He’s honestly not as big of a deal as the media makes him seem to be. The president has little influence on the average citizens day to day life outside of a crisis. I’m not saying he’s any good, but you have to remember the president only has so much power. Too many people like to treat it as a monarchy. Congress is the real power, and they’ve always have a low approval level.
I never have and never will vote for him, but more than few times I’ve seemingly had to “defend” him from people so frothing mad that they forget or expose their ignorance of how the US government works. It is frustrating listening to people rant and act like an expert when they only ever exercised their right to vote once and only for president. Not for local elections that actually affect their day to day lives.
My biggest beef so far is politicans on the “other” side of the fence that think just because of who is in office, they are entitled my vote. They only put out the minimum effort in convincing voters to rubber stamp their ideas or policies. The two-party system is cancer.
Ugh tell me about it. In Australia we get two brands of incompetence to choose from. I’m glad Trump at least gets his nonsense stream of consciousness twitter rants reigned in by the relative rationality of a group of other politicians. That man picks fights with too many other countries for his own good.
Because its power consolidation. And most people in power crave more power. Washington was like Cincinnatus, an aberration because he didn’t care for power.
Also Fythra why aren’t you in the discord? Sam and Fae requests your presence.
Heh nah I’m sure their Discord is largely fine I just joke about it because I wasn’t a fan of what was said to me but I’ve mostly let it go now. I’m being vague because I can’t actually say it on this forum not because I want you to ask like some social media vaguebooker.
Nope! I’m very silly. My Runescape account also got fragged - but they got into my email as well, memes.
Needless to say, I recovered the account, but now this lady is on another server but now literally everything I own has 150 levels of security, so I’ve learned my lesson… I hope.
My account was hacked before during WotLK. On one character, all of my items had been sold and I had been given max slot bags filled full with cobalt ore. I changed my password and got my items restored, and also sold a lot of the ore on the auction house. Since my mining skill got maxed out, I picked engineering and was more easily able to level that out. That happening was miraculously a full benefit for me, since I got a lot of gold from selling the ore and full free bag upgrades.
Gasp! This changes everything I assumed about the Dying Breath NPC… It is another Forsworn Memory Elemental! A Bound Memory Elemental to go with the Unbound Memory Elemental!
On other news: Maldraxxus is the only Zone without Vinyeti … Maldraxxus is starting to look interesting…
Furthermore Vinyeti means that anything could be added to Bastion, Ardenweald and Revendreth including Bastion Death Elementals, Ardenweald Death Elementals and more Flayed/Raw/Tortured Sin Elementals(Red Sin Elementals).
Soulstalker Doina appears three times in A Call to Revendreth indicating that 2 of her are Placeholders like Vinyeti… Perhaps we can get Bound Sin Elementals and Bound Tortured Sin Elementals!