Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

Skin the butt Anelaan. It is your destiny.


oooogh. I really love Maldraxxus’s cast. I love their purpose. The plate armor is fantastic. But I dislike the zone and a lot of the visual themes a lot. It leans too heavily into being a barren landscape filled with shrooms and bones.

But… I love spooky castles. And mirror portals. And teleporting. That’s fun. DK is the slowest class in the entire game. But I hate the whole “heh you’re a butler for a party gg wp no re”. Also, I really, really don’t think the Venthyr cast is even a quarter as endearing as Maldraxxus.

why, blizzard
why you do dis to me

I love Maldraxxus. Since I started in Wrath it feels like coming home being surrounded by undead, scourge, and desolate wastes.

Also, I love the… plague doctor and his slimes. Plus the unexpected additions to the group.


Oh my god I just got to Revendreth and I already love it.

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All the talk of The Maw keeps making me think of Little Nightmares. I’m half expecting to meet a void corrupted girl in a yellow raincoat that drains the anima from everything around her.

Just discovered(by hearing him say “My Paragon! I have failed you!” after we kill his Bone Wraith form he was forced into by the House of Rituals’ Necromancer in Bastion) that the one of the Audio in WoWhead’s video of Denathrius’s Audio is not from Sire Denathrius but the Hand of Courage(I.E. the second in command to the Paragon of Courage)!

Why WoWhead and other Audio Sites randomly assumed all similar Voices were Sire Denathrius is beyond me! Seems premature and it was!

I just got to Maldraxxus and already I want to leave. I’d ask someone to kill me but I’m pretty sure these necromancers would just raise me again.

I can smell the rot and musk in the air, someone send help
And perfumes


I’ve been thinking the same thing about Maldraxxus. Like it’s just more boring Scourge architecture. Bleh.

I got flung into a deadly mosh pit with war mode on and a 150% damage boost on release day. I must’ve farmed 200 honor right and there.

It was a pretty good first impression.


I’m confused by the wyvern and raptor Soulshape options. Don’t the devs know these forums hath decreed Ardenweald a Night Elf zone?

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Ysera’s nightmare of Deathwing’s betrayal in Ardenweald uses Kalecos instead of Malygos. How do you make a mistake like that? Not just his model, it’s his audio too when you click on him.

Taelia’s first reaction to meeting her dad was to use his trauma as leverage to emotionally blackmail him into risking his sanity, big red flag.

You can do better Anduin.


I think the spirit wolf Te’zan in Ardenweald might be intended to be a troll-reminiscent character, but I’m not quite sure. It felt like one of his voice acted lines had a hint of the accent, and I caught a fragment of one of his sentences being shortened in the way troll dialogue is typically written. Also his name seemed like a red flag for it. I kinda hope it’s intended.

Pretty awkward for you-know-who’s wildseed to bond to me, though. I know that’s the nature of a single player story experience, but I feel like I’d be one of the last people it would want to attach to. :no_mouth:


I tried exploring some of the disconnected island bits in Ardenweald with my fairy dust. There wasn’t a whole lot, just “this might be a random spot you teleport to in a patch quest” kind of way. But I thought I could make it to this far left island with what was left of my fairy dust instead of doubling back to get more.

I ended up just barely missing it and grazing the sloping wall on my slow descent into the abyss. It’s also how I found out I wouldn’t get safely warped back onto land like in Bastion!

Yeeeaaah, that screenshot is post spirit rez. Damn it.

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My Druid is my Main and he is Night Fae. That is good as far as gameplay and aesthetics. Yay. But my Lock hasn’t had it that easy. The Venthyr aesthetic matches a Sindorei Affliction Warlock perfectly. But the Kyrian Gameplay buffs are waaay better, even at a casual level. Waaaay better.

After going through Revendreth on my Main, I think I made up my mind. The music. The fashion. The attitude. The vibe. I think my Warlock belongs there. It seems ludicrous to give up the Kyrian bonuses… but at least I can carry around a big tombstone and chill in the snoot.

I guess most of us have made similar choices this Expac - Gameplay vs Story vs Style/Vibe. I am lucky my Main had them rolled into one.


My best covenant is Kyrian, the one I want to do the story for is Venthyr, and my fun factor ability is Night Fae.

I went Venthyr and I love it, but I really really love The Hunt and miss it so much.

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Speaking of Covenants.


Those sound delicious!