Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

::He would be the slowest class in the game.::

Don’t you get both Death’s Advance and Wraithwalk (talented, I know, but who doesn’t swap talents out on the reg?), both on relatively short cooldowns?

Yes. This doesn’t change what I stated, however.

I’m a WPVPer. Being able to slow a group is entirely more necessary than a glitchy run speed increase in which you can get on literally any terrain that exists.

I mean, if you choose to not take the speed boost option, that isn’t a class failing. It’s a choice. If you go the “talents don’t count because I can make a different choice” route, priests are slower; only speed boost is a talent.

Again, swap talents for the content you’re doing. It’s what all the cool kids (and us uncool kids) are doing.

Alynsa even with Death’s Advance and Wraithwalk, DK is still the slowest class in the entire game.

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With both of those, you tie with Pallies; Talented, they get two speed boosts, but with a total longer cooldown because it’s one ability with a recharge. Your two both cooldown at the same time.

For short term movement, you’re both much quicker than priests. They get a three second slight movespeed increase with Bubblesprint, or a speedboost that other players can accidentally steal with Feather.

You can feel bad about the way your class plays in terms of movement, that’s totally legit. But saying you’re the slowest, period, end of discussion, isn’t true. It depends on the type of content.

You know this already and just want to gripe. :stuck_out_tongue:

So pallies tie without having to talent at all? And outside of short term movement, priests are slower?
In a discussion about traversing an entire zone?

If neither of you talent, you both get a single speed boost, yes. You both can talent to get a second one.

You’re the one who changed it to only being about wPVP.

If you wanna go with just crossing the Maw, then the winner of the loser’s club is warriors. They get one real speed boost in Heroic Leap. Everything else requires them to either stop and fight (negating the entire purpose of crossing an entire zone) or have a faster friend ahead of them.

You also then crush warlocks, who have to sac their health for any meaningful ground speed, in a zone you don’t really wanna sac your entire health bar in.

Over a long enough distance, a priest is gonna beat you, but their finger will ache from the constant spamming (trust me on this, it gets tiring quick). Plus side? They can also give you that speed boost.

It’s okay to gripe tho.

I mean, if we’re gonna start throwing legendaries, pvp talents, soul binds and talents all into the mix, I guarantee I can make a DK much faster than a priest, mage or half the classes. I mean heck, all you really need is to go night fae, since we’re now just going total niche.

DK nub, be night fae, dk best mobility in shadowlalalalnd

Anyone who is nightfae has best mobility in shadowlands.
Not every class can heroic leap thrice in a row.

Neither can warriors who don’t have a specific leggo affix.

Alynsa: You can choose to take an option your class has.
Alynsa: Warriors can’t, though.

Dreadmoore: My class has options that I don’t want to take.

Also Dreadmoore: But look at this other class if they take all the options, max their soulbinds, have a leggo with a specific affix, and are in warmode using specific warmode talents compared to me not doing any of that. So unfair.

Jump three times requires a legendary.

Hence why I mentioned the leggo with the specific affix.

Maxing soulbinds??
Warrior can take talents/warrior specific things just as I can take DK specific things. You can’t apply that to me and not everyone.



I’m not.

You did.

You wanted to talk about how you’re immobile. I pointed out you’re not as slow as you think, class-wise. Your counter was to show me a video of a warrior going for max mobility with talents, leggos, soul binds, etc.

I pointed out you could too.

You went back to how he can maximize his mobility… For reasons? And that means you’re slower because… IDFK, because you think that’s somehow countering the argument you could also make a build with leggos and soul binds and talents to max mobility.

IDK. I don’t know why I’m bothering with you. You’re clearly not in the mood for an honest discussion.

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My point was the three leaps.


Being slow is relative to what is fast. 15000% MS is slow compared to 36000% MS.

You’re missing the forest for the trees. DKs have godawful mobility in the scenarios he’s presenting.