Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

  1. no.

  2. Who’se Sam and her art? :3

Ask her yourself, coward!


I am not stepping into that discord.

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Go on…

Aw, everyone was really nice when I joined! Haven’t gone back since but that was more because I was taking a lil break from all things Wow.

Don’t listen to Arlifex’s heresy.

Tell him general prices range as low as 30 and as high as 100, depending on what he wants. More detail, higher degrees of rendering, backgrounds, multiple characters, etc will increase the cost. The price all depends on how much time it will take to complete, and the above list of things adds to time. But if it’s a pretty straightforward thing, it’ll be cheaper. I can send him examples if he wants.

Also add in that if he wants something super duper simple, it’ll definitely be under 30. And if he wants something super duper hyper complex, it’ll be above 100. I try to charge to what amounts to between 10-15/hour. All in USD.
Here’s a quick example of what I can get done with about 2 hours. This is what I would define as “super duper simple”

A degree in CS or CEG is absolutely worth getting. The job market depends on where you are, but there are still more tech jobs than almost any other kind of job among the higher paying career fields. I seriously got all my programming jobs without trying very hard. If you have a nice looking Linkdin page, recruiters literally contact YOU. Just follow up with them and you’ll get hired. Tech firms and contractors are always looking for new talent.

The pay depends on where you are in the US, but for a rough ballpark range it’s safe to assume you’ll be making between 55-65k out of college.

The degree is of moderate difficulty, depending on your skills and work ethic. It’s more math and logic heavy than non-engineering degrees of course. But I doubt you’ll ever take anything higher than Calc 3. It’s certainly not impossible.

Last note, do NOT work in the gaming industry. It’s more cutthroat, has worse benefits, and on average pays worse compared to other devs. I know it’s tempting, but you are more likely than not to be taken advantage of.

But literally everyone who got laid off from my last company found a new job within two months, regardless of experience level.

It’s really not that hard.

Web development is a hot trend, though.

Everyone and their mother is moving to web-based apps vs desktop apps.

But it is very much to his benefit if he has a solid foundation in low-level programming. Despite being ancient, C languages are still ridiculously popular and powerful. He should have strong object-oriented skills, but a decent understanding of what goes on behind the scenes too.

I’ve not had to use much math, but that also depends on the work you do. Some projects will require you to either invent or creatively implement specific algorithms.

Some things I recommend he at least be familiar with if he wants a programming job; C++, Java, Python, SQL, XML, JSON, JavaScript, and html5. Them’s the basics. But a lot of syntax and logic overlaps between them, so it’s not nearly as hard as it sounds.

I think the hardest one to learn among those is C++. Just because there’s so damn much the language can do and it’s so easy to shoot your foot off with it.

DM or wow/mail me for Sam’s discord info.


That is some high standards for “super duper simple”.

I’ll just be poor.

Also Discord is fine if you don’t mind 4chan/reddit/lfg chat humor. I’m not exactly a Tumblrina, but I’ve seen some words that I ain’t got time to be dealing with anymore.

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“Crafted from glass and other materials that can only be found in Vol’dun.”

Whaaaat!?! The Sethrak’s electrically charged crystals and gemstones are Glass!?!

That’s more or less what crystals are, or to put it the other way, glass is crystals without minerals.

Making their heavy industry glass based is an interesting idea given that they are actively expanding a desert.

I’m actually, finally, getting around to reading some Lovecraft.

Man, Blizz does this stuff so bad.


It’s sad how I think Mortal Kombat handles honor and politics better than Blizzard.

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I read some Lovecraft when I was younger.

Horror movies? Meh. Zombie apocolypse? yawn. Slasher movies? snooze.

Lovecraft? Nightmares for days.

I’m actually the opposite. Slashers get to me. Death and gore for the sake of death and gore.

Cosmic horror’s fine. If everything’s futile, there’s not much use in worrying about it. Even if the body horror is a bit :nauseated_face:

Implied horror / bad ends really scare me, scenarios where you can tell everything’s about to go to hell or that something’s not right and then the movie ends with that.

The ending to Life (2017) or Ex Machina’s ending for example.

Blizzard does Lovecraft the same way they do the Cult of the Damned mostly… Just with prophecies added in…

I’m sure you’ve heard Lady Deathwhisper’s mad babbling…

A lot of Fiction does this with it’s villains Lovecraftian or not!

Xehanort from Kingdom Hearts, Ganondorf in Twilight Princess, the Darkness of the Book of Darkness’s Materials from Lyrical Nanoha A’s Portable, Demise from Skyward Sword, Queen Metallia from Sailor Moon and Death Phantom from Sailor Moon R are a few examples…

Like one more post Sam and I’m paying you to paddle your character.


Check your tumblr.

Zombie movies are what get to me, but that’s because my mother told me zombies were real when I was like five years old and that they lurked in really heavy fog.

I’m not sure if it’s the MMO format, or a problem inherent to Blizzard. Pacing seems to be the issue. There’s no build up, no slow descent. People go from 0 to gibbering cultist in an instant, or are immediately corrupted.

This is probably part of my problem with slashers. I saw all the old guard before I even started school (and couldn’t stay home, watching tv with my mom). Child’s Play, Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th, Halloween. I also vaguely remember a werewolf movie I’m pretty sure is Silver Bullet. And a movie I’m assuming is like Child’s Play, but with like a little tribal (maybe African?) looking doll.

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