Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

I don’t feel like making forum about this and I going to put it here.

Sigh, ever since the Burning of Teldrassil I’ve been dealing with depressing moods, I usually cycle through and get better by telling myself “Blizzard knew what they’re doing.” But I’m dealing them now more and as Blizzard show their hand of what they intended for this story and I can’t deal with it anymore.

Watching my favorite character Sylvania Windrunner getting the villain batted along with the rest of the Horde but having most the blame on put her despite the fact the Horde player and armies build the road to the Burning of Teldrassil.

Varok becoming an incompetent leader by leaving his people behind when he had no character development in being the racial leader of the Orcs and Blizzard trying to make him the next Old Man Logan.

Baine still having a connection with the Alliance, suffers from no consequence over it and being called the only honor the Horde has left.

Thrall coming back after all the decisions he made that lead we to the mess we’re in now.

Lor’themar saying he owes Horde more from saving them from the Scourge despite the fact Forsaken should get most that credit.

Gallywix becoming the most consistent by default and I hate that fact the more I think about.

Zelling getting killed off for the sake of a narrative that no one wanted.

Rexxar looking dumber then Heroic.

Anduin being put on a pedestal as High King that makes him look more hated then enduring to players.

Jaina looking bipolar then ever being part of this war narrative.

Tyrande ending up like Jaina it seems…

I can go on about a lot of things I don’t like about this expansion, but as the more think about I realized that I couldn’t keep on doing this no more as I just keep getting depressed over it. I’m not good at write, more of talk if anything but if this is how the game, I’ve been playing for least 10 year of my life is going to be like this going forward then I don’t want any part of it then…

Ever time I came here to the story forms it was only to try to make myself to feel better and trying to keep me from leaving the game as people I knew left the game before BfA, used to go by main Lkilled was a hardcore Sylvania support but after burning, however…

Switch to Mag’har Orc trying cope with everything that’s happened so far trying to keep me from leaving the game and to keep an open mind about things and try keeping my bias in check see from other people’s point of views (not done a good job of that at times).

And just reaching a point where I’m just done, I won’t be coming back to these forms until I know how it ends and I like to say thank you to those I talked with shared ideas and concepts I really enjoyed it and sorry if I acted very angry over something.

I hope you have nice days and better tomorrows.


I completely understand how you are feeling for they mirror my own. There was about a 4 month period where I barely played.

Recently, I’ve been leveling some alts and doing some raiding with my guild, but I’m pretty much checked out of the story. There’s only one thing that’s keeping me going - the people I play with.

They are the only thing that is keeping me going.


Seeing it in motion, I’m even more sold on a male Au Ra Dancer.

You can’t post FF14 videos here. That’s illegal.

We can’t let people suffering through BFA find out about FF14!

Posted up my first write up on a Hearthstone deck. Obviously nothing professional, but was fun to think about:

:running_man:‍♂ :police_car:



Well, now I’m sad. :cry:

RIP Peter Mayhew, aka Chewbacca

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Re: Arli asking about degrees several days ago:

My supervisor, who has a master’s degree, just pulled me into her office, because she heard me say “domicile” in a conversation with a coworker. She thought I was insulting said coworker.

Why is it even your supervisor’s business even if you were insulting them? Their job isn’t babysitter.

I love the SW:TOR community. Last night, Republic and Empire players came together to pay tribute to Peter Mayhew. We did this on Alderaan when Carrie Fisher died.

Today, people are being encouraged to play with the obtainable Wookiee companion if possible. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to log in today, but I’m gonna try.

Man, ep 3 was such a horrendous trainwreck.

Thank god GRRM commented after the backlash that the books were not going to go the same way as the show.

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Guy has working braincells after all… I’d be so outrageous as to admit I never liked GoT (lore in the books is so much better… I mean no Young Griff? Wtf).

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I enjoyed the show but never loved it. I had read the books long before when they came out, that may have colored my views on it. They also screwed up some of the better parts of the books like Dorne.

Meanwhile in the books there’s no Night King, so it’s possible he won’t ever exist (which might be for the best based on how bad his finale was).

Indeed… The white walkers and their lore is more mystical in the books - but that may be a consequence of GRRM ignoring them, lul)… I do like their Scourge vibe on the books.

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It’s 2019. 10% of her job is actually fixing the problems that arise over the course of a night. The rest is basically a combination of babysitting, and a bit being thought/speech police.

Can’t wait to watch a “they both die at the end” series!

I’ll be joining the 3,000,000 and hop off Blizz’s wild ride. With Blizz games all around heading into the crapper, I feel pretty good letting my sub just wilt away.

Had fun with Sekiro a lot so Activision got me there. MK 11’s alright, but the towers of time can be kinda annoying. Also been playing the DmC5, GRIS ,Stellaris, For Honor, Kenshi, the RE:2 remake, Hollow Knight, Risk of Rain 2, Warhammer 40K: Space Marine, A Hat in Time, Rust, Deponia, Visage, and some games I’m looking forward to playing:

There’s so much more out there than just WoW, Final Fantasy XIV and ESO are currently booming in players since people are prepping up for their upcoming expansions, but even if your itch for MMOs is gone for good, there are still great games out there.

Don’t let yourself feel obliged to stay subbed just because you’ve been playing for a long time and all your memories, yadda yadda.

At the end of the day, Blizzard ain’t your friend. No company is, but Blizz is more focused on siphoning the cash from your wallet rather than making a game with passion. They just wanted make some profit? Then they should have tried not to be so tone-deaf to their dwindling audience.

You wanna let Blizzard know how you feel? Close up that wallet from them and don’t look back. Simple as that.

Besides that, my complete detachment from WoW came when I started reading the Overlord light novel about a week ago. I know the show is pretty bleh in comparison, but it’s what drew me into the series into the first place, so I’m still waiting for the next season.


Just discovered that the Monk Class Hall grants almost full access to the Wandering Isle where the Pandaren Player loses access to the Ridge of Laughing Winds, Morning Breeze Village, Wood of the Staves, Fe-Feng Village, the Chamber of Whispers and the Dawning Span after gaining access to Pei-Wu Forest.

In otherwords I have no need for my Pandaren Characters as my Forsaken Monk can provide the view just fine!

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So I moved from ESO and went to FF14. I’m really enjoying FF14.

I made a lizard girl. Currently a black mage atm; aiming for red mage after, and mayhaps ninja after that. It’s really nice that one character can access all classes. And all classes have their own stories/class quests unique to them!

Kinda like Vanilla WoW class quests… but better. Lawl.