Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

That explains so much about Nathanos.


Anyone want to see my Spoiler theories on the latest info on Kingdom Hearts Dark Road?

I lost interest in that game when I found out it was going to be another garbage mobile game.

Got Command and Conquer Remastered and god does it feel good to play Red Alert 1 again.

Missed posting on this guy too much. Always get drawn back.


Yā€™know, itā€™s a shame that demons donā€™t go to the Shadowlands. Iā€™ll never get to face JARAXXUS OF MALDRAXXUS.


Itā€™s funny how the Accuser archenemy of Sire Denathrius the(presumed) Nathrezim/Dreadlord from WoW sounds like Vorazun the Nerazim/Dark Templar from Starcraft 2ā€¦

Now we know what Danuserā€™s kinks are

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Checked the voice again and my mistake: The Accuser actually sounds like Lady Vashjā€™s Voice Actor while she was playing Lady Chiyo from Naruto as well as Madame Zirconia from Sailor Moonā€¦

Either this is merely an attempt to reference the other group Kaelā€™thas is associated with(most likely considering Sire Denathrius has Illidanā€™s Voice Actor) or Mistress of Spies Baroness Vashj is infiltrating Revendreth(very unlikely) with someone elseā€™s Sinstone(it is odd that the Accuser has her Sinstone out in the open).

Look at those worgen customization options. Good time to be a doggo.

I pretty much love the new Night Elf customizations, I was really surprised when I saw themā€¦



The fact that you can customize your Worgen and Human form separately? Finally.

Yeah, I donā€™t have any Worgen characters but I may roll one with these changes.

Donā€™t forget the Draenei. They have some rad new horn / hair (ornament) options.

if only this were live, Iā€™d be waiting in line at the barbershop.

Iā€™m really late because I got tied up in DnD yesterday, but here are the male options.

I really like the two undercut hairstyles. And the vine options were a nice surprise. Now we just need the metalkini armor, and we can look like some of the official artwork for Night Elves.

Looking at the female Draenei options yesterday made me come to terms with the fact that my launch day is going to pretty much be spent in the barber shop.

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These were a real pleasant surprise. Love the leaves/vines options. Going to have fun customizing my NE druid.


hello elfs and elf sympathisers


You can now mess with these options on Wowhead.

sexy undercut for nelfs

body sliders when?