Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

That’d explain it. I avoid playing ranged classes like people (should, yet do not) avoid the plague.

I could go on for days about why most of my alts have engineering. Portable mainbox, Jeeves, bombs (I even use lowbie bombs and dynamite for transmog farms), whole bunches of stuff.

Someday I’ll finally drop skinning on my huntard and pick up engi. Someday…

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I had an unexpected windfall of gold that allowed me to buy another WoW token and get Shadowlands for free, so I gave in and got it. So far I’m enjoying it most by canceling all the cinematics and resolutely not reading the quest text.


So you spend gold to play a game with no investment in its story?

That’s exactly how I treated Ardenweald.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading Maldraxxus and Revendreth, though.

I’m thinking of it more as detaching myself from getting upset about the story.

For now, I can level with my roommate while enjoying the pretty pictures and just concentrating on the gameplay. I have a vague idea of the general outline of what’s going on, and that’s all I need for now.

Maybe later I’ll go back and pick up the details. Or not.

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I don’t see anything about this expansion that’s particularly triggering. It’s like people are looking for reasons to be upset because they’re traumatized by BfA.

I finished the main questing storylines for the zones earlier tonight, and there wasn’t anything that I found objectionable. I’m actually grateful that this is so entirely removed from Azeroth’s faction politics. I can just get immersed in this new world and not worry about all that crap. Now, if only [redacted] had been left behind in Stormwind instead of shoved into this expansion, I’d be perfect. At least he’s stuck in the Maw and I won’t have to see him for a while.

Kind of. After BfA, I’m feeling hypersensitized and seeing everything through jaundiced lenses, so that even relatively minor things like having to follow Jaina Proudmoore around would seem like huge deals if I let myself think about it. So I’m not letting myself think about it. Just glide on through the pretty pictures, press the buttons, get gold. That’s all I need right now.

Geez. Within about 30 or so seconds of fighting the end boss of Mort’regar Layer 3, I had 2 felguards, 2 dreadstalkers, several imps, vilefiend, and…4 demonic tyrants all up at the same time (due to certain anima powers). Plus they all dealt 50% more damage.

That boss died so fast I barely had time to drop my jaw. God, that was so much fun.

I appreciate that Shandris is reluctant to let me help her find Tyrande. I do not blame her.

But she at least should appreciate that I’m doing this after near-maxing how much the Jailer hates me today. :frowning_face:

Edit: She did not appreciate it, but I do now know what happens when the Jailer hates you more than all the hate in hateworld.

It was more fun than I thought!

Do you think that eventually in a later patch they’ll lift transmog restrictions on covenant sets? Or is that just wishful thinking?

I went Night Fae for the mail and backpack, figuring in the longterm I’d be happier having those, but on every other front I wish I chose Kyrian.

If they do, I imagine it’ll be well after Shadowlands is over, since Covenants are the new hotness. If it happens before 10.0, I’d be shocked, though I’d guess 11.0 as more likely.

I did my world quests in my damned gimmick troll mask.

Thank goodness I caught myself before I queued up for heroics.

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So, this is a thing.


/tries to look every where other than the middle

I saw a Vulpera I think. That might be good. Maybe their lore will be expounded upon.

Yeah, the cover is… something. There’s all these side races, like Tuskarr and Dragons. Villain races, like Kobolds and Sirens. Then just a heap of Human Potential in the middle. And Vulpera that look like cats.

That said, when I showed it to a friend, I did say if it was being released sooner, I’d be interested. I’m having trouble integrating folklore into my homebrew setting. Quaint misinformation is kind of hard to foster in a setting where an archfey or celestial or whatever can wander through at any time, and be like, “Actually, this is how it really is”.

Looks cute. I think the only weird thing is the Kobold design.

How slow is holy priest leveling? I’m thinking I’ll do that for my Kyrian character since they turn into spirit healers on death.