Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

I cannot answer that directly because I’ve been going shadow (which is fine). But a bit of shared personal experience? The speed of your next class is going to be highly dependent on what you leveled prior.

I leveled this hunter first, which because of the various tools and tricks in the character’s toolkit, made a lot of quests trivially easy. So jumping on to a less mobile, less durable priest felt slower. I had to actually fight mobs, instead of stealthy past or running by and feigning. When stuck unmounted, everything felt tedious without Cheetah, Disengage and so on.

It wasn’t until I was doing the same quests as someone else that I noticed I was going through things quicker than them and all the issues I’d been having were just comparing my priest to my hunter.
A druid asked for help because he kept getting these stacks and died off of them, so I killed his boss for him and resurrected him just before it died.

I watched Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity’s Final Boss and am wondering: What would happen if the First Demon King Demise escaped the Master Sword in the form of the Imprisoned and Ganon dared to order him to devour Link?

I’m personally thinking Demise would simply just devour Ganon putting an end to him for good! Anyone agree?

I can’t remember the last time I have changed up my mog, this feels weird.

I don’t even recognize you anymore.

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I feel this on a personal level. Though Hunter is second to Druid, for me. There are some places where I don’t know if I would have had the patience to do them as current content, like Argus or Suramar, without being able to hop into cat form, hit Prowl, and get from Point A to Point B. Stealth, dash (and a blink, with Soulshape), reduced fall damage, I can be my own healer (or my bf’s healer, since they nerfed Enh’s survivability), my own mount, and depending on how dicey a dicey situation gets, I can pop bear or pop Shadowmeld.

There’s a reason why, even after every tedious spec redesign and overhaul, I send this guy everywhere first, until I get flying.

I’ve been leveling through my DH first. I’ve been imagining that it’d be annoying to level through some spots without glide.

Yeah, my friends made fun of me in Legion for getting all excited for a feathermane owlcat pet. Now with on-demand slow fall, nobody’s laughing at me now (for that choice at least)! Using that with Disengage, I almost forget to miss flying.



K, so does anyone know if I have to actually complete this Threads of Fate shenanigan? All five chapters? Cuz I’ll tell you, I really hate queuing my healer up for the same. Freaking. Dungeon. For. Literal. Hours. But I really just wanna go full healbot for the last three levels.

Nup. You do, however, get Renown for completing some of the zones’ ‘fill up this bar by doing WQs/quests/etc.’, so that’s something to consider.

Does it bother anyone else that Anduin’s facial structure in the cinematics is so drastically different from his in game model?

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It did back when I thought he was attractive. Now, the only thing that bothers me about it is the distinct lack of a bootprint in the middle of it.




That upskirt though

Someone in Oribos showed me that if you play the Fae Harp and then use your Sandstone Drake mount, you start headbanging.

I guess sandstones really know how to rock. :guitar:


I want to be upset at the joke, but the headbanging dragon is hypnotic.



I want a talbuk mount that uses the unicorn animation rig. I don’t like how stiffly all the current talbuks run.

Same with me. I don’t even want to imagine trying to get around Revendreth without stealthing around in cat form. That place is such a pain to navigate. It pains me to think that back in the early expansions I’d already be flying by now.