Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

I hear you. Being already used to/engrossed in Korean/Japanese media, I didn’t have much issue but I understand if others do. Regardless, beyond the aesthetic, the actual story progression is quite engrossing; lot of in-game cutscenes involved that actually feature your character, something that WoW hasn’t started doing until Legion. While apparently this is FF14’s base game which came at late 2012.

Beyond that, I already mentioned class quests, which again, I have to emphasize, I really really really enjoy. It touches that particular itch that’s long since been removed from WoW such as Shamans doing quests to get totems, Druids for druid forms, Warlocks for demons, etc. And not only that, apparently every xpac adds more of these class quests to their respective classes.

Anywho, just dinged level 50 (the max level for the base game) and I’m looking quite spiffy if I say so myself.

The story past around level thirty or thirty-five really picks up. It was surprising after how long of just playing WoW I was in the FFXIV story. And that it kept me engaged for quite some time. Unlike Warcraft, I never had any moments that really broke my immersion, in spite of having no true agency. And even minor aspects like choosing your response (even if it doesn’t change events) is refreshing.

Meaning to get back into it because I have a few quests to get through before Shadowbringers.

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Ugh. Finally got around to getting the Vicious Black Warsaber. Damn I hate pvp.

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I levelled my monk tank over the timewalking weekend and started doing some pvp and oh my god is it so much better with a brewmaster. I actually survive stuff.

The Spyro remake was amazing. Most of it was just a high res redesign, so it’s pure and utter nostalgia. They fixed the bugs and glitches from the originals, but kept in the PS1 cheat codes, like infinite lives, or changing Spyro’s color. The remake of the second game is also just a high res revamp that keeps all the charm of the original. Some people complained about Hunter’s design. But idk what you’d expect from an anthropomorphized cheetah. I actually never played the original third game, so playing as part of the Reignited Trilogy was my first brush with it

The part I really liked is how they took the old dragons, and redesigned them from vaguely dragon-shaped polygons into distinct individuals. They even added little touches to give each kind of dragon a vague sense of culture. The Artisans all have some means of craftsmanship, be it sculpting, painting, baking, or being a barista. The Peacekeepers all have prominent armor and weapons. The Magic Crafters have magical instruments, from staffs to alchemical potion bottles. The Beast Makers have kind of a swampy, nature magic vibe (it kinda reminds me of Troll aesthetics, tbh), and Cajun(ish) accents. And the Dreamweavers all have something relating to, or evocative of, sleep.


I finally started leveling my Troll shaman yesterday. Going through Nazmir again, I love the Gob Squad.

I want more of the Gob Squad.

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Think I am going to start posting on my Void Elf because I just don’t know if I have the will to ever level to max in the near future.

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I’m sorry you felt that you had to leave the Discord Grandblade.

Our little community is very story focused (that is why we all came to this forum after all), and the story in BfA has left a lot of folks with a bitter taste in their mouths. It’s hard to focus on the positives when what you care about the most feels neglected.

We’re trying to encourage less toxicity while still upholding the laissez faire attitude the discord server was founded on. I hope you feel like joining us again some day.

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As a person who was on a forum with a similar culture, it doesn’t work out long term.


The class quests are super duper good.

As an archer, I learned about archery, helped stop a notorious poacher, and helped a snobbish elf to stop be racist.

Then I hit 30, upgraded to a bard, and helped a dude overcome severe PTSD from watching all his friends die.

Plus, and this may just be me, but I love FF14’s crafting system.

I know I don’t go in the Discord too much these days too. Honestly, it has little to do with toxicity and more to do with how fast the damn thing moves.
I never feel like I can get my hooks in to a conversation before it’s off and away. But I do like to stop in every now and then.

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I haven’t dabbled too much into crafting but I’ve heard that FF14’s crafting system is the best of any MMO (with WoW being the worst obviously). Also I find it really neat that crafting/professions are treated like regular jobs/combat classes that you have to level up separately as well.

Also I just unlocked Red Mage and damn is it interactive. Love it so far.


I will remain strong. I do not need a Deathwing mount for a game I don’t play. I don’t need it. I don’t.


Those alabaster mounts look terrible.

Like models they forgot to color.

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I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t tempted. Truth be told, I was going to resub in November (solely) anyway, just so that if I ever come back, my anniversary streak wasn’t broken. That Worldbreaker mount is pretty nice, though…

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The DW mount is gorgeous but doesn’t fit ANY of my characters.

The Worldbreaker seems to be Deathwing before he got the Elementium Chin… Would love to see a flashback to Day of the Dragon or Beyond the Dark Portal!

Hope they can shove this model onto Neltharion in the Well of Eternity Dungeon!

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Hmm, maybe I need to finally level my Mag’har. I have set up as a Blackrock Orc.

But the Collector’s Edition makes me go ‘meh’.

“Come argue with us about hormones!”

Well, now I feel personally attacked.

Were you even on the Disc, Slot? :open_mouth:

That’s hurtful. We’ve even had several PM conversations. :open_mouth: