Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

its a cool game if you like lore and good narrative, i still prefer wow’s dungeons and raids but FF is great in that department too, if you ever need any tips or help i’ll gladly help you out.

if you can, try to get to the end of the main story from ‘‘vanilla’’ until may 27 so you can get a free 4 slot mount from the FF 15 event.

Fate has given it a second chance.


New blood is required. Join the story forum discord. All the cool kids are doing it, you wanna be cool too, right?

I hear such good things about that game, but every time I look at a screenshot I instantly lose any desire to check it out. The art style is so, so, sooo not for me.

That’s what they said about playing WoW and now I’m an addict.


Playstation’s being so good to me. Spyro and MediEvil are my childhood.

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… now if we could just get Toomba!

And Monster Rancher.


I didn’t have a huge repertoire, since I only stayed with my parents on the weekends. But some of my best memories are playing Spyro, level swapping with my mom, and 100 percenting each one, because it’s how she was. Then, after my dad got home, level swapping MediEvil with him.

Y’know, I never actually played Monster Rancher. But I watched the cartoon every weekend as a kid.

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It’s a trap.

It was like Pokemon, except you only had one monster at a time (until MR4 I think?) and you had more control over their actions. Also, they could die.

As a matter of fact they will die and it will be when your monster is one tournament away from something you want and you’ll have to start over with a new monster.

Even with that it was still a really fun game series. I still fondly remember spending days going through every CD I could get my hands on trying to find cool monsters.


I haven’t looked at the forum in ages. Is there anything worth discussing, or is it still a barren wasteland right now?

Sorry for the abrupt leave folks, but I just wanted to tell you why I ditched the Discord. It just didn’t feel fun to go back and forth anymore. It felt like a place where I was being directly encouraged to dislike the game as a whole - not just BfA. I honestly felt sad being amongst all that toxicity, especially when people would just go at it in childish ways.

I’m not holding a grudge against any of you, and I’m sure I’ll see you around. But for now, I’m all done.

Battlenet: Khadgar#1480
Discord: Ben Grandblade#6656


The Discord mentioned in this thread seems mildly interesting. I haven’t joined. I begrudgingly use Discord for raids. The Warlock and Druid Discords are also on my thingy for reference.

When I think of things I have seen in Discords I have been in as I Pugged through raids… I have enough toxicity in my veins, already. I can be very practical. I use Discord for boss fights and class guides.

The idea of discussing lore more in depth, and with less filters, sounds intriguing. Especially with knowledgeable folks like Grandblade and others from the Story Forums.

The idea that Grandblade emo/rage quit makes it sound wild!

But I have enough bile flowing, and I imagine the people in that Discord have more energy than me for Cyber Fights.

It was neither of these things, but kudos for almost making a full post without flinging crap at me.

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Hey, I said you are knowledgeable. And that the reason you left is close to the reason I haven’t joined.

But the post you made is kind of funny.

I vaguely remember MediEvil but I’m not sure I ever played it beyond one of those demo disks they used to include with platinum games. Was the Spyro remaster any good? I enjoyed the Crash Bandicoot one(except for some of the levels in number 1, dear god they were hard beyond hard).