lean towards uneasiness about Kaelthas pretending he ever cared about his people. He was some fair haired boy who spent the easy days lusting after some Human Broad. And then he cared when the deed was done?

I don’t buy it. This song has a sardonic tone, and it fits how I would feel if Kaelthas strolled into Silvermoon.

I just had a dream a little while ago about how Shadowlands will end.

It started with Anduin having managed to escape Torghast on his own and leave the Shadowlands to go back to Stormwind Keep. He starts having a spirit wolf visit him every night, which he isn’t sure is real due to the torture he received in Torghast. A week later, the spirit wolf reveals itself to Anduin to actually be Sylvanas, who says to him that what she’s doing is for the good of Azeroth and asks for him to “wait and see”, then reveals to him that she’s in love with him. Anduin is awestruck by Sylvanas’ honesty and makes her his girlfriend, explicitly saying “You shall be my girlfriend”. They continue to secretly meet in the Keep.

One night, Anduin decides to have a rendezvous with Sylvanas at the Maclure Vineyards. As they hold each other in their arms amidst the grapes, Milly Osworth arrives from Northshire, wanting to merge her business with the Maclure’s so they can qualify to be on Shark Tank. She has always had a crush on Anduin, and catches him in the act with Sylvanas. Exposed, Sylvanas declares their relationship to be doomed and that they can never see each other again, turning into a banshee and flying away. Distraught, Anduin turns into a super saiyan and flies after her.

Anduin is able to keep up with her, but eventually they reach a trailer in the middle of the forest and she gets away. Thinking Sylvanas has used this trailer as a hideaway, Anduin knocks on the door. Answering the knock at the door is Donald Trump, who explains that he’s hiding here since the American people want to kill him. Then two people come out of the forest, who happen to be a little girl and Russell Adler. The little girl says they’re trying to get away from a zombie apocalypse, so Donald Trump lets them stay in his trailer.

Anduin starts looking for clues about Sylvanas around the outside of the trailer. Donald Trump eventually helps him, and Anduin goes to a nearby ditch, where he finds a note in a plastic bag. The note is from Sylvanas, which says that she apologizes for leaving Anduin and that Donald Trump has been working with the Jailer. Seeing the note, Donald Trump gets nervous and says that he has to go back to the trailer because he forgot something and gives Anduin the M16 he’s been holding, then limps to the trailer and goes inside. Anduin then hears Russell Adler’s voice in his mind, telling him he “has a job to do”, so he goes back to the trailer.

Anduin goes to open the trailer door, but suddenly it swings open and a scrawny guy holding a machete comes out, attacking Anduin who fights back and defends himself with Ashbringer. Anduin starts to win, but then a big buff Hispanic guy walks out from the forest, grabbing Anduin and putting him in an arm lock. He and the guy with the machete explain that they’re both the Jailer, and that Sylvanas has been helping him with his plans, and may or may not have been deceiving Anduin. Anduin gets sad, starting to whine and cry. Then he gets stabbed.

It’s revealed that this has actually been a movie being shown in a movie theater to an audience, and everything that’s happened since Anduin has tried to open the trailer door was actually a famous scene in an anime which was spliced into the movie by the projectionist as a prank. The audience starts booing and throwing popcorn at the screen. Credits then roll as the movie ends. Danuser is in the audience and praises everything he’s seen so he declares the movie canon, including everything that’s been edited into it. I leave the theater realizing I’m in love with Sylvanas’ actress which must mean that she’s not a bad evil character after all.

Surprisingly cohesive for a dream. I’m jealous.

Mine would probably end on the “girlfriend” bit and then suddenly I’m at my friends beach house that she now has, but Thrall is also there, but his head turns into a whole grilled chicken (real dream I had) and I go “damn, Blizzard really jumped the shark”.


I’m pretty good at dreaming. I’ve taught myself to be able to lucid dream whenever I want. Though this wasn’t one of those.

Often times while I am dreaming, when something absolutely ludicrous happens, I realize it is a dream, and wake up. The notion of that man having any compassion or empathy would have been such a fantastical moment. Unless that little girl was dressed in a halter top, I don’t see him caring.