Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

I hope you guys had yourselves a good thanksgiving and also a good weekend as well this month.

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:recycle: with a 3-7 Symbol is not likely to be recycled(7 is absolutely not capable of being recycled) so just toss those Plastics into the Garbage can…

I was running Torghast with my mom last night and she has done two things that are extremely stupid. The first thing she did was sell her gun because the staff had better stats and she wasn’t paying attention to weapon type. We didn’t notice this until the first fight. The second big mistake was turning the turret traps back on when my back was turned. That nearly killed both of us.
I love my mom, but she is not the best gamer at times.


That’s exactly why they were added. They knew they were too heavy-handed with night elves and now are throwing meat scraps to the peasants.

The only thing I actively dislike about Ardenweald is Ysera’s new voice actress. I love her for Valeera, but all the characters she’s voiced have been Valeera. It annoyed me greatly when she started speaking, I was just like ??? hello ?

Other than that, I’m enjoying greatly the squabbling going on about Ardenweald here. Both “sides” are missing the point each “side” is making.

Quick protip for Night Fae players.

You can use Soulshape to avoid falling damage exactly like a mage’s Blink spell. For people who haven’t played mage to try Blink that way before, the best time is to try to wait until the last second before you hit the ground, to give your Soulshape the best chance to “snap” to the ground that you’re about to land on. Solid, smooth ground is the best, if you’re making a planned jump.

Blinking too early mid-drop just causes you to reset your falling speed, which might save you after a long drop anyway, but be prepared to take at least a little falling damage. It’s always worth attempting though, especially if you may land on enemies.


Been doing that all over the place with wild charge this expansion. Taking elevators is for suckers.


laughs in demon hunter


Pfft, Soulstone and rez like a boss.

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laughs in engineer

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smirks with smugness in DH w/ Engineering.

Gently pats Clawful, the owlcat hunter pet with on-demand slowfall

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You all are very mean. :cry:

We laugh out of love, I promise.

I like the teleporting, using the AH outside of Borewind/Snorgrammar, the travel speed of the glider/nitroboosts, looterang, and so many other toys. Anya’s had Engineering since Vanilla for PvP, I love it so much.

Samariyu asked me to ask you to rejoin the discord so she can enjoy your smugness again.


same but question

How is this intended to be used? I’ve always felt like I wasted less time just by looting normally.

By not running up to a corpse and looting. Really helpful if you’re a Druid in flight form, on the move and don’t want to stop, or the bodies are really spread out. Also great if you kill a mob in a place where you can’t reach the body.

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Ranged classes, mobs that die half up a wall and can’t be reached to loot (meaning half the trolls I kill while questing in STV), so many other reasons.