Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

Well… first I’m hearing of this. Now I feel incredibly out of the loop. That’s what I get for taking a break I suppose.

Is this why the lounge seems more dead than normal?

Alot of people have quit. Quite a few are also in the Discord.

Unless you mention seppuku. Then this Lounge will be up all night talking about it.

They might be on a two month cycle too 🤷

Huh. Learned something new today. Seems like kind of a slow place, though.

I vaguely remember someone talking about it when explaining ranks. But mostly let it go in one ear, and out the other, because I figured I’d been in the naughty corner too often to make 3.

It’s definitely slower than other forums on the site. I suspect there are people who simply don’t know they have access to it.

Probably because I don’t think it’s mentioned anywhere on the forums, and you can’t see it when you first come to the forums and get familiar with its layout.

By the time you can see it, you already go straight to the places you’re used to visiting.


You give me hope that one day I can get there too. If only I could keep my non Blizzard approved style of speaking in check long enough to not get a ban by their G rated mod team.

It’s not g rated, but some y’all keep going into R rated territory.

I’ve been silenced for things that are barely even M rated before. Maybe it’s not G rated but it has become rather conservative and prudish.

My removed posts were rated PG-13 (or T). I was taught about the Third Reich in early middle school.

I’m finally getting around to doing Alliance questing. My question is, are all the Night Elves just cool with Maiev again? Feel like the whole Wolfheart thing was never really resolved beyond Jarod offhandedly commenting to us, ‘yeah, maybe it was dark magic or something.’


It’s better if we all pretend Wolfheart never existed.


Anyone a programmer or know someone who is?

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Originally I considered posting the following screenshots when I hit Trust Level 3, but they were a bit too somber for a celebration. The first is my preferred location to log all my characters out at, and one of my favorite places to RP:


And this was that spot at the end of the War of the Thorns event in-game:



Oh wow. That’s the house I used to rp my Night Elf hunter living in. Gal lived in the other one, on the other side of Darnassus.


Darnassus during the rain was serene beyond words.


I guess Anduin is joining the HotS cast. It is a bit weird.

Just wait for him to disintegrate the Raven Lord with holy magic and become undisputed lord and ruler of the Nexus. Edit: actually it’s Anduin so he’s probably going to hug the guy, tell him to be good and everyone is going to realize how amazing he is.

I like Feralas in the rain. The music there is the best in the soundtrack imo.

Well, with his father around it will be hard to say which should be the king.

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