Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

If nothing else, Shadowlands will be good for character creation.

Man I’m looking forward to the extra customization. Finally can canonically have my troll shaman actually be blind in one eye, and give my tauren awesome racial themed tattoos. Little bits and bobs to make them more akin to how I envision them.

Hindsight is 20/20, but certain Allied Races could’ve probably just been extra customization. I think this is more what people wanted over additional allied races, tbh.

Would definitely agree.

My belief was that we’d eventually get sub-races, not allied-races.

Traditional subraces would have more limitations though. For example, a subrace would be of the same faction, same racial ability, and same starting experience. I don’t consider those limitations to be downsides, but recognize they would play out differently in their implementation.

So pros and cons to each method.

We just need the allied races to get brought up to par with base races. Lightforged Draenei and Nightborn come to mind as being in need of improvements.

Those are AMAZING. A lot of effort put on them.

Meanwhile we´re stuck with Butfugly “jewerly” (that either makes the Belf look like a trashy female / male¿? or a female / male¿? wanting to use their christmas ornamentation as “jewerly”). Also, the short ears really look disappointing once one tries them on the Dressing Room.

So far, I think we Belves are gonna get robbed HARD regarding customization. Not even the runic tatoos exposed in the old TBC art box nor scars (and we happen to have the “scarfaced” racial leader smh…)


Also eye colours. Three shades of green, three shades of yellow, and three shades of blue, in addition to the blind eye one.

Plus actual facial hair for males, new hair styles and colours for both genders, skin tones and females get bracelets and necklades, not just the body jewelry… which I can’t actually access on the Wowhead viewer.

Does suck there’s no tattoos tho, but they got more than just ear length and butterfly jewelry. I could definitely go for that box art tatt that belf has in TBC.

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Don´t make me say how many eye colors trolls, Orcs, humans etal races are getting cause then 3 almost the same shades seem like VERY low effort.

Facial hair pulled form Velves and 2 legitimately “new” hairstyles for each gender (how many new in humans, again?). The other are reskinned form the already existing Belf options.

I´m REALLY hoping the jewerly -yes including bracelets, the laziest thing ever I swear- goes away back to the trashcan. It was awful and useless.

Well, alright, I understand you aren’t happy with the new choices blood elves are getting. Most of 'em anyway.

I think I´ve only seen ONE poster excited about those. Heck, I got a good laugh tuesday while reading the “thank good that horrible stuff was removed” comments regarding the jewerly in wowhead…

Maybe they did it on purpose so the other races can try to close the gap. Lotta BE’s out there.

Well that was an hour or so of my life, gone.

Otoh, I’m now even more motivated to get those Covenant sets.


I can imagine that they are going to add more since there is still plenty of time and blood elves are the most player race, but I can understand your frustration. Blood Elves are quite underwhelming so far.
As for Night Elves, I really couldn’t wish for much more. The only thing they could’ve added too were highborne skin colours too, bit I was sooo happy and surprised when I saw what we got. I was getting the feeling that Blizzard collectively hates Night Elves but damn I love the art team now for those amazing customizations :heart_eyes:

The new ones are like night and day compared to the old ones in quality


The art and music folks always come through for the Night Elves, no matter how much the story guys dump on them.

The warrior looks good. Did they update the Nightwarrior eyes?

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I feel like the art team was given free reign since BfA confirmed that the story team is high on bath salts and smearing fecal matter on the bathroom walls.


I’m not sure. They do look more blue, but from certain angles, they change to a washed out color, like they’re a blind option. Or flick back and forth between the two, like the model is blinking (which it might be, I had to stop the female model from moving completely, or she’d get stuck in a loop of the turning her head from side to side animation). For now, I’m going to go with alpha be alpha.

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Brings a whole new meaning to throwing it against the wall and seeing what sticks.


Kingdom Hearts Dark Road’s First Episode is out revealing interesting info on Xehanort. Links to the Videos and also to my theories here!

Wanna know how I got these scars?

I feel like many Night Elves, including myself, will probably sport the burn scar for a bit after they become available.

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I’m on the fence about the burn scars, personally. On the one hand, Teldrassil is a major lore event, so of course there’d be physical signs of it. Also, the idea of a constant, accusatory reminder of the Horde’s sins splashed across the faces of my characters and others is tempting.

Otoh, there’s something about them I just don’t like. I’m not half the pessimist Elesana is, but something about it just feels wrong. I can’t quite put my finger on what, but it vaguely feels somewhere in the spectrum of “distasteful” and “thinly veiled insult”.

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You’re probably right.

But aside from the Night Warrior eyes it’s the only character option that shows involvement in the Burning of Teldrassil events.

I actually hope we get more burn scar options, they don’t all have to be associated with Teldrassil, obviously, it’s just a visual with no intrinsic lore behind it. Though I do feel it was borne from that.