Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

The Shadow Council/Legion has a different personality from the Cult of the Damned and the Old Gods though…

The Legion is all cunning schemers or “Die puny mortals!” brutes unlike the Cult of the Damned/Scourge and Old Gods(not to mention most of their minions) who are fevered cultists…

I hate those kind of movies because of the same reason. They just don’t do anything for me.

I actually can’t watch any movies with lots of death in them anymore. For some reason, I can’t help feeling about the people dying almost as if they were real. One half of me says, ‘They’re not real. Forget about it’ while the other half keeps remembering them and I get hammered emotionally and then my depression returns.

Odd, I know, but my mind is just wired that way for some reason.

I’m one of those altoholics and have been struggling to level alts this expansion. My 6th one (out of over 25) finally got to 120. I finally figured out why and its not just the crap story we’ve been handed. There’s no real incentive to hit 120.

In Legion, we got Class Order Halls. I wanted to experience all of the stories and artifacts. We don’t have that in BfA. It’s just the same story for each character.

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Same. I am bored of Kul’Tiras and Zul’dazar. If I could level the entirety of my post-60 levels in either Pandaria or Draenor, I would.


I feel you, in Legion, each time I leveled a character it was a different class and with different profession. I could level a character with only one zone, all his profession’s and order hall’s quests and thus it always felt fresh and useful. Now I have only three level 120 out of ten 110.

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I can handle like deaths made to be emotional (Mufasa comes to mind). It’ll mess me up for a while, but they don’t mess with me like deaths in a slasher movie. All that death for the sake of death, especially violent murders, just disturb me in a whole different way.

I actually forgot I don’t mind animal horror quite so much. Sharks, piranhas, giant snakes, stuff like that. Probably because it’s usually either someone who charges off into the titular animal’s territory, despite the warnings of the locals, or it’s something they’ve made themselves, be it flushing baby alligators down the toilet, or playing God ala Jurassic Park/World.

Also, there needs to be more plant-based horror. Before Kul Tiran druids, this short influenced how I RPed my Worgen Druid, with wicker charms, paganesque ritual, etc.

In other news, besides catching up on my reading, my decreased activity here is partially because in my limited free time, I’ve started building a world for dnd campaigns. It’s a world where the “twilight of the Elves” trope never happened. Elves are as varied, numerous, prosperous, and dominant as humans are in other settings, with humans being the ones holding on to niche toeholds in the world.

It’s in a very rough first iteration. But, I’m getting an idea of where it’s going (and where it’s been).


Hey all, still playing ESO. I got a speedy Dwarven Spider mount!

I miss it sometimes

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Did any of you watch the Supernatural season finale? In which we learn that even pure order and creation can be evil. Loved that ending though, got me pretty hyped for the final season.

Oof. Was one win short of getting to Rank 2 in Wild in Hearthstone. Had lethal on an Odd Paladin if I could have survived their turn, and they had an empty hand, but they top decked a card that let them just barely pull of lethal on me. Still, that’s the highest up I’ve ever gotten in the rankings so far. Yay new record.

I haven’t actually tried to push in ranked for a while and never in wild. Congrats, you get a lot further than I do. I think I made it somewhere between 5 and 10 at my best.

I could probably get a lot farther if I knew how to play anything other than murlocs. Alas, I see no point in playing the game without my mrgl minions.

I used to like evolve shaman. It was actually fun to play because you never knew what you were going to get.

Well, it’s been fun guys but my sub runs out at the end of the week.

I’ll keep posting every so often if I don’t lose posting access after Saturday, but if I can’t it’s been great talking with you guys for the last several years.

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Put on a shirt before you go.

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I just saw what Zin-Azshari looks like in game and I am a bit disappointed that some parts are just copy/past building of Aszuna but not even in an other layout, there are at the exact same place than in game with more corral/kelp.

N E V E R !