Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

A friend told me that Heroforge started allowing coloring, and I was so very bored, and one twisted idea led to another and I’m pretty sure I’m committing blasphemy with this.

Peter Pupoff, worgen televangelist

Aaaand now I have Howlelujiah as a reserved alt name.


I have been feeling kind of disgusted with the state of the Story Forums, lately. I don’t mind colorful discussion, but lately it seems half the people who are posting are merely sock puppet Alts on a mission to flag-spam opposing views.

Yet, I could stomach that. It seems as tied to the internet as breathing is tied to life.

But that picture… I am offended. It makes me wish the Forums asked permission before images that others post become viewable to me.

I guess that is some website that lets you design your own model? It looks like a Warcraft Worgen was placed into a Robot Chicken Cartoon, and then placed into an old Gumby Cartoon.

I can’t even…

On a more positive note, the name:

is kinda punny.

But I could have done without that image.


I had forgotten that was even in the works.

Well, I’m going to be busy for a while, now.

Wait, is that out now!?

Welp. This paper just got put on hiatus. I got a Tabaxi Warlock to play with!

I’ve gotten something from them before. I’m interested in seeing the quality of the colored ones. I’m not great at painting faces and what all, so seems cool.

Huh I got a beta invite. I don’t even remember signing up.

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Yep. I went ahead and made my first ever DnD character in it last night. A Vallerian (homebrew race my DM made, basically a militaristic race the Primordials made way back in the beginning of the world to slay the gods, by crossing Primordials and Elves) Druid/Master of Many Forms.

Had a mild bit of sticker shock. Vallerians are 8-10 feet tall, so I had to get the XL mini. It was a better price than I was expecting, especially being custom and colored, but still a decent chunk of change.

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In other news, I was going through Shadowlands things I had missed earlier in the week, and I have come to agree with one of the reasons it’s speculated Sylvanas is doing… whatever it is she’s doing.

as all cats are

all cats

Setting aside for a moment that I lost my own cat last week, the fact is, the Shadowlands are now obviously, deeply, egregiously flawed, and must be cast down to their very foundations.


Sorry for your loss. :frowning:


This is outrageous. Destroy the Shadowlands! Save the cats!


First of all, I’m sorry for your loss. Cats are precious members of our families and lives.


Also, Ashamane went to Ardenweld. Checkmate.

Tear down the system! Free the cats!


The real October surprise - the fate of kitties gets Night Elves to fight along side Sylvanas. Sira and Delaryn make more sense. Perhaps Sylvanas showed them where their Nightsabers might go unless something is done.

On a side note - I had a Russian Blue who lived near 18 years. He was so awesome. He ruled the neighborhood and seemed to know my birthday. I will never forget when two stray chows ran into our yard - my cat scratched them up and chased them away. He was no “fraidy cat”. He was fearless.

You have my condolences.

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Remember how in All Dogs go to Heaven 2 the devil was a cat?

It is greatly appreciated.

I was going to give them the benefit of the doubt, and say they just meant small, domestic cats, sensu stricto. But there are slime cats scattered around Maldraxxus as well, so…


I’d like to imagine that the cats in Revendreth are there to be the torturers. Right now, I’m certain there’s a cat with untrimmed claws making biscuits on Garrosh.


One of my cats recently caught a skink and played with it until it lost its tail and managed to dart away. Managed to catch the lizard and get it safely outside while she was distracted by the tail, but man cats can be jerks.

Sweetest little nugget when around me, a monster when any insect or reptile crosses her path. Torturer might be a good role after all…


Think Goodness that the Allied Race Hut got rid of the Goblin Slums. Poor Trolls drinking Water was Tainted with Garbage and oil water.

You can actually have Color Heroforge figures now?

Yep. I intended to actually get early access to it, but then my bf lost his job because of COVID, and I took on his bills too, and a few other things, so I couldn’t back the kickstarter. After the kickstarter closed, I just plain forgot about it, while they worked on it.

It’s a little fiddly on mobile, especially trying to color small things like the eyes. But it’s still pretty good.

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Aw, Heroforge removed the ability to have a character hold a cell phone with a tail. I wanted to recreate a goofy “business kobold” thing I did a while back but in color, and I can’t do the custom tail pose for it now. Here’s an old uncolored side view of it, though.

Edit: This is too much fun, also what am I doing with myself at this time of night instead of sleeping

Mafioso kobold