Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

You know it’s weird the more ambitious characters never try to seize control of the nexus in some fashion. A hub with access to infinite realities would come in handy. Maybe it’s been said in the backstory their powers are nerfed outside of battle I dunno.

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Gul’dan was trying to, at least.

Did he? I remember one of him was called in from the dark nexus but not that he tried to take it over.

Well I gotta hand it to him, he’s the only who seems to have realized the potential of it. Everyone else is just fighting each other.

Damn it Sam don’t just like my post.

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What did you need a programmer for?

Asking the degree in difficulty of obtaining a degree/certification.

It’s not that hard. I’m a mediocre at best programmer and I still got a degree just with persistence. I’ll warn you there’s little work in the field these days, every man and his dog has a degree in it so it’s not worth as much as it used to be. Project management is where it’s at according to someone I play with who has been in the field for 30+ years. I didn’t even end up getting work in anything close to the field, I just used the skills I have to get a vaguely related job in web store management.

I think I’m cursed. Every time I do stormwall blockade no matter how good the group seems they just can’t get it down. I really, really hate that craptastic fight.

Once again my disillusionment with college is justified.

Darnassus was criminally underrated. It was so much fun to explore there.


Over 2 hours waiting for a group for Auchenai Crypts. Curse you Nagrand Slam.

Also K3 has a level 120 targettable bruiser right next to a quest giver, and every time I warrior land next to them I get one-shotted.

Is that for Loremaster? I still have to finish Wrath and Cata :scream:

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Afraid so, can’t finish the ironically misguided in hindsight quest chain where you pull a young Garrosh Hellscream out of his funk and teach him to worship his father as a hero, without running Auchenai Crypts once.

If I’m still waiting after 3 hours, I’ll be begging a run off of a guildy.

Edit: The Alliance version may be more forgiving? I am honestly uncertain.

Oh interesting, for the Alliance side I don’t recall a required dungeon, but I definitely plan on doing all the Horde storylines one day. I finished Hellfire Peninsula a few months ago on my Blood Elf and found those quests much more interesting - like murdering a spurned ex’s mistress!

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Well, so long as you’re doing them with someone 85 or higher, you can just face roll the dungeon on your lonesome.

Alas, I’m trying to get achievements and level an alt simultaneously.

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I enjoy doing it that way, I feel like I’m more in the story when my toon still has to put in effort to complete the quests instead of bowling them over with a 120.

Agreed, plus you get to test out different races, different classes.

I’m pleasantly surprised to find out that arms warrior abilities feel very impactful.

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Someone ask Sam how much her pics (art) costs. I have “ideas”. Also tell her to stop making zombie and monster women attractive.